“Sarcodes contain the information of the biological structure of an organ. By resonating the organ structure energetically, like plucking a string or ringing a crystal chime, the organ’s natural healing energy is stimulated; this not only supports optimal organ function, but also tends to throw off toxins (namely inorganic heavy metals) at the same time.”
– David Lowenfeld
Sarcodes are preparations from physiological, healthy tissues and secretions. They may be considered to belong to the animal kingdom. They belong to the branch of homeopathy called ORGANOPATHY – developed in France, used for generations and even the highly esteemed C. Hering advocated their use as early as 1834.
Most sarcodes have not been proved and are prescribed clinically rather than homeopathically, but there are some exceptions.
Homeopathically, these remedies restore targeted glands or organs by producing the healthy template of the tissue from which the body can be rebuilt, restored, and restimulated.
Michel M. Bouke Levy stated, “Healthy organ extracts or organ secretions prepared according to the general rules of homeopathic remedies, which will help to slow down the natural and pathological deterioration of the organ.”
- Healthy Endocrine gland as a whole
- Healthy secretions of endocrine glands
- Normal secretions of animals or humans
- Products of animal glands and tissues (except secretions from poisonous animals and venoms)
- Healthy organs of animals
- The animal must be perfectly healthy.
- The animals should be kept under observation on a restricted diet before the drug substance is collected from them.
- The product or parts that are to be used must be treated first.
- The products and parts should be collected from standard serological laboratories who deal with the manufacturing of culture of organisms.
- The ‘endocrine’ products and few ‘enzymes’ may be collected from cattle, sheep, etc. from the slaughterhouse.
Decimal Scale
Fresh source material is coarsely ground. 1 part of it is combined with 9 parts of glycerin (85%) and homogeneously dispersed and sucssed with ten equal and uniform downward strokes to produce 1X potency. It may be filtered if necessary.
1 part of 1X and 9 parts of glycerin (85%) with ten strokes, gives 2X potency and so on.
Centesimal Scale
Fresh source material is coarsely ground. 1 part of it is combined with 99 parts of glycerin (85%) and homogeneously dispersed and sucssed with ten equal and uniform downward strokes to produce 1C potency. It may be filtered if necessary.
1 part of 1C and 99 parts of glycerin (85%) with ten strokes, gives 2C potency and so on.
Specifics from Monographs of HPI:
- Adrenalinum: Internal Secretion of adrenal medulla
Allens Key note states “Extract of suprarenal bodies”
100 gm of Adrenalin triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Adrenocorticotropin: Anterior Pituitary gland of Pig
Extracting acetone dried powder of the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland of the pig with 16 volumes of glacial acetic acid at 70°C, filtering, precipitating impurities from the filtrate by the addition of 8 volumes of acetone and precipitating the active materials by the addition of an equal volume of solvent ether, the precipitate being washed free from acetic acid with acetone. The precipitate is purified by absorption or oxycellulose or carboxymethyl cellulose or by another suitable method. If other methods of preparation are used, they should not involve any obvious hydrolysis or degradation of the active material. The purified material may be sterilised by a process of filtration and is dried by a suitable method.
100 gm of ACTH mixed with purified water to make 1000 ml of Mother Solution. 2x and 3x in purified water; 4x and higher with dispensing alcohol.
100 gm of ACTH triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Aorta: Aorta arising from the heart of an animal
- Arteria: Large artery of an animal
- Bulbinum: Medulla Oblongata of an animal
- Cartilage Suis: Cartilage of Pigs
- Castoreum: Dried Graffian Follicles of Ovary of an animal
- Cerebellum: cerebellar part of brain of an animal
- Cerebrinum: Cerebrum part of brain of an animal
- Cholesterinum: Cholesterol
Prepared from the spinal cord of cattle by petroleum ether extraction of the non-saponifiable matter. Purification is done by repeated bromination.
Allen’s Key notes states “Prepared from gall stones” and Boericke Materia medica states “Furnished by the epithelium of gall bladder and the larger bile ducts”
100 gm of Cholestrinum triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Cholinum: Gossypine
Basic constituent of lecithin, found in many animal organs like bile, brain, yolk of eggs, hops.
100 gm of Cholinum triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Coenzyme A
Isolated from animal source. White to slightly yellowish amorphous hygroscopic powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, ether, and acetone.
10 gm of Co-A mixed with 900 ml purified water to make 1000 ml of Mother Solution. 2x and 3x in purified water; 4x with 20% alcohol; 5x and higher in 50% alcohol.
100 gm of Co-A triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Colon: Healthy colonic mucus membrane of an animal
- Colostrum: Mothers milk after recent birth of a baby
- Conjunctiva: Conjunctiva of an animal
- Corpus Luteum: Ovaries of a pregnant animal
- Corticotropinum
- Cortisonum: Adrenal Cortex of man
100 gm of Cortisone triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Diaphragma: Diaphragm of an animal
- Discus Invertebralis: Intervertebral disc of an animal
- D.N.A.: Thymus and Laitance of fishes
- Duodenum: Duodenum of an animal
- Embryo Suis: Embryo of Pig
- Fel Tauri: Fresh bile of Ox Gall Bladder Fresh bile obtained from the bovine gallbladder.
100 gm of Cysteinum triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Fel Vulpis: Fresh Gall bladder of fox
- Fibrinum: Fibrin of an animal
- Folliculinum: Oestrone (oestrogeneic hormone secreted by Graafian follicle of ovary)
- Gastric Mucosa: Inner lining of stomach of an animal
- Hemoglobinum: Hemoglobin of an animal
- Hepatine: Healthy liver tissues of an animal
- Hypothalamus: Hypothalamus of Ox
- Insulinum: β-cells of Islets of Langerhans of Pancreas of an animal
- Ingluvinum
- Labrynthinum: Labyrinth of an animal
- Lac Asinum: Donkey’s milk
Donkey’s Milk is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol.
After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Caninum: Bitch’s Milk
Bitch’s Milk is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by succussion in alcohol.
- Lac Capra: Goat’s milk
Goat’s Milk is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Delphinum: Dolphin’s Milk
Dolphin’s Split Milk is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Felinum: Cats Milk
Cat’s Milk is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Humanum: Human Breast Milk
Milk from a single lactating woman is triturated with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or 1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Maternum: Human Breast Milk
Milk from many lactating women is triturated together with sugar of milk either in 1:9 or
1:99 depending up on the scale of potency, never succussed as milk proteins could be denatured by the alcohol. After trituration they are converted to liquid potencies up to 6x and 4c and further potencies are made by sucussion in alcohol.
- Lac Vaccinum: Cow’s Milk
Milk should be collected hygienically from a healthy cow.
100 ml of fresh cow milk mixed with purified water to make 1000 ml of Mother Solution. 2x and 3x in purified water; 4x and higher with dispensing alcohol.
- Lac Vaccinum Defloratum: Skimmed milk
Defatted Cow’s milk.
10 gm of Skimmed milk triturated with 990 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 3x and. higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x.
- Lecithinum
- Liquor Amnii: Amniotic fluid in pregnant women
- Luteinum
- Lymphatica: Lymph vessels of an animal
- Mamma: Healthy mammary gland of cow and sheep
- Meconium: From the stools in new born baby, Passed within first 3 to 4 days
- Medulla Ossea: Bone marrow of pigs
- Medulla Spinalis: Spinal cord of an animal
- Mucosa Nasalis: Mucus membrane of Human Nose
- Myocardium: Middle layer of heart of an animal
- Nephrino: Entire Kidney of an animal
- Nervous Auditorius: Auditory nerve of an animal
- Neurinum: Neuron of an animal
- Oophorinum: Ovarian extract (expressed juice) of sheep and cow
- Orchitinum: Testicular extract of sheep
- Pancreas Suis: Pig’s Pancreas
- Pancreatinum: Pancreatic extract of beef, sheep, and ox
- Parotidinum
- Parathyroidinum: Parathyroid gland of Ox
- Pepsinum: From an enzyme secreted from peptic cells of sheep or calf
- Pinealis: Pineal Gland of an animal
- Pitutaria Glandula: Entire pituitary gland of sheep
- Pitutaria Glandula Anteria: Anterior pituitary gland of sheep
- Pitutaria Glandula Posteria: Posterior pituitary gland of sheep
- Placenta: Human placental fluid
- Placenta Suis: Placenta of Pig
- Prostata: Prostate of an animal
- Pulmine: Lung tissue of an animal
- Pulmine Vulpis: Lung tissue of a fox
- Retina: Nerve layer of eyeball of an animal
- R.N.A.: Yeast sources
- Secretinum: Hormone secreted from Gut of an animal
- Serotoninum: Neurotransmitter secreted from the Gut of an animal
- Spleen: Healthy Spleen of an animal
- Thymi Glandula Extractum: Extract of Thymus gland
- Thymus: Thymus of an animal
- Thyreostimuline: Internal Secretions of anterior pituitary gland of an animal
- Thyroidinum: Healthy Thyroid Tissue of sheep or calf
The thyroid gland of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) removed from the recently killed sheep, dried at a temperature not exceeding 60ºC, powdered and defatted by extraction with light petroleum (40° to 60°C) and dried. The proportion of iodine is determined in a small part of thyroid and the remaining part is mixed with sufficient saccharum lactis to produce a powder of required strength.
100 gm of Thyroid gland powder triturated with 900 gm of Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration.
2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into liquid 8x. 9x and higher in dispensing alcohol.
- Vein: Large veins of an animal
“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.”
– Paracelsus
Imponderabilia are immaterial ‘dynamic’ energies that are utilized as potentized homeopathic medicines. These energies have been tapped into potential homeopathic medicines for the cure of the sick and is unique to homeopathic pharmacy.
Samuel Hahnemann (§286, 6th edition, Organon of Medicine); “The dynamic force of mineral magnets, electricity, and galvanism act no less powerfully upon our life principal and they are not less homeopathic than the properly so-called medicines which neutralize disease by taking them through the mouth, or by rubbing them on the skin or by olfaction. There may be diseases, especially disease of sensibility, and irritability, abnormal sensations and involuntary muscular movements which may be cured by those means. But the more certain way of applying the last two as well as that of the so-called electro-magnetic machine lies very much in the dark to make homeopathic use of them. So far both electricity and galvanism have been used only for palliation to the great damage of the sick. The positive, pure action of both upon the healthy human body have until the present time been but little tested.”
- Natural Source
- Artificial Source
- Respective magnets can be had from some physical laboratory.
- In case of ‘Luna’, full moon is suggested to be considered.
- For X-ray, respective chemical testing laboratory may be considered.
- Potentization of imponderabilia should be done carefully.
- Preparation:
- Luna: Moon’s Rays
- Sugar of milk is exposed on a glass plate to the full moon’s rays and stirred with a glass rod meanwhile. The sugar of milk so charged is then dynamized. Higgins made a preparation by exposing pure water to the moon’s rays for three or four hours in South America and then dynamizing the water so charged.
- Sol: Sun’s Rays
- Saccharum lactis exposed to concentrated sun’s rays and stirred with a glass rod till saturated.
- Sol Britanicc: Sun’s Rays from Britain
- Saccharum lactis exposed to concentrated sun’s rays in Britain and stirred with a glass rod till saturated.
- Sol Africana: Sun’s Rays from Africa
- Saccharum lactis exposed to concentrated sun’s rays in Africa and stirred with a glass rod till saturated.
- Sol Australis: Sun’s Rays from Australia
- Saccharum lactis exposed to concentrated sun’s rays in Australia and stirred with a glass rod till saturated.
- Solar Eclipse:
- Proving conducted by Dr. B. N. Chakravarthy.
- Electricitas: Atmospheric and static electricity
- Attenuations are made from sugar of milk saturated with the atmospheric electricity/current.
- Electricity: Artificial electricity
- Attenuations are made from sugar of milk saturated with the artificial electricity/current.
- Galvanism: Galvanic current
- Attenuations are made by triturating sugar of milk that has been subjected to the influence of either pole.
- Magnetis Poli ambo: The Magnet
- Trituration of sugar of milk after exposure to the influence of the entire magnet is then done. Dilution of
- distilled water similarly be exposed.
- Magnetis Polus Articus: North pole of the magnet
Attenuations of saccharum lactis or water charged with the influence of this pole.
- Magnetis Polus Australis: South pole of the magnet
Attenuations of saccharum lactis or water charged with the influence of this pole.
- X-ray: Xray radiation
A drachm vial filled with absolute alcohol was exposed to a Crook’s tube in operation for half an hour,
and then brought up to the sixth centesimal potency. Fincke used it in potency as “Absolute alcohol in a
the flint glass bottle is irradiated by the Meyer Vitz coil.” Giggs used it as “Absolute alcohol contained in
a shallow dish and exposed directly to X-radiations.”
- Mobile Phone Radiation: Radiation from Eriksson GH337 with server Cellnet call exposure 5 mins and Nokia 5.1 with server Orange call duration 2 hr. 16 min.
Equal quantities of the two exposed lactose powders were then mixed and triturated to a 3c in
according to footnotes to paragraph 270 of the 6th edition of the Organon. Potentization in liquid
form was continued up to a 30c.
- TV Radiation: Radiation from Sony Trinitron manufactured in 1985
Sac Lac was placed in a porcelain bowl two feet away from a television that was left on for 48 hours, on
a stool at the level of the TV picture.
- Radium Bromatum: Radium Bromide
Commercial grade Radioactive Radium Bromide. 100 gm of Radium Bromide triturated with 900 gm of
Sac Lac to make 1000 gm of the trituration. 2x and higher to be triturated; and 6x may be converted into
liquid 8x. Poison! Not to be dispensed below 6x.
Positronium: Anti Matter – Prepared using positrons from a Na-22 source, which were passed through a nitrogen gas cell to form positronium by capturing electrons off the nitrogen atoms. The resulting positronium beam then impinged on a metal surface, where the positronium atoms decayed, giving off the characteristic 511 keV radiation. A glass vial filled with 96% ethanol was exposed to this radiation for 24 hours and then potentized to 30C by the Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy. The strength of the positronium beam was approximately 10 million positronium atoms per second. A total of approximately 10^9 annihilation events were captured by the glass vial.
- Spectrum:
A transmitter quartz was used to shine a complete spectrum on a bottle of medicating alcohol. This was
then made up into potentized remedies at the Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy.
- Vacuum:
Proving conducted by Nuala Eising.
Bibliography –
- Government of India (MoHFW); Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India; Combined Volume 1st to 9th (Revised and Augmented); 2016.
- Government of India (MoHFW); Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India; Volume 10th; 2013.
- Dr. Sumit Goel; Art and Science of Homeopathic Pharmacy 4th edition, 121-129.
- Mandal and Mandal; Textbook of Homeopathic Pharmacy 3rd edition, 42-45, 51, 219, 227.
- Muzumdar K. P.; Pharmaceutical Science in Homeopathic Pharmacy, Monographs.
- Dr. Rajeev Saksena; Imponderabilia Homeopathic direct energy medicines, 1st edition, B Jain.
- Rajashree Mashru; Sarcode therapy as a restorative of health, World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, Volume 6, Issue 8, page 2579-2598
Dr. Sagar Dilip Kansara, M.D. Homeopathy (Paediatrics)
Dr. Shraddha Kansara, M.D. Homeopathy (Homeopathic Pharmacy)