A female Patient’-Mrs X, age 37 years visited my clinic on 17-04-2003 suffering from stomach pain since 3 months, profuse menses every month from last two years, bleeding with small clots, back ache (low lumbar radiating to both thighs with extreme tenderness and weakness, mental irritability). Other Complaints are Abdominal pain, pain left leg, pinching pain in left ankles & feet, left knee pain, pain in knee –worse climbing stairs , pain in lower abdomen , hips pain legs calf muscles, dysmenorrhea, bearing down sensation . She suffered from breast pain (one week before menses), violent pain in the cervical canal with intense pruritus with weakness and a tired pain in the small of back. She belongs to a joint family with heavy load of physical and mental work. Family history – mother died of uterus cancer , son of 9 years old suffering from diabetes , worries, anxieties Symptoms of uterine fibroids: Pain during periods, pelvic pain, abdominal pain. The uterus is enlarged in a women suffering from fibroids and the shape is distorted by multiple nodular growth of varying sizes occasionally, there may be a uniform enlargement of the uterus by fibroid. The only treatment advised in allopathic system of medicine is surgery. But homoeopathic medicines can remove the uterine fibroids without surgical intervention. Ovarian cysts: Ovarian cysts can cause symptoms such as severe pain in lower abdomen, irregular or delayed periods or a dull ache or feeling of pressure in lower abdomen pain during intercourse may also occur. An ovarian cyst is often discovered during a pelvic examination. Ultra sound and laparoscopy can be performed to confirm the diagnosis. The patient was advised an ultra sound scanning Ultra sound scan report dated 05-04-2003 shows : Uterus anteverted, bulky in size, Size: width –5.8 cms. Length –8.5 cms. A circular hyper echoic area is seen over the body of the uterus. Size around 4.2 cms/3.2 cms. Left ovary is enlarged and cystic, situated close to the uterus size around 3.3 cms /3.5 cms. Size of the right ovary 2.5 cms/2 cms, the kidneys and uterus, liver and gall bladder appear to be normal. Imp: Bulky uterus with seedling fibroid with cystic left ovary Homoeopathic treatment given : On 15-05-2003 1.Lachesis 200-3 dose 2. Sepia 200-tds/3 weeks 3. Frax.Amer.-Q/tds After 3 weeks, pain in the hips, legs, calf muscles was reduced, pain in lower abdomen cured. Choice of left sided remedy “lachesis” is understandable. 27-07-2003: Treatment continued 1. Natrum mur 1M-3 dose weekly once in 3 weeks . 2. Lachesis 1M-3 dose 3. Sepia 200-tds 4. Fraxinus Americana Q-tds for one month Much improvement was noticed, menses regular, no dysmenorrhea Treatment: 1. Sepia 200-tds 2. Fraxinus Americana Q-tds for one month 3. Medorhinum 1M –3 dose (weekly one dose for 3 weeks only) The clinical confirmation by USG report on 27-09-2003 Liver normal, gall bladder normal, spleen normal pancreas normal both kidneys normal, right kidney 10 cms/1.4 cms, left kidney 9.8 cms /2 cms. No free fluid, urinary bladder normal, uterus anteverted measures 10.6×6.4×5 cms Normal is contour and eco pattern ovaries normal. Rt. Ovary 3.1×1.9 cms, Lt. Ovary 3.4×2.8 cms cyst 2.4 cms (as per report) Imp: Bulky uterus 27-09-2003 Treatment: 1. Sepia 200-tds 2. Fraxinus Americana Q –tds for one month After treatment much improvement noticed. Periods are regular. No pain 03-06-2004 USG report (copy enclosed) Liver normal in size, uterus normal in size. Both ovaries are normal no pelvic mass or free fluid. One ultra sonography taken at the end of 3 months revealed uterine fibroids had disappeared & there was no cyst. Menses became normal & regular once in 30 days. Bulky uterus normal in size. The patient was completely cured & it was confirmed by her gynecologist, her general health also improved. Homoeopathic treatment successfully cured Fibroids &Uterus problem. The reasons for prescribing the following medicines substantiated 1. Lachesis: Lachesis is suited to over sensitive women, who are very talkative. The symptoms include violent head ache , boring pain in the vertex during menses the menstrual sufferings are worse before and after the flow and better during the flow. Fibroid, tumor in patients who are sad, anxious and loquacious. Pain in the left ovary, relieved by discharge from the uterus. Can not bear the tightness about the waist and loins. Tendency to move from left to right, chronic enlargement of the ovaries. 2. Sepia: There is violent pain in the cervical canal with intense pruritus; there is a bearing down sensation with weakness and a tired pain in the small of back pain in abdomen, clots during menstrual flow + weakness. Sepia is a constitutional remedy in suitable potency, according to susceptibility. Sepia is suited to tall, thin women with a narrow pelvis. It is indicated in menstrual complaints in women who are hysterical and break out in spells of weeping. There is feeling of despair and hopelessness. 3. Fraxinus Americana Q: enlarged uterus with bearing down sensation and cramping pain in feet mostly in afternoon and night. When bearing down and drawing pains of the loins are present , even when a myoma or fibroid ,tumor with painfulness and heaviness of the uterus is found “Fraxinus Americana Q” is one of the important remedies to be considered . Dr. Burnett and Dr Dorthy Shephered had cited several cases where this remedy had proved curative in uterine fibroid and other uterine problems . I prescribed Fraxinus Americana Q 20 drops in water 3 times daily. She was improving and medicines continued 20 drops tds for 3 months. Her enlarged womb reduced to its normal size and gravitated back to its normal place and uterine fibroids had disappeared, her general health also improved. 4.Natrum mur. 1M : is especially indicated in trouble some menstruation in women who are extremely emotional and greatly disturbed by excitement . The menses may be too scanty or too profuse, too late / too soon. This is mainly a constitutional deep acting remedy. The patient may give a history of grief and may suffer from headaches. Natrum mur 1M is suited to women with a psychic origin of ailments. Therefore I asked for sonography: The result was encouraging, I have attached reports of both the before and after homoeopathic treatment. Second report: No fibroid but still has bulky uterus. The treatment is still being continued for bulky uterus. 03-06-2004 , U.S.G. Report Liver normal in size, contour and echo pattern. both ovaries are normal . no pelvic mass or free fluid . Urinary bladder normal . uterus antiverted , measure 9.1×6.2×4.5 cms. Normal is contour & echo pattern, ovaries normal Right ovary 2.5X1.7 cms, left ovary 2.7X2.2 cms Imp: Fatty Liver Note: Original USG and other reports are with the author and its details are given only.