Before Treatment After Treatment Mr. A. T., 56 yrs old man a diabetic patient since 27yrs and on...
Glorious 42nd Year of the ‘The...
The Homeopathic Heritage is the oldest and the largest circulated international journal in...
Debating Scientific Medicine:...
Abstract The historiography of medicine in South Asia often assumes the presence of preordained...
Yucca Filamentosa: Bilious Headache
Yucca was proved by Rowell and four others in the 30th. Mother Tincture is prepared from the ...
Living with Microbes
Abstract: Microbes are an essential part of ecosystem. Their existence is vital. The...
Treating Adverse Effects of...
ABSTRACT Teens go through a series of emotional and physical changes that can result in baffling...
Multi – Dimensional Treatment...
DIABETES / HONEY-SHOWER / MADHU-MEHA Diabetes is a chronic degenerative disease. It is not a...
Examples of Pathological Prescribing
Abstract: Dr S.Haque is an eminent Homoeopath, served as member in scientific advisory...
Cardiospermum Halicacabum
Cardiospermum is a recently introduced drug in to homoeopathy. It is an official drug of German...
My Experience with Rare Remedies in...
The best way to describe the Materia Medica of a rare remedy is through cases. Today I will...
Homeopathic Remedies, Medicine...
COLD WEATHER 1) ACONITE: complaints caused by exposure to dry cold air, dry north or west winds...