The Continuum theory and the Levels of Health theory propound the idea that return of efficient acute inflammation (high fever) heralds true improvement in chronic inflammatory states. We present 6 cases of atopic dermatitis (AD), which had stability in their improvement for 1 year or more, under classical homeopathy. The cases were retrospectively assessed with selected based on the Hanifin Rajka atopic dermatitis diagnostic criteria and the follow ups evaluated according to changes on SCORing Atopic Dermatitis scale (SCORAD) scale. The pictures are presented as evidence. Modified Naranjo Criteria for assessing causal attribution of clinical outcome to homeopathic intervention was used to assess the effect of homeopathy in these cases. All the cases improved and stabilised with complete skin clearance (those that relapsed within 1 year were not included). These patients had not suffered high fevers/acute inflammatory diseases since onset/aggravation of AD. Five of the 6 cases developed acute inflammatory diseases as the chronic condition improved. The last case showed return of an old, lesser pathology. The control cases – which were selected for non-improvement under classical homeopathy also showed remarkable skin clearance when there was appearance of acute inflammatory states. In this study, there is a mutually exclusive relationship between efficient acute inflammation and chronic inflammation, which is in accordance with the 2 theories considered here. Further scientific studies are necessary to establish the phenomenon at tissue level.
Keywords Atopic dermatitis, eczema, homeopathy, inflammation
The idea that onset of chronic inflammatory disease implies the absence of efficient acute immune response was propounded by Vithoulkas and Carlino.1 The theory also proposed that when under classical homeopathic therapy, as the chronic inflammatory condition improves, the ability of the organism to mount an efficient acute inflammatory response to pathogenic stimulus returns; and this is a tangible clinical phenomenon confirming the stable improvement in the chronic disease in question.
This study aimed to explore if such a correlation was indeed possible to appreciate in real world scenarios by inspecting atopic dermatitis (AD) cases. The inclusion criteria for this study was – stability in improvement of atopic dermatitis for at least 1 year post classical homeopathic treatment.