The need of homeopaths is an accurate and realistic description of personalities of different remedies. Our old materia medica describe only the crude and extreme elements of the mental picture of each remedy. There is an extreme lack of details of mental aspects of remedies. However, the physical details are delineated nicely. In fact, the mental symptoms are the least understood even today. So often, the remedies are prescribed based on few physical symptoms along with gross simplification of the personality of the patient, and it is no wonder if there is a failure.
Independently of each other, medicine and psychology have accumulated a considerable amount of information in their particular fields. There has not been much progress towards understanding of how these two fields could be systematically correlated.
The diagnosis of a disorder as psychosomatic implies the absence of real organic disease; that psychological difficulties might have “real” physical manifestations which is seldom considered seriously. The general trend of medical thought is still dualistic —psychic and somatic happenings are treated as mutually exclusive rather than inclusive.
Edward C. Whitmont
Long persisted-in psychological imbalances particularly leave a deep mark on the body.
Cornelia Richardson-Boedler
Aethusa is a fascinating remedy. The main impression is that the patient is loner and self-contained. He is introverted and is not involved in the intimate relationships. Inside, he experiences very deep and intense emotions, yet he does not communicate these emotions with other people. He may be moved to tears, but tears do not come out. He may feel friendly, but he appears aloof. It seems that at a certain point in the psychopathological development of the Aethusa individual, he has decided to refrain from communicating with other people. The emotional injury or disappointment, which provokes this withdrawal may be surprisingly mild. We do not find in Aethusa a prolonged history of bitter disappointment and grief, which can account for such introversion or withdrawal. Usually there is some past stress, which does not seem very significant. The patient may say, “I did not grow up in a happy family” or some other vague statement, but nothing definite seems to have occurred to explain this decided withdrawal. This lack of a definitive and sufficient causation and its strange effect is a peculiarity of this remedy.
Such intense emotions, however, must find an expression, and the Aethusa person seems drawn to one singular outlet — animals. The person who does not want to communicate with other human beings may have an extraordinary communication with animals. He may develop an exaggerated attachment to animals and communicate all his pent-up emotions to his pets. From our earlier comparison of the primal emotions of Aethusa to those of a child, we can understand this love for animals by recalling the love that certain children develop for a pet. The Aethusa person may love animals more than he loves human beings. The patient may say, “I am not interested in the love of human beings, but the love of animals.” He converses with animals as if they are human, and he derives great emotional satisfaction from this communication. In some cases, he may collect dozens of animals; he becomes an animal protector. If someone throws a rock at one of his pets, he could become livid and has an urge to kill the offender. The attachment can be so extreme that the patient may even consider bequeathing his estate to his animals.
Persons with a saturation of the subconscious mind, such as is the case with Aethusa, tend to manifest a host of symptoms at night especially before falling asleep. The Aethusa person is aggravated by dark. The darkness seems to permeate his being producing a heavy sensation in the chest. He fears suffocation and consequently, is forced to turn on the light and open the window. He also fears death; this fear in Aethusa is especially peculiar and striking in, that it tends to occur just at the moment when the patient is falling asleep, startling him to wakefulness. It seems that as the patient relinquishes the rational control of his mind, the force of his loaded subconscious mind asserts itself, entirety. Just as he begins to fall asleep subliminal, tumultuous emotions force themselves into his awareness, threatening to overwhelm him, and he starts with a marked fear of death.
- Restless, anxious, crying
- Unconscious, delirious
- Inability to think and to fix the attention; from over study
- Brain fag
- Idiocy may alternate with furor and irritability
- Weepy; aggravation as the disease progresses
- Wants to jump out of the bed or window
- Examination funk from simple sense of incapacity
- Fear before sleep to close his eyes lest he should never wake
- Delirium > perspiration
- Delusions; fancies herself lost on waking; of animals; persons are rats, mice, insects, etc. Sees cats, dogs and rats.
- Irritability, during headache
- Stupefaction during vertigo
- Feels different from other people; lives in his own sentimental world
- Loves animals, talks to animals, looks after them with unnatural passion
- Reserved; feels unconnected to other people
- Emotions strong but kept in, without a clear cause or a traumatic experience
- Love for animals stronger than for humans, because of the idea that interpersonal communication is apt to fail
- Reserved people with inwardly strong emotions; loners
- Fear of narcosis
- Great sadness when alone
- Irritability, especially in the afternoon and in the open air
- Moroseness, and heavy feeling in the forehead with heat in the head
- Unable to read after overexertion of mental faculties
- After social talking, all symptoms disappear
- Ailments from insignificant emotional trauma / disappointment, no clear cause
- Aversion to things that excite their emotions
- Fears dark; suffocation in the dark. Fears to go to sleep (Mag-m.). Fears when falling asleep (Acon.), especially fear of death; fear they will never wake up.
- Fear of not waking up after an operation
- Fear of examination
- Strong attachment to the family. Fear members of family may die.
From the above symptoms, one may think of Natrum Muriaticum, but on further examination from the history of the patient, one does not find any type of strong mental trauma like intense grief or mortification, which has compelled the patient to go into solitude.
Repertorial Analysis
MIND — Awkward, lets things fall from hand
Delirium – Sopor in
Delusions — Fancy, Illusions of
Illusions — Being frightened by a mouse running from under a chair
Memory — Forgetful, weak or lost
Memory — Difficulty or inability of fixing attention
Memory — Unable to think
Mood, disposition – Anxious
MIND — Mood, disposition — Fretful — cross, irritable, peevish, quarrelsome, whining
- Professor George Vithoulkas. Materia Medica Viva Vol I.
- Professor George Vithoulkas. Essence of Materia Medica, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
- Roger Morrison I. 1987, Collected Seminars From Modern Classical Masters, Page 34.
- Edward C. Whitmont, Psyche and Substance.
- Cornelia Richarson-Boedler. Applying Homeopathy.
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