Dr. Poulamy Singha Roy1*, Dr. Saleema Naaz Tabassum2 ,Dr. Siddharth Kumar Das3 , Dr.Trishita Basu4
1Dr.Poulamy Singha Roy
BHMS, MD (PGT- part 1)
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Email ID: dr.singharoypoulamy@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9875-2141
*Corresponding Author
2Dr.Saleema Naaz Tabassum
BHMS, MD (PGT –part 1)
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Email ID: farheenomar41@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3505-3535
3Dr. Siddharth Kumar Das
BHMS,MD (PGT- part 1)
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Email ID: dassiddharthkumar@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4088-3018
4Dr.Trishita Basu
Lecturer, Dept. of Materia Medica
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Email ID: drtrishita85@gmail.com
Homoeopathic posology is the doctrine of doses of homoeopathic medicine. In homoeopathy potentised medicines are used following the law of similia similibus curentur. The principle, the remedy, and the dose are three essential aliments of this system. This article discusses the various concept of homoeopathic posology, types of doses, and administration of doses.
Homoeopathy, posology, potency, the doctrine of dose, repetition of dose.
Posology originated from the Greek word ‘posos’ – mean how much, and ‘logos’- mean study. By posology, we mean the science or doctrine of dosage9. Homoeopathic posology includes potency, quantity, form, and number of administration of the medicine. The selection of the dose is as much an integral part of the process of making a homeopathic prescription as the selection of the remedy, and often quite as important. A well-selected remedy may fail utterly, or even do injury, because of the wrong dosage. Dose, as well as a remedy, must be adjusted to the patient’s need9.
Various concept about homoeopathic posology:
Hahnemannian concept:
- Discussion about posology in Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine:
The more Hahnemann became convinced of the dynamic nature of the disease, the more he sought the dynamic place in medicine, and the more beneficial he found the administration of the similia2.
- Doses in different actionsAphorism 112- Here Hahnemann discussed, large doses produced primary action at the end which is the exact opposite in nature.
- Aphorism 130- Hahnemann advises here to give a single dose in drug proving to obtain the effect in primary activities as well as secondary action.
- Doses in relation with drug proving
- Aphorism 131- Hahnemann says here, if we give multiple doses during drug proving then we will not be able to get a clear picture.1
- Aphorism 137- Hahnemann compares here effects of moderate and large doses. Moderate doses will give the symptoms in the pure form whereas large doses will give the symptoms in an intermingled way.1
- Aphorism 128- Give daily from four to six very small globules of 30th potentized dilution of such a substance, moistened with little water, on an empty stomach, to the experimenter1.
- Doses concerning Homoeopathic aggravation
- Aphorism 159- Hahnemann says the shorter the dose, the shorter the amplitude of homoeopathic aggravation.1
- Aphorism 160- “As the dose homoeopathic remedy can scarcely ever be made so small that it shall not able to relieve, overpower, indeed cure and annihilate the uncomplicated natural disease of not long-standing is analogous to it.”1
- Doses about Chronic disease
- Aphorism 161- Hahnemann advises to give smaller to gradually higher doses with renewed dynamization. Such will increase the original symptoms towards the end of the recovery.1
- Strength of doses in Homoeopathic use
- Aphorism 275- If we give too large doses be it homoeopathically chosen for the morbid state, it will only be injurious to one health.1
- Aphorism 276- Larger doses with higher potencies causes more harm to the morbid state.1
- Aphorism 277- Larger doses will only reduce the degree of minuteness appropriate for the gentle redial effect.1
- Aphorism 278- Degree of minuteness can only be achieved by pure experiment, careful observation, and accurate experience.1
- Aphorism 279-“ The dose of the homoeopathically selected remedy can never be prepared so small that it shall not be stronger than the natural disease, and shall not be able to overpower, extinguish and cure it”.1
- Aphorism 285- “The diminution of the dose essential for homoeopathic use, will also be promoted by diminishing its volume.”1
- Aphorism 286- Effects of homoeopathic dose of medicine will increase more if there is greater the quantity of fluid.1
- Discussion about posology in Hahnemann’s Chronic disease:
- If an antipsoric remedy is given in large dose, although it was selected correctly, was too great and caused the fear that no cure could be effected through it, the large dose will establish a disease which in some respect is similar, but even greater and more troublesome.4
- Hahnemann advises to antidote these large doses when it is known and if not known, then give another antipsoric medicine as suitable as possible to the symptoms and this is a very moderate dose.4
- Repetition of Doses: 4
- Give one remedy at a time—the one most clearly indicated by the totality of symptoms.
- Give it preferably at first in a medium potency with a tendency to go higher.
- So long as improvement shows itself, do not change the remedy, and better also, do not repeat the dose. Learn to wait, for so long as the disease does not progress any further, after giving the medicine, there is no danger in waiting, not until new indications appear.
- In acute diseases, the doses may have to be repeated frequently, according to the intensity and severity of the case; as a rule, every hour or two is often enough, and in most acute, as often as every five to ten minutes may be necessary, but all medication should cease with commencing improvement.
Dr. Stuart M Close9:
v Choosing of potency– The cure may be much accelerated by selecting the potency or dose appropriate to the individual case.
Five considerations influence us in the choice of the dose:
- The susceptibility of the patient– The more similar the remedy, the more clearly and positively the symptoms of the patients take on the peculiar and characteristic form of the remedy, the greater the susceptibility to that remedy, and the higher the potency required.
- Generally speaking, susceptibility is greatest in children and young, vigorous persons, and diminishes with age.
- The higher potencies are best adapted to sensitive persons of the nervous, sanguine, or choleric temperament; to intelligent, intellectual persons, quick to act and react; to zealous and impulsive persons. Lower potencies and larger and more frequent doses correspond better to torpid and phlegmatic individuals, dull of comprehension and slow to act.
- Susceptibility is modified by habit and environment. It is increased by intellectual occupation, by the excitement of the imagination and emotions, by sedentary occupation, by long sleep, by an effeminate life. Such persons require high potency.
- Susceptibility is modified by pathological conditions. In certain terminal conditions the power of the organism to react, even to the indicated homoeopathic remedy, may become so low that only material doses can arouse it.
- Susceptibility is modified by habit and environment. People who are accustomed to long and severe labor out of doors, who sleep little and whose food is coarse, are less susceptible. Idiot, imbeciles, and the deaf and dumb have a low degree of susceptibility, as a rule.
- The seat of the disease.
- The nature and intensity of the disease.
- The stage and duration of the disease.
- The previous treatment of the disease.
v Repetition of the dose:
The only rule which can be laid down with safety is to repeat the dose only when improvement ceases.
Roberts advises that if the symptoms are very similar, we can go with higher potency. The less sure we are of our similarity, the lower our potencies. As a rule, when there is pathology, medium or high potencies may be dangerous.
Robert relates doses with the susceptibility of the people.
- Laws were given by Robert2 :
- The Law of Quantity and Dose– It states that the quantity of the drug required is in inverse ratio to the similarity.
- Law of dosage– The remedy, must be similar in quantity and quality to the dose of the morbific agent, which caused the disease.
- The Law of Quantity– The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the least possible. The decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.
- The Law of Quality– It is inversely proportional with quantity.
- The Law of Use– The dose and quantity that will thoroughly permeate the organism and make its essential impress upon the vital force is that which will affect the functional sphere of the individual.
- The Law of Repetition for proving– Never repeat the dose while symptoms are manifest from the dose already taken. And this law also applies in the case of the law of cure.
Dr. J. T. Kent7:
- Octaves of potency in the series of degrees: – I have settled upon the octaves in the series of degrees as of 30th, 200th, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, DM, and MM. Many of my patients’ records indicate that the patient has steadily improved after each potency, to the highest, with symptoms becoming fainter, and he grows stronger, mentally and physically.
Treating a patient homoeopathically by giving the proper dose is not a new idea but to date, there exists confusion as to what should be the right dosage and the potency for any case. Various concepts and explanations have been given by various stalwarts to resolve this problem. Some general guidelines of dose and potency have been developed from their concepts. If we thoroughly follow the guidelines then we will be successful.
- Hahnemann, S., Organon of Medicine, 5th & 6th edition, Translated by R. E. Dudgeon & W.Boericke, New Delhi, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd Low priced edition 2002,
- Robert A Herbert. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy, Reprint ed.: IBPP; 2006.
- Boericke W. A Compend of the Principles of Homoeopathy. 7th impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2019.
- Hahnemann S; Chronic Diseases Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, translated from the second Enlarged German Edition of 1835, by Louis H. Tafel; Kolkata. New Central Book Agency.
- Wright E. A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy. 7th impression. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2015. p.44-46,51.
- Miller R. G. A Synopsis of Homoeopathic Philosophy. Revised ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007. p.21-22,25
- Kent J. T. New Remedies Clinical Cases Lesser Writings Aphorism and Precepts. 12th impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd: 2016. p.254-255,359.
- Hughes R. A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. 7th impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2019. p.95.
- Close M S. The Genius of Homoeopathy Lectures and Essays on Homoeopathic Philosophy. Reprint edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd:2009. p. 183-211.
- Sengupta D, Ghosh S. Evolution of Homoeopathic Posology. Innovare J Med Sci [Internet]. 2013Apr.1 [cited 2021 Jun.8]; 1(1):9-12.
Available from: https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijms/article/view/62