2 Days Seminar on Advancing Frontiers in Science of Homoeopathy: Homoeopathic Management of Autism, ADHD & Behavioural Disorders.
Holistic Multidisciplinary Approach
Organized by: Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai And Hahnemannian Homoeo Forum (HHF), Mumbai
Date: 14-15th December 2019,
Venue: Lala Lajpatrai Auditorium, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai
An opportunity to learn, perceive, diagnose and manage Autistic spectrum diseases, ADHD and behavioural disorders in a holistic way through Integrated Multidisciplinary approach with Homoeopathy from stalwarts and senior homoeopaths possessing decades of committed and dedicated services in this field.
The entire presentation will be supported by well documented illustrative cases.
- Understanding Autism as a multifactorial phenomenon grasping various etiological and contributory factors.
- Neurons and Synapses: Understanding the Enigma of Autistic Brain.
- Studying frequently coming group of medicines in the management of Autism.
- Studying the application of Constitutional, Chronic, Phasic and acute remedies in the management of Autism.
- Application of repertory in the management of Autism.
- An understanding dynamic portrait of Remedy.
- Role of ancillary measures and auxiliary modes in the management – occupational therapy, Speech therapy, role diet, yoga etc.
- Understanding remedy response in autism for an effective second prescription –learning concepts of follow up Management.
The seminar will provide an enriching learning experience and professional guidance from various experts: Paediatrician, Neurologist, Special educator, Physiotherapist, Clinical psychologist and Nutrition experts.
It will open up broader and newer insights into the scope and treatment methods to enable special children to lead better lives.
Keynote Speakers:
- Praful Barvalia, MD (Hom), Founder Chairman, Spandan organization which runs Hospital & special school. He has done pioneering research-based work in the field of neurodevelopmental disabilities for more than 3 decades.
- Mike Andrews, DSH RSHom from the UK. He has a vast experience in Homoeopathic management of children with special needs.
Support Resource speakers
- Dr Krishnakumar Dinde HHF Senior faculty, Mumbai
- Dr Mayuresh Mahajan HHF senior faculty, Mumbai
- Dr Shankar Chawla, MD (Hom), Sr physician, Spandan,
- Dr Piyush Oza, MD (Hom), Sr physician, Spandan.
Registration :
Early bird (before 20th Nov )-
- Students(UG,PG) / Interns – Rs.2500
- Medical Practitioners –Rs 3000
After 20th Nov 2019 –
- Students / Interns Rs.3000
- Doctors Rs 3500
(Registration fees is inclusive of Tea and Lunch only)
Registration Form for Seminar– 14th & 15th December 2019
Contact For Registration & Queries:
- Malini Desai – 9082427235
- Piyush Oza – 9892547338
- Poonam Dinde – 9819647166
- Priyanka C – 7400111345
- Spandan Holistic Mother & child care Hospital, Deonar – 022 25506088, 9137890451
Email: info@spandan.co and spandanwork@gmail.com
Website: www.spandan.co