Homeopathy is the natural law of therapeutics based on certain fundamental laws, which are...
What People say about Radaropus?
” I wanted to let you know that I have received the Radar Opus program and have installed...
RadarOpus is No. 1 Choice for...
Why RadarOpus is No. 1 Choice for homoeopath? Saves your time:It saves your precious time by...
Leprosy: Mission 2018
India accounts for 60% of the world’s new leprosy cases, the WHO says, and New Delhi is among...
Compelling Facts, Figures, and...
According to a 2013 article in the Washington Post, the subjects of Jesus Christ...
Vincetoxicum: Flu
Vincetoxicum has received a proper homeopathic proving by Dr. Walter Glück in 1988. Vincetoxicum...
I'm Bored and Ignored: A Case of...
A 14 year old girl came to my clinic with the presenting complaint of psoriasis, especially on...
Some notes on Philosophy, Provings...
I. PHILOSOPHY 1. Das ewige innere der “black box” – Oder: Uber das...
Diabetes & Homeopathy
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which our body’s use of food for production of energy is...
Homeopathy for Numbness and its...
In my years of homeopathic practice I have heard many patients complain about experiencing...
Mancinella: Drug Picture
N. O. Euphorbiacae. Mother Tincture prepared from fruit, leaves, and bark. A poisonous tree, a...
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