Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids & Important remedies for organic acids and inorganic Acid

“Acid group in homoeopathy -” with Dr Supritha

Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids & Important remedies for organic acids and inorganic Acid

An acid may be defined as a substance that can provide H+ ion i.e proton donor or any substance that liberates hydrogen ion in a solution is a hydrogen ion donor.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids

  1. Most of the acids are colorless or light colored.
  2. Mixable with water
  3. Some acids are odorless and some are having their own peculiar odour
  4. Acid evapourates when heated.
  5. All acids are corrosive in nature.
  6. All acids are sour to taste.
  7. Acids combine very easily with other elements to form compounds.

Classification OF ACIDS

Two types

  1. organic acids – weak acids (slow, progressive and produce deep pathology)
  2. Inorganic acids – strong acids or mineral acids (rapid, acute, produce deep pathology)

Important remedies for organic acids

  1. Muriatic acid.
  2. Hydrocyanic acid.
  3. Nitric acid.
  4. Sulphuric acid.
  5. Boric acid
  6. Butyric acid
  7. Chromic acid
  8. Phosphoric acid.

Organic acids

  1. Benzoic acid
  2. Acetic acid
  3. Carbolic acid
  4. Picric acid.
  5. Lactic acid.
  6. Oxalic acid.
  7. Formic acid.
  8. Citric acid.
  9. Salicylic acid
  10. Succinic acid
  11. Sulphonic acid
  12. Uric acid
  13. Tartaric acid

Video Related Chemical and Physical Properties of Acids & Important remedies for organic acids and inorganic Acid by Dr. A.Supritha

You can get the answer of various Important questions in above video. Important question are mention below:

  1. Trio of restlessness?
  2. Trio of thirstlessness?
  3. Remedy indicated for mapped tongue?
  4. Remedy indicated for imprints of teeth on tongue from mineral group?
  5. Remedies for “better lying on belly”. Name any three remedies.
  6. Suggest a tincture for Alcoholism.
  7. Remedy for ‘Ailments from grief’. Name two remedies.
  8. Remedy for stooped shoulder constitution. Hint: begins with P.
  9. Suggest a remedy for Hereditary Alcoholism.

About the author

Dr Supritha

Supritha did her schooling in Hyderabad securing first class to distinction throughout the study.
Supritha completed BHMS and M.D Homoeopathy at Dr. B.D.Jatti Homoeopathic Medical college and Hospital and Postgraduate Research Centre, Dharwad, Karnataka by achieving various ranks to Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore.
She completed her post-graduation in HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA.