Ginkgo biloba, commonly called the maidenhair tree, has been grown in China and Japan since...
Sulphur, a Drug Picture
I am going to try and give a picture of Sulphur which, as you know, is one of the most important...
Lilium Tigrinum, Natrum Muriaticum...
Today I am going to speak about Lilium tigrinum, Sepia, and Natrum mur., and although many of...
Low Back Pain: Experience in...
First of all, it is necessary to point out that we have limited our study to cases of pain...
Homoeopathic Treatment of Ocular...
The experience described here is that of a beginner in Homoeopathy. I hope, however, that it may...
STRESS. A common word, to all people around the world, not a simple one as it seems. The effects...
The Cruciferae
THE PLANT TYPE The impulse is towards substance and not so much into form. That is immediately...
The main themes at the Washington Congress of the International Homoeo- pathic League were Sepia...
Homoeopathy: The Bridge...
Over one hundred years before the present interest in psychosomatic medicine, Hahnemann insisted...
Homoeopathy and Psychosomatic...
Medical dictionaries are far from explicit in their definition of psychosomatic ailments. One of...
The Similimum as Psychiatrist
Although the delightful Mr Brian Inglis, in his book Fringe Medicine, classes psychiatry...
Dental Care and Homoeopathy
Abstract: The oral health is now recognized as equally important in relation to general health...