Book Review by Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan Mohanty on 50 Millesimal Potency

Book Review by Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan Mohanty on 50 Millesimal Potency

“Dr. Tanvir Hussain M. D. (Hom.) in many subjects, a Ph.D. and at present, the President of the Indian Institute of Homoeopathic physicians is an energetic, dynamic, learned Homoeopathic physician of repute. He is using 50 millesimal potencies in his Homoeopathic practices since long. He has gained and gathered sufficient knowledge on application of this potency. I am confident his rich experiences on this score will go a long way in contributing to the 50 millesimal potencies in particular and Homoeopathy in general.”

Title: 50 Millesimal Potency- A Silent and Showering Spring

Author: Prof. (Dr.) Sayed Tanvir Hussain

ISBN:     9788131967768

Imprint:  B Jain Regular

Pages:  346

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan Mohanty, M.D. (Hom.)
– Director, International Study & Research Centre on
– Homoeopathy, Bhubaneshwar
– Honorary project advisor, Regional Research Institute, Homoeopathy (Puri)
– Advisor IIHP, Former National Vice-President, India to LMHI, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha)

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