“Essentials of Boger’s Principle and Practice of Homoeopathy” by Prof. Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari is the compilation of 66 articles written by Dr Cyrus Maxwell Boger. Dr. Boger does not need any introduction in the field of homoeopathy. He has left the colossal footprints upon Hahnemannian Homoeopathy which is loved and recognized by every conscientious student of homoeopathic science.
Apart from Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics & Repertory, Synoptic Key to the Materia Medica, Card index Repertory and General analysis, Time of Remedies & Moon Phases there is a compilation of 28 articles regarding different topics of homoeopathy were published under the title “Studies in the philosophy of Healing” by Roy & Co. though the name of the compiler is missing in the available prints. At present for Indian book market this book will serve as the milestone for understanding and learning the teachings of homoeopathy from Boger’s point of view.
This book contains 43 more articles than “The Studies in the philosophy of Healing”. 23 articles are common in both these books. The article “Thoughts on the philosophy of healing” is available as “Studies in the philosophy of healing” in the present book. The articles not included in present book from “The Studies in the philosophy of Healing” are as follows:
- Causticum
- Cobaltum
- Coccus Cacti
- Magnesia Carbonica
- Syphilinum
The book begins with the preface followed by the life history of Dr Cyrus Maxwell Boger. There After some articles related to General discussion to homoeopathy (from article no 1 to article no 8). From article no 9 to article no 45 various topics related to general homoeopathic philosophy( For example Case taking, case analysis & evaluation of symptoms, follow up analysis, suppression and drug proving etc) are discussed. . Article no. 45 is specifically about the clinical verification which is vital for clinical understanding. Article no 46 to article no 58 are related to homoeopathic therapeutics which is special point of interest for the clinicians. After that Article no. 59 to Article no 64 is related to Materia Medica. Few special articles regarding genus epidemicus and veterinary homoeopathy is worth reading. For handling the one sided and underdeveloped cases one can get wonderful tip from the 39th article apart from many other hints scattered in different articles. “Relationship of homoeopathy to pathology” will be definitely eye opener for the practioners who neglects the significance of pathology in homoeopathic prescriptions. So, this book contains various articles regarding case taking, case analysis and therapeutics of different clinical conditions like Cancer, obstetrics, tuberculosis, panaratia, climacterics, repertory, etc which means it’s a complete package for every homoeopath from beginners to academicians as well as research scholars.
We hope that the original sources of the articles will be added along with the date of publication in future editions which will be more helpful for tracing Boger’s comprehensive developmental journey as prescient sage.
As because there is no other book regarding Dr. Boger’s works available with such a huge collection, this may prove as essential book for the PGTs of Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine as well as Repertory and other branches also. Prof. Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari has definitely addressed this much awaited need of the homoeopathic fraternity. I wish this book to be the part of BHMS syllabus so that the future students may get these wonderful ideas for lucid understanding of homoeopathy as the mandatory part of their syllabus.
Dr Rupesh Tiwary, M.D. Hom (N.I.H. Kolkata)
Associate Professor, Organon of Medicine
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Title: Essentials of Boger’s Principles & Practice of Homeopathy
ISBN: 9788131928219
Imprint: B.Jain Regular
Language: English
Pages: 326