This article focuses over the use of homoeopathic mother tincture Abroma Augusta in the complaints relating to women’s reproductive system. Through which lastly we will be able to conclude that Abroma Augusta Q is a woman’s bff.
Keywords DRESS syndrome, NSAID, Dysmenorrhoea, Abroma Augusta, Magnesium Salts
Women are very habitual of popping Meftal Spas (Mefenamic Acid) tablet for complaint of dysmenorrhoea. These tablets having Mefenamic Acid are easily available over the counter. But since November 2023 IPC (Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission) has issued an alert saying that Mefenamic Acid can cause Adverse Drug reaction known as DRESS syndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms) in patients. Therefore, it is important that we consume the drug only after proper consultation and prescription of the physician. Also a few more adverse effects of prolonged taking such NSAID’s (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs) include pathological changes in Liver and Kidney.
Today’s woman is all independent and leading an example for many, so in order to continue with her work, she may require taking help of certain medication to overcome her complaint of dysmenorrhoea every month! But then if Meftal Spas won’t help her, who will??
Abroma Augusta will surely prove to be a woman’s BFF!!
Dysmenorrhoea literally means painful menstruation. It indicates painful menstruation of sufficient magnitude so as to incapacitate day-to-day activities.6
There are basic two types of Dysmenorrhoea-
- Primary Dysmenorrhoea
- Secondary Dysmenorrhoea
Primary Dysmenorrhoea – There is no identifiable pelvic pathology. It most commonly occurs in adolescent girls and the pain usually subsides in parous women.6
Secondary Dysmenorrhoea – Pain associated with the presence of pelvic pathology like Chronic Pelvic Infection, Pelvic Endometriosis, Pelvic Adhesions, Adenomyosis, Uterine fibroid etc.6
In this article we will be talking about Primary dysmenorrhoea.
Now-a-days due to high literacy rate in woman and increase in passion to establish financial independence (for which we need to be proud of them!), the marital age of females has extended to late 20’s even 30’s which again leads to late conception which may lead to few woman suffering from primary dysmenorrhoea for a long time.
Also stress relating to personal and professional life are important factors responsible for hormonal changes which might lead to various gynaecological problems responsible for primary infertility (a very common reason for visiting your gynaec these days).
One of the reasons for severe dysmenorrhoea is irregular menstrual cycle or amenorrhoea which happens due to lack of physical activity, increased sedentary lifestyle, easy availability of food delivery apps, high standard of living.
Due to all such reasons a lot of women are facing issue of dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) and are habituated to consuming NSAID’s and oral contraceptives, which come with their set of after/side effects as discussed in the introduction. Homoeopathy as an AYUSH system of medicine is a useful aid in such cases where woman can get relief from their ailments in just few months. Homoeopathic Constitutional Medicine will always be on number one position to rescue but along with it homoeopathic mother tinctures can also play wonders. Abroma Augusta Q is one such homoeopathic mother tincture.
Abroma Augusta has gained high reputation in curing wonderfully diabetes mellitus and insipiduous1. But it is an important and unique drug in the entire Materia Medica in affecting instant cure and relief in dysmenorrhoea1.
Full Name; Abroma Augusta
Common Name; Olat Kambal, Olak Tambol, Devil’s Cotton
Kingdom; Plant
Family; Sterculiaceae
Part Used: Fresh leaves, Stem, Root, Whole plant
Homoeopathic Proving; Dr. D.N. Ray
Clinical Indications; Albuminuria, Sleeplessness, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Diabetes mellitus and insipidus, Carbuncle etc.

Imperically, the fresh leaves and stems of the plant are used to treat dysmenorrhoea, gonorrhoea, and other problems relating to the reproductive system in females. Infusion of fresh leaves and stems in cold water is very efficacious in gonorrhoea3. “Root and root bark are reputed remedies as an emmenagogue”for congestive and nervous dysmenorrhoea i.e. menstrual problems3. A single administration during menses will cure the disease and regulate menstrual flow, act as a uterine tonic and even can bring on conception in married women3.
Magnesium Salts are valuable in relieving pain so it is believed that the utility of Abroma Augusta in uterine complaints might be due to the presence of high magnesium salt content in it4.
Dr. D.N. Ray first proved the drug for use as homoeopathic medicine.
Ravenous hunger, insatiable thirst, frequent and profuse micturition, obstinate constipation, indignant and foregetful disposition with rapidly growing extreme debility and pronounced emaciation are the characteristic features of this indian drug1.
The patient creates panic by her shrieks and shrills due to intolerable pain during menses. The blood is dark, clotted, profuse or scanty and pale2. Indicated for Dysmenorrhoea as well as in cases of Amenorrhoea.
Colicky pains in lower abdomen 2 to 3 days before menses, which are violent and intolerable. Hysteria associated with menstrual disorders.
Dose – In Dysmenorrhoea and complaints associated with it give Abroma Augusta Q 10 drops in half cup of water every hour or often according to the severity of the pain.
Auxiliary Management –
For all gynaecological problems, irrespective of the method of treatment (allopathy/AYUSH), auxillary management plays a vital role.
- Proper and timely eating of home cooked meals.
- Eating overnight soaked black resins in morning empty stomach.
- Atleast 45 mins of any kind of physical activity.
- Few minutes of meditation everyday helps.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures are giving physiological doses of remedies therapeutically.1 Here in this article we spoke regarding the problem of dysmenorrhoea, adverse effect of NSAID’s (Mefenamic Acid), role of Abroma Augusta Q along with role of auxillary management.
Abroma Augusta Q when administered in proper dose helps beautifully to alleviate severe cases of dysmenorrhoea, thus proving our title- ABROMA AUGUSTA Q: A woman’s BFF.
References –
- Dr. Yadubir Sinha. Miracles of Mother Tinctures with Therapeutic Hints and Treatment of Diseases. 29th Impression; B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd: 2013
- Willam Boericke. Materia Medica with Repertory and 50 Homoeopathic Indian Drugs. Ninth edition, B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd: 1991
- Panda H. Handbook on medicinal herbs with uses: medicinal plant farming, most profitable medicinal plants in India, medicinal plants farming in India, plants used in herbalism, medicinal herbs you can grow, medicinal herbs and their uses, medicinal herbs, herbal & medicinal plants, growing medicinal herb, most profitable medicinal herbs growing with small investment, herbal medicine herbs. Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.; 2004 Jan 3.
- Nadkarni AK. Dr. KM Nadkarni’s Indian materia medica: with Ayurvedic, Unani-tibbi, Siddha, allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic & home remedies, appendices & indexes. Popular Prakashan; 2007.
- IPC letter
- D. C. Dutta Textbook of Gynaecology Fifth Edition. New Central Book Agency (P)