B.H.M.S, M.D. (Hom)
H.O.D. Physiology & Biochemistry
N.H.M.C. Agra
Arsenicum Album medicine is not only for COVID 19 but also patent medicine for arsenic patients.
Now a days COVID 19 spread rapidly in India.
Arsenic album suggest by AYUSH for prophylaxis of this pandemic. Some Homoeopaths doctors also prescribe other medicine according the condition of the patient, for example Bryonia alba , Gelsemium , Antim Tart etc & they got very good results to fight against COVID19.We are very well known about present scenario of pandemic around the world. In India more than 8.8 million people were infected. In our country 1,29,612 people were died in this pandemic. More than 54 million people were infected and 13,14,341 people were died in this pandemic surround the world. The number of infections and deaths of people increase daily around the world. People were arrested at home due to lockdown and hopeless. Still now spread of infection not under control, after maintain social distance, using of mask, globs, ,cap, ( P.P.E. for health workers surrounding of infected patients like Doctors, Nurses, Pathological technicians and others. ) . People are panic because the horrible situation continued long time. The financial condition of the people and the country become poor. We get daily news by the electronic media and print media about corona.
I would not like to more discuss about present dark situation.
I would to like to discuss about my cases, which helps to justify the topic.
Case No. -1
I want to discuss a case at first a professor of a Homeopathic college. He was my senior colleague.
Name- Dr. R.N.L ,S/o- Late M.R.C, Age-56y, Sex –Male,
Add – Patna .Bihar. Occupation – Homeopathic faculty.
He was suffering from infection of oral cavity. He felt difficulty in deglutition. He felt severe pain in surrounding glands of mouth were swelling, congestion in inner portion of mouth, red moist tongue with salivation and thirst present, mild fever at nightTongue dry, clean, and red; stitching and burning pain, Anxiety at the pit of stomach. Stool:- Small, offensive, dark, with much prostration. He already taken Belladonna, Merc Sol, Borax, Rhus Tox after discussion with other doctor but no improved. I asked him how and when it was happened. He told me,he was coming from home by bushe was hungry and taken lunch at noon from a line hotel so called ‘Dhaba’. He felt the hotel was not so clean or maintaining hygiene after taking lunch from there. I asked him – would you think the cause of your sufferings the bad food of line hotel. He said it may be. So I prescribed him medicine but he unknown the name of medicine. He got relief whiten 24 hours and completely normal in two days. I asked him about his suffering the next morning after given one dose of medicine. He rudely answers me, you observed your patient yourself, I answer ok sir. I think his suffering was increased due to aggravation but I surprised to saw the marvellous improvement of the case. I repeated the same medicine for next two days.
I select Arsenic Album 30 due to mental food poison of the patient and got result.
Case No. – 2
This was a story of my hostel life. At that time I just passed B.H.M.S. final examination. Saraswati Vandana celebration was in our hostel. A milk shake we made by us mixed with some fruits and other substances for drink. It gave us enjoyment, entertainment and pleasure at whole night. I could not wish to spend any more word about that. It was a good moment of my student life and it will be stay in my memory whole life obviously.
Now come to discuss the subject matter.
A young man was my batchmate and roommate of our hostel. Name- PS , S/o – CP, Age -25y, Sex- male , was suffer in loose motion and vomiting and Worse at night Heartburn; gulping up of acid and bitter substances which seem to excoriate the throat, Urine:-Scanty, burning, involuntary Sleep:-Disturbed, anxious, restless. From the next day after drinking shake. M.O. of our college O.P.D. prescribed him medicine to control of his suffering but no such improvement seen. Our senior called him Arsenic due to his attitude in hostel and college. I think if he had totality of arsenic then arsenic can arrest his suffering.
I prescribed confidently him arsenic 30 two dose one our interval. He got result completely after 6 hours from early morning of next day.
Case No. -3
This was a case of my early practice life. At that time I was starting practicing in a remote village. My so called well-wisher advised me homeopathic practice must be started at village. It runs well soon and established doctors quickly, because villages are simple, innocent, not complex minded, obedient, easily adopt stranger’s person,non-political and well human being.
My practical experience was differing above words except well human. According to me, ’if I have humanity then every man be human to me’.
Now the time to start discussion about the case.
A patient was suffering chronic respiratory diseases.
He came to me for treating his respiratory problems. Name- H. C. Mondal .S/O M.K.Mondal.Age-47 years.Sex – Male. Address –Ushagram.Bengal.Occupation –Business.Hight -5.7ft.Weight- 54kg. He was suffering chronic cough, cold, running nose, repeatedly sneezing, breathing problems. Cough aggravate at mid night and noon. He fells burning sensation in nose and throat.H/o – Diarrhoea due food poisoning.
I take the case properly and according to totality prescribed him Arsenic album 30 BD for two days.No such improvement seen in that two days. I repeat the same medicine for next two days. He fills slight better than before after four days.Then I prescribed him placebo for next two days. No more improvement of suffering was seen.So I reaped again ArsAlb 30 B.D. for three days.I also repeated placebo in same manner for three days.Patient feels better. I prescribe placebo for seven days.No such more improvement seen. I repeated the same medicine for 3 days &placebo for next three days.No results seen, I increased power Ars Alb 200 1 dose for 2 alternate days and placebo for 3 days.After seven days he report me feels very well in all expect. I prescribe same medicine 3 dose but alternate day.I also prescribe placebo BD for next seven days Unfortunately severe aggravation occurs due to he took Ars Alb 2c by mistake instead of placeboHe was hospitalised at night for two days and release from hospital two days after.He felt better after comeback home, he visit me again and agreed to continue his treatment.
I prescribe him only placebo BD for seven days. I started then Ars Alb 0/1 for 7 days and placebo. In this time no aggravation was seen of his illness.
I increased power gradually & patients gradually improve .
Case No. – 4
A patient was visit for treatment an ulcer in leg. He was well known person to me for long time.
- Mukherjee, Age -44 y, Sex-M.
He was railway engineer of signalling system. He was very skilful worker and busy person. He could able judge underground signalling fault.He was suffering injury by burn due to an accident in his work place, his left leg was ulcerated.
He was treated by railways hospital but his ulcer and burning sensation was not relief after one month of treatment. After case taking I prescribed him ArsAlb 30 BD for 3 days. After 3 days his suffering 50 % relief and his suffering completely vanish after 7 days by homeopathic treatment.
Arsenicum Album is a polycrest homoeopathy medicine. Arsenicum acts on various system of body like respiratory system, skin, GIT and other system. It can cure various suffering of a patient if symptoms totality similar with it. Arsenicum Album is not only for COVID 19, but also for other system like -Respiratory, Gastrointestinal Skin and other Vital System of the body.
- Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons & Bowel Nosodes by H.C.Allen
- Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Madica by William Boericke.
- Lecture on materia medica by Dr. J. T. Kent.
- Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine by Dr. B.K. Sarkar.
Web site:-
- www.homebook.com.
- www.homeopathy360.com.