Ambrosia in Allergy - Dr Monimala Pramanick M.D.(Hom.)

Ambrosia in Allergy – Dr Monimala Pramanick M.D.(Hom.)

Allergy word come from the word ‘allos’ and ‘eargen’. Meaning of allergy is altered reaction. Allergen is that things which causes allergy. So according to Dr. Dhiraj Nanda ‘Allergy is an altered tissue reaction shown by an allergic patient whenever he comes in contact with the allergens’. 


Allergist defines allergy as a specific immune response in which various mechanisms provoke the interaction of chemical mediators leading to clinical symptoms.


Cuteneous allergen, Inhaled allergen. Troph allergen, Allergens of animal origin, Allergens of plant origin, chemical, Microbial, Mycotic, parasitic, indoor allergen, outdoor allergen.

Clinical features: 

Allergies cause a variety of symptoms such as  runny nose, sneezing, Redness itching, rashes, swelling or oedema, spasm or asthma. Allergies can be from minor to severe. Anaphylaxis is a severe life-threatening reaction.

Factors   favoring allergy  :

 Altitude, Environmental Pollution, food habits, Nutritional  factors, medicines, Weather.


Skin prick test, Patch test, intra dermal test, Mucus membrane test, challenge test.      


At  The mid September  evening a  patient  age Of 8 years came to me with her mother . The child had a severe running nose along with sneezing which starts 3 days ago.   Nose become red due to continuous rubbing .  Watery discharge from the eyes along with sneezing.  slight cough  with watery mucus discharge from mouth.

Eyes: As if eyes are burning with itching in the upper eyelids. 

Throat:  sensation as if throat has been scraped by something so it is difficult to swallow either liquid or solid.


While talking, her mother told me that they have a small  garden and her baby girl  spent most of  the time in the garden. It is autumn time and  the time for pollination so it may be a pollen allergy. for assurance i asked mother if baby has an allergy to pollen, dust ,cotton etc. Mother told me that  baby has pollen allergy.  The philosophy of kent ‘s evaluation of symptoms and  it’s particular symptom theory show me the prescription. There was itching on the upper eyelids, Scratching sensation in throat, pollen allergy, So  i prescribed Ambrosia artemisiaefolia medicine 30, 2 dose per day for 3 days. Ambrosia is a good medicine for autumnal hay fever.

Result :

After 3 days patient came with a smiley face. Sneezing stopped, lacrimation stopped patient  can swallow food and liquid. Only itching in the eyelids are present but  less.

             So  I Prescribed placebo for next  5 days .Her mother came after 5 days and reported that her child was fine.  I advised the baby for skin allergy test.


      1.W. Boericke, New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory [with            Relationship of Remedies], Second Re-Augmented & Revised Edition Based on Ninth   Edition, Reprint Edition 2002, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.

      2.Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy J. T. Kent, B Jain Publisher

3.Homoeopathic therapy for living with Allergies By: Dr. Dhiraj Nanda  ,  Publisher: IBPP

4. P. N. Varma, Indu Vaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Updated edition 2007, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.

 5. Concise Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicine,  S. R. Phatak ,B Jain Publishers

  6. A dictionary of practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, publisher IBPP



About Author:

Dr Monimala Pramanick M.D.(Hom.)

Lecturer of Homoeopathy Pharmacy Department

Noble Homoeopathic college and research institute Junagadh Gujarat

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