Acute Prescribing; The Homoeopathic Gateway - homeopathy360

Acute Prescribing; The Homoeopathic Gateway

Bray Williamson

Author, ‘A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy

Classical Homoeopathic Clinic, Cornwall, UK

When a homoeopath prescribes for an acute condition which is a short-term, self-limiting condition such as an infection, injury, fever, cold, flu, digestive upset or emotional shock, The homoeopath should, in my view, see this as a gateway to educating the patient in homoeopathy.  If we, as homoeopaths have the desire for our profession to grow, then it is important for us to grasp every opportunity to encourage the general public to reach for a homoeopathic remedy rather than a pharmacological drug. 

It is most important for a homoeopath to explain the process of remedy selection in plain, easy-to-understand language, and thus encourage the patient to play an active role in their recovery by inspiring confidence in homoeopathy. Over the years, I have discovered that many homoeopaths, when dealing with their patients, struggle with the use of plain simplified language and full comprehensive explanations.

This article is intended to address this problem by drawing on the principles I used when writing my book ‘A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy’. 

Many patients can find the move from pharmaceutical drugs to homoeopathic remedies for acute treatment unnerving and for some it is even frightening. This is why it is vital that as homoeopaths we explain the principles of acute prescribing to them, using language that the patient can relate to. 

Patients firstly need to understand that the remedy being chosen will match their symptoms, and that the closer the match is, the more effective the remedy will be. To a homoeopath this sounds obvious but to a lay person with two sick children, both with fevers, the next part can be confusing. It is important to keep in mind that to a lay person, both children have a fever and so they would usually have given both of them paracetamol or ibuprofen. 

As homoeopaths we assess each individual’s symptoms so that when one of the children has a flushed red face, burning heat, throbbing headache and a dry mouth with a thirst for sips of water, and the other child has an intermittent fever, with changeable symptoms and a strong desire to be consoled and held with an improvement when carried, we may choose to prescribe Belladonna and Pulsatilla respectively. This individualisation must be explained clearly and simply to the parent so they can understand the nature of homoeopathy, and not become overwhelmed or confused.

Another area of confusion for the lay person, which can create unnecessary anxiety, is when to repeat a remedy and when to stop administering. With pharmaceutical drugs it is easy for them, as it is generally every 4 hours. As homoeopaths it is our duty to fully and simply inform the patient that a homoeopathic remedy can be repeated frequently if needed. This should be done by explaining that when the remedy is given, the symptoms should lessen.  However, as soon as symptoms start to return, they need to repeat the remedy, whether this is after 10 minutes or 10 hours and that once the symptoms have gone and do not return, they must stop administering the remedy completely. 

In my book, ‘A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy’ I also explain potency, which is another confusing area for the lay person. If we go back to the two fevered children the homoeopath may choose to give the child requiring Belladonna a 200c and the child requiring Pulsatilla a 30c. As part of opening the ‘Gateway to Homoeopathy’, it is important that the homoeopath clearly explains to the parent why those potencies were chosen.  Due to the observation that for one child the illness is acting in a more powerful way. 

Another important and often overlooked area of acute prescribing that can be used to open the ‘Gateway to Homoeopathy’ for lay people, is the manner in which the homoeopath takes the case. As all homoeopaths know, effective prescribing begins with a well taken case, yet this is not the experience for people who are used to pharmaceutical prescribing.  Therefore, when asking about the main symptoms such as location, sensations, if anything makes it better or worse, whether the illness occurred suddenly or over a few days, how they are feeling emotionally and if their appetite or thirst is affected, it is important to explain that these questions are how we find the remedy that matches their symptoms. This is then a good opportunity to simply explain the science of a homoeopathic proving, further opening the gateway to their homoeopathic understanding. 

In my book, ‘A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy’, you will find a simplified, clear explanation of homoeopathic proving, as well as an easy to understand explanation of the Vital Force. The book has been a great help to many of my patients who have said that the plain language makes these concepts much easier to understand, and helps them relate better to homoeopathy. 

It is my opinion that a gateway book needs to be easy to understand and relevant to the reader. There is little point attempting to appear to be the smartest person in the room with esoteric writing, such as trying to reinvent the wheel with a treatise on how mercury in retrograde will affect the action of Antimonium Crudum. There is a distinct movement happening within the general populace, where more and more they are looking to move away from pharmaceutical medicine.  This is one of the greatest opportunities in modern times to educate and to make homoeopathy a standard form of treatment for the people. 

It was with this in mind that I added a section about hangovers to my book as this is quite common in the UK and other western countries, a sample of which I include below.



A hangover has a variety of symptoms that can happen after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. The severity of a hangover can vary. The diuretic effect of alcohol increases urine production and leads to excessive fluid loss and dehydration. As the body processes the alcohol and the other elements within the drinks such as sulphites, artificial sweeteners, artificial colouring and flavouring, inflammation can occur. This is the cause of the hangover headache, body discomfort, and irritation to the stomach which can cause nausea and vomiting. Time, rehydration and a well chosen remedy will generally clear the effects of a hangover.

These are some of the common symptoms of a hangover:  




Sensitivity to light and noise

Muscle aches


These are some of the homoeopathic remedies that can help speed up recovery:

1. Nux Vomica (Nux Vom.): This is the most frequently used remedy for a hangover. For nausea, a headache (especially over the eyes), irritability, and a sensitivity to light and noise.

2. Arsenicum Album (Arsen.Alb.): For a hangover with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. May feel restless, anxious, and have a desire for small sips of water.

3. Bryonia (Bry.): For a hangover with a headache and nausea made worse from movement. A thirst for large amounts of water and a desire to lie still.

4. Gelsemium (Gels.): For a hangover with a heavy dull headache,  dizziness, and a feeling of general weakness.

5. Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos.): For a hangover with mental exhaustion and a feeling of weakness with a strong dislike of any noise.

6. Lycopodium Clavatum (Lyc.): For a hangover with bloating, flatulence, and a heavy feeling in the stomach. There may also be a bitter taste in the mouth.

As can be seen, there is a simple description of this self-inflicted ailment with a selection of remedies in their simplest form. 

For anyone wishing to push open the gateway further, there is a condensed materia medica at the rear of the book. Once again in plain language, which is accessible to all, and a useful resource for students beginning their homoeopathic training. Here is a sample of the Materia Medica simplification:

NUX VOMICA (Nux Vom.) 

Derived from the seeds of the Strychnos Nux-Vomica tree, Nux Vomica is good for digestive disorders, including indigestion, constipation, and heartburn, usually with irritability and a desire for stimulants. It is also good for headaches, colds, and Influenza, especially when these are due to overwork or the over consumption of substances such as coffee, alcohol or rich foods. This remedy is used for the stress of modern living, especially for a driven personality type. It is also used after the abuse of stimulants with an increased sensitivity to light and noise after over consumption. 

Keynotes: Over-indulgence, irritability, impatience, perfectionist nature, digestive issues, liver complaints. Overwork, excessive stimulant consumption, irregular dietary habits. Hangovers, headaches and Insomnia.

Better or Worse from: Worse from over-eating, stimulants, and mental exertion. Better from warmth. Symptoms may get worse in the morning.

Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation. Headaches, Insomnia, and irritability associated with a high-stress lifestyle.

Mental and Emotional Symptoms: A driven personality, prone to over-work and stress. Irritability and sensitivity to external stimuli. Mental symptoms may be related to a sedentary lifestyle.

Common Uses: Over-indulgence, stress, or a sedentary lifestyle. Digestive disorders, headaches, Insomnia, and irritability. Symptoms resulting from over-eating, stimulant consumption, alcohol consumption and mental exertion. 

It is my opinion that in the west we have a once in a generation opportunity to promote and grow classical homoeopathy. The general public are becoming more aware of, and disillusioned with pharmaceutical medicine. Indeed, there is a growing anger at the lies and misinformation that they have been told over decades and many are now looking for an empowering health care solution. 

It is my belief that the greatest disease of our time, causing irreparable harm to many people, is pharmaceutical medicine. We as homoeopaths have the opportunity through acute prescribing and simple education to open up the gateway to society using homeopathy. If we do not do this, we are not only failing the people, but we are failing as homeopaths in upholding that first aphorism of the organon. 

The physicians high and only mission is to heal the sick… to cure’


‘Organon of Medicine’ by Samuel Hahnemann

‘A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy’ by Bray Williamson


About the author

Dr Bray Williamson

Dr Bray Williamson - Author, 'A Simplified Guide to Homoeopathy, Classical Homoeopathic Clinic, Cornwall, UK