Book Reviewed by Dr Yogesh D Niturkar on Mind Rubrics in Homoeopathic Prescription - homeopathy360

Book Reviewed by Dr Yogesh D Niturkar on Mind Rubrics in Homoeopathic Prescription

“Homoeopathy as a profession carries challenges. The possibilities of its art are infinite”

                                                                                                                                              –     Dr. Herbert A. Roberts

In context to the above statement, for perceiving the HHF approach & the motto of this book; one needs to understand the working principles of HHF. The objective of this book is to expose readers the concept of simplified Homoeopathy by understanding the adaptation mechanism of patient with his/her environment.  The adaptation of patient to situations/disease is expressed (Emotions, Intellect & Behavior) and assessed at different levels (Attributes, Value System & Fate, Axis level). The interpretation of adaptation mechanism forms the totality of symptoms and the final Similimum. The second objective is to give directions to young Homoeopaths for lifelong service to the suffering humanity in a holistic manner. The possibilities of Homoeopathic application (art) is varied & infinite that the need for every form of approach or school of thought is so imperative in each individual case.

The present book is based upon author’s authentic experiential learning, knowledge gained in various seminars & inputs from teachers & colleagues so that its readers can perceive simplified Homoeopathy. The readers should note that the book is written in a narrative style reproduced as interacted between patient, doctor & attendants. The prescription is based upon the physician’s interpretation made out of this interaction. 

In this present edition, there are six sections viz.  (I) Glimpse (II) Adaptation (III) Rubrics

(IV) Metaphor, (V) Remedies & (VI) Differentiation of remedies under the rubrics. 

Section I is titled as glimpse part consists of author’s journey in the field of Homoeopathy & the significant role of his mentors in the making of a Homoeopath. It also covers the concept of normalcy i.e. homoeostasis, the role of environment and how Homoeopathy can be useful for maintaining balance. The modus operandi of HHF in view of understanding the man in disease – through the adaption/dynamics of the patient and his interaction with in the environment. 

Section II covers the concept of adaptation, health, disease, man and his environment, individuality, case taking, rubrics, miasms, temperament and diathesis, doctrine of signature, vital force, understanding the language of vital force through rubrics and metaphor.

Section III covers 20 different rubrics along with its applied part in the form of meaning of the rubric, case details and its utility in practice. 

Section IV is on metaphor covering three rubrics with cases, remedial differentiation and its practical utility.

Section V is on remedies Baptisia, Rhus Glabra, Stramonium and Veratrum album with different rubrics covered by each remedy and its clinical application is described.

Section VI is on differentiation of remedies under rubrics viz. Abusive – pains; with the and delusion – wealth imagination of”.

Throughout this book, meaning of terminology, synonyms and interpretations of certain terms is given next to the mentioned term in bracket so that the reader finds it easy to understand the term & the context in which the author has mentioned it in the sentence or rubric. Rubrics are arranged as per the ailments from (cause), Emotions, Intellect & Behavior pattern as interpreted by the author. Case taking, analysis & evaluation, patient understanding, differential materia medica, selection of the remedy, potency selection & follow up is mentioned.

Homoeopathy is as vast as an ocean and the author of this book has tried to make it concise for better perceiving of this subject. This book gives insight into understanding the HHF principles & practice in the light of Homoeopathic science. It gives new approach for understanding patient as a person & arriving at a remedy. 

Title: Mind Rubrics in Homeopathic Prescription

Author: Krishna kumar Dinde

ISBN:     9788131927731

Imprint:  B Jain Regular

Pages: 216

Format: Paperback

Language: English

About the author

Dr Yogesh D Niturkar

Dr Yogesh D Niturkar MD(Hom.)- Assistant Professor, Department of Organon & Philosophy at Vasantrao Kale Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Latur Secretary of District Disability Rehabilitation Centre, Latur, India