Neurofibromatosis: Homoeopathy treats The Patient, Not Just the Disease

A Real Case Study: Neurofibromatosis: Homoeopathy treats The Patient, Not Just the Disease

Abstract: Neurofibromatosis can be cured by constitutional prescribing in homoeopathy. The following case tries to bring out the contrast between homoeopathic prescribing and this incurable disease.

Abbreviations- NF1 – neurofibromatosis type 1, NF2 – neurofibromatosis type 2, INI1/SMARCB1 – schwannomatosis, Agg. – aggravation, F- degree fahrenheit, B.P- blood pressure, mm of Hg- millimetre of mercury, QDS- 4 times a day (quater die sumendum),


The “neurofibromatoses” are a set of distinct genetic disorders that have in common the occurrence of tumours of the nerve sheath. They include NF1, NF2, and schwannomatosis. All are dominantly inherited with a high rate of new mutation and variable expression. NF1 includes effects on multiple systems of the body. The major NF1-associated tumor is the neurofibroma. In addition, clinical manifestations include bone dysplasia, learning disabilities, and an increased risk of malignancy. NF2 includes schwannomas of multiple cranial and spinal nerves, especially the vestibular nerve, as well as other tumors such as meningiomas and ependymomas. The schwannomatosis phenotype is limited to multiple schwannomas, and usually presents with pain. The genes that underlie each of the disorders are known: NF1 for neurofibromatosis type 1, NF2 for neurofibromatosis type 2, and INI1/SMARCB1 for schwannomatosis. Genetic testing is possible to identify mutations. Insights into pathogenesis are beginning to suggest new treatment strategies, and therapeutic trials with several new forms of treatment are underway. (1)

The two types of neurofibromatosis include NF-1 and NF-2. Both cause abnormal cell growth in the central and peripheral nervous system. Each disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, thus each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder. Because there is no cure for either type of NF and treatment consists of amelioration of clinical symptoms, genetic counselling is the only preventive approach to this disease. (2)

Case study

Chief complaints

A female patient of age 30 years complained of nodular swelling all over the body with itching aggravated by warmth and sweating for 4 years.

History of present illness

Patient was in good health 4 years back when swelling suddenly appeared on left arm and gradually appeared all over the body.

Personal History

Patient had a habit of  tobacco chewing.

Physical generals

Patient’s appetite was good and able to tolerate while she was hungry. She usually drank 2-3 litre water per day. Her tongue appeared moist and slightly coated. She had a desire for spicy food and aversion to onion. Perspiration was profuse on face. She was a Hot patient, as there was aggravation after warm things. Her teeth were sensitive to cold.

Mental generals

Patient seemed to be tensed and expressed her anger by shouting, consolation ameliorates her anger. Her speech was very slow and she could not concentrate on her daily routine. She was sensitive to little things, and felt even if someone was whispering in her ears during sleep.


  • Pulse- 78/minute
  • B.P- 110/80 mm-Hg


Diagnosis was based on clinical history and physical examination. (3)

Totality of symptoms

  • Could not concentrate on her daily routine
  • Slow speech
  • Aversion- onion
  • Agg. by warmth
  • Swelling all over the body
  • Perspiration- profuse on face

Analysis and evaluation of the Case

S.No. Symptoms type Symptoms Intensity
  Mental General Could not concentrate on her daily routine ++
  Mental General Slow speech ++
  Physical General Aversion- onion ++
  Physical General Aggravation by warmth ++
  Physical General Swelling all over the body ++
  Particular Symptoms Perspiration- profuse on face ++

Repertorial totality

Repertorisation was done with the help of Complete Repertory in HOMPATH CLASSIC 8.0.

Symptoms Rubrics
Could not concentrate on her daily routine [C] [Mind] Concentration:difficult:
Slow speech [C] [Speech & Voice] Speech:slow.:
Desire- spicy food C] [Generalities] Food and drinks:onion:aversion:
Aggravation by warmth [C] [Generalities] Warmth:agg.:
Swelling all over the body [C] [Generalities] Swelling:general:
Perspiration- profuse over face [C] [Face] Perspiration:

Reportorial sheet (4)


Prescribed on 10/08/2020

Thuja occidentalis LM 1,

1 drop in 100 ml aqua, 5ml of the above solution repeated 4 times in a day for 7 days.

Remedy justification

On repertorisation, remedies such as Phosphorus, Lycopodium clavatum, Thuja occidentalis, Sepia officinalis, Lachesis mutus, Mercurius solubilis, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla nigricanscame in the top.

Thuja occidentalis (5) (6) was finally selected as per the constitution of the patient as it bears an outgrowth in similar way the patient had all over the body.

Selection of dose and repetition

According to 6th edition Organon of medicine by Hahnemann in aphorism 246, it is mentioned that for 50 millesimal, frequent repetition can be done either in acute or in chronic disease. (7) So, repetition was done according to the intensity of the disease.  

Follow up

Date Symptoms Prescription
29/08/2020 Swelling was better Itching occasionally Concentration- better Sleep- good Thirst- moderate   Thuja occidentalis  0/1/QDS for 7 days  


Avoid tobacco

Take nutritious diet


Thus, it can be concluded that the method of 50 millesimal decreases the medicinal substance but increases the dynamic power to heal the patient. Finally, it may help to open the door for further research in 50 millesimal as well as in constitutional treatment in various cases of neurofibromatosis.

Before treatment

After treatment



1. Korf BR. Neurofibromatosis. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;111:333-340. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52891-9.00039-7..
2. 1992 FSMNSON, doi:10.1016/0749-2081(92)90039-6 82..
3. ICD-10. 5th ed. FRANCE: WHO; 2016.
4. HOMPATH 8.0.
5. Allen HC. Allen’s Keynote Rearranged and Classified. 10th ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2017.
6. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. 9th ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Pvt. Ltd.; 2014.
7. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 56th ed. Noida: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2016.

About Author:

Dr Sarika Pandey, BHMS, MD-II scholar, Dept. Of Organon of Medicine,

Naiminath Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre,


About the author

Dr Sarika Pandey

Dr Sarika Pandey has Completed Her BHMS in the Year 2016 And Md in the Year 2020 From Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (Agra University). Recently She Is Pursuing Her Phd From Homoeopathy University, Jaipur and Rajasthan. She Holds 2 Years Teaching Experience In Community Medicine At The Position Of Assistant Professor At Nhmchrc, Agra.