ABSTRACT Psychological disorders pose one of the biggest health challenges today. According to...
A Case of Excessive Perspiration
A male patient aged about 30 yrs. came to me with complain of excessive perspiration. He...
Methods to Memorize Drug...
There is a divine relation of ‘LOVE’ between drug personality and the Prescriber. If the...
Suicide and Homoeopathy
Definition and related words Suicide is intentional self-destruction. (Syphilis+++/...
Adjustment Disorders: A Repertorial...
Introduction Adjustment disorder is a short-term condition that occurs when a person is unable...
The Characteristic Value of Symptoms
It is now over three years since the great Homoeopathic Congress was held in Brussels, Germany...
Antibiotic Fallout
I talk to a lot of sick people every day. In fact, I’ve talked to a lot of sick people almost...
Homoeopathic Inhalers in day-to-day...
We get many patients of asthma. They are fed up with conventional inhalers. We have been...
Natrum sulphuricum
Natrum sulphuricum would hardly have been used by members of our school had it not been alluded...
Why have Dentist Shun the Use of...
A FEW WORDS ON MERCURY: ITS USE AND ABUSE [pdfjs-viewer url=”http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bjain...
Cannabis Indica : More capacious...
In true sense, Cannabis Indica is the remedy that can be used singly in several cases of...
An overview of this inflammatory skin condition and its homeopathic treatment by Andrea...