Book Review by Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari on 50 Millesimal Potency

Book Review by Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari on 50 Millesimal Potency

“I know Dr. Tanvir Hussain since about two decades, who keeps on presenting his evidence based papers in various State, National and International conferences. I have been through the first edition of his book “50 Millesimal Potency – a silent and showering spring”.

The beauty of this book is that it is very simple to understand and contains almost all the important aspects about the subject. He takes the reader through the journey of posology by Hahnemann from his Pre-Homoeopathic Era and beautifully lands in the latest discovery of Hahnemann i.e. 50 Millesimal Potencies. I am sure, this second edition of the book will be more informative and updated with his clinical experience. I strongly recommend this book to all the homoeopaths and wish Dr. Tanvir and his book, a great success.

Title: 50 Millesimal Potency- A Silent and Showering Spring

Author: Prof. (Dr.) Sayed Tanvir Hussain

ISBN:     9788131967768

Imprint:  B Jain Regular

Pages:  346

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari, M.D. (Hom.)
Chairman: Special Committee for Drug Proving CCRH
Former Director: National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata
Former Principal: Fr Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore

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