B. Jain group presents HIMALAYAN HOMEOPATHY RETREAT with Dr Farokh J. Master - homeopathy360

B. Jain group presents HIMALAYAN HOMEOPATHY RETREAT with Dr Farokh J. Master

BJain group presents HIMALAYAN HOMEOPATHY RETREAT with Dr Farokh J Master

Gaining Confidence with Pathology

An Advanced Homeopathic Seminar with Dr. Farokh Master
September 19 – 27, 2017
Join us for nine days of brilliant homeopathy, in the magical and majestic Himalayan Mountains, with 25 colleagues from around the world! 
This is a clinically based seminar, where we will see about two dozen live cases. Thus Dr. Master’s afternoon materia medica teachings, as well as his case analysis lectures, follow directly from our morning patient’s pathologies & prescriptions. This method results in very lively and relevant lectures. The pathologies seen will range from minor acute injuries to life threatening chronic diseases. Also, the questions and answers are very practical and allow us to experience first hand how a great homeopath handles the very same problems that we face in our own daily practice.
“I learned such an extraordinary amount, and all that I learned has seen direct results in the practical setting of my clinic. To learn from a master of the classics and be inspired by the knowledge of the fellow homeopaths attending, together with the extraordinary work, vision and commitment of Spero and Robin, not to mention the deep spirituality inherent in the location, allowed me to grow in ways that I couldn’t have imagined”  
~Camilla Gold, Australia

Intimate & PersonalLimited to 25 participants, this intimate homeopathic retreat will be an opportunity to observe and engage personally with one of the world’s greatest homeopaths.
Classical Technique
While new ideas are capturing the imaginations of homeopaths around the world, Dr. Master guides with a steady hand, revealing the power and efficacy of properly practiced, classical homeopathy.


Spectacular SettingThis retreat will take place in Gunhere, a small village about two hours south east of Dharmashala India. Dharamshala is home to the Dalai Lama and many other great spiritual leaders. These mountain regions have served as pilgrimage destinations for devout Hindus for over one thousand years, and are speckled with sacred treasures. Some free time has been scheduled into this retreat to allow for quiet reflection, inspired conversations, group trips to sacred Buddhist and Hindu temples as well as optional cultural events and adventures into the foothills of the Himalayas.


Our Venue ~ Colonel’s ResortThe Colonel’s Resort offers comfort, elegance and the flavors of India. Nestled in the terraced tea gardens which border the foothills of the Himalayas, you could not find a more peaceful or sublime location. Please click on the following link to visit the Colonel’s Resort website, and learn more about this very special resort location.http://www.colonelsresort.com/


Click here to watch Dr. Grey Meyer’s incredible video about our 2016 seminar!


Retreat Cost: 1,750usd**

This includes all seminar fees, as well as beautiful, double occupancy rooms, wifi and delicious homemade Indian meals for ten nights and nine days. Please read the registration page of our website carefully for detailed information about what this fee covers and what it does not.


click here to register today*

*Receipt of your registration form together with the payment of your initial deposit will reserve your seat

Early Bird Special!

Retreat costs only 1,575usd, when you pay in full by
January 1st, 2017

**International monetary exchange rates can vary widely from day to day and month to month. The cost of the seminar is in USD, the actual cost to you may be higher or lower, depending on the current exchange rate. To see current exchange rate for your currency please go to   http://www.x-rates.com


Payment and Refund Policy
Please visit the website for exact payment instructions.
An initial deposit of 400usd will confirm your place. The first deposit must be received within ten days of our receiving your registration form. Your deposit will go toward the preliminary organizational costs of the seminar. If for any reason (illness…), you can not attend the seminar, your deposit will not be refunded, unless someone is able to take your place from our waiting list.
A second deposit of 500usd must be received by June 1, 2017. Again, this would only be refundable if someone is waiting to attend the seminar, and can take your place. The final payment of 850usd must be payed during seminar orientation. If you have any questions about these policies please write us directly.
Travel to India
Please visit our website for more information.  www.himalayanhomeopathyretreat.com







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