Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids & Important remedies for organic acids and inorganic Acid
An acid may be defined as a substance that can provide H+ ion i.e proton donor or any substance that liberates hydrogen ion in a solution is a hydrogen ion donor.
Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids
- Most of the acids are colorless or light colored.
- Mixable with water
- Some acids are odorless and some are having their own peculiar odour
- Acid evapourates when heated.
- All acids are corrosive in nature.
- All acids are sour to taste.
- Acids combine very easily with other elements to form compounds.
Classification OF ACIDS
Two types
- organic acids – weak acids (slow, progressive and produce deep pathology)
- Inorganic acids – strong acids or mineral acids (rapid, acute, produce deep pathology)
Important remedies for organic acids
- Muriatic acid.
- Hydrocyanic acid.
- Nitric acid.
- Sulphuric acid.
- Boric acid
- Butyric acid
- Chromic acid
- Phosphoric acid.
Organic acids
- Benzoic acid
- Acetic acid
- Carbolic acid
- Picric acid.
- Lactic acid.
- Oxalic acid.
- Formic acid.
- Citric acid.
- Salicylic acid
- Succinic acid
- Sulphonic acid
- Uric acid
- Tartaric acid
Video Related Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids & Important remedies for organic acids and inorganic Acid by Dr. A.Supritha
You can get the answer of various Important questions in above video. Important question are mention below:
- Trio of restlessness?
- Trio of thirstlessness?
- Remedy indicated for mapped tongue?
- Remedy indicated for imprints of teeth on tongue from mineral group?
- Remedies for “better lying on belly”. Name any three remedies.
- Suggest a tincture for Alcoholism.
- Remedy for ‘Ailments from grief’. Name two remedies.
- Remedy for stooped shoulder constitution. Hint: begins with P.
- Suggest a remedy for Hereditary Alcoholism.