Cancer Prevention Recommendations for Everyone

Cancer Prevention Recommendations for Everyone

Cancer Prevention Recommendations for Everyone

1. Consume plenty of vegetables, fruits, cereals, and grains. 

2. Eat an abundance of foods containing beta-carotene, vitamin-c, vitamin-e and folic acid (folate).

3. For most men, limit energy intake to about 2500 calories / day and for most women, limit energy intake to about 2000 calories /day.

4. Keep dietary fat low. Not more than 20 %of daily calories. 

5. Keep meat intake low, eat lean meat and skinless chicken. 

6. Eat low-fat or non-fat dairy products.

7. Eat lots of starchy foods: bread, pasta, and rice. 

8. Have a high fish consumption. 

9. A multi vitamin nutritional supplement which includes vitamin-c & e and folic acid may be useful for some if not all adults. 

10. Avoid all tobacco and tobacco smoke. 

11. Alcohol drink not more than 3 drinks /day, if you are a man and not more than 2, if you are a woman. 

12. Avoid excessive exposure to direct sunlight. 

13. Cover up when outdoors.

14. Use suitable sun screens, in physical activity. 

15. For 30 minutes or more, 5 or more days / week enjoy moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, gentle jogging, swimming, cycling, or gymnasium work which raises your pulse or causes a little sweating. 

16. Your doctor should first agree that such a physical activity program is safe for you. 

17. Sexual activity: practice “safe sex” to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, some of these can lead to cancer. 

18. Stresses of life: avoid stress full life situations whenever possible or practicable. 

19.Practice daily stress reduction methods which work for you, such as physical activity, enjoyment of hobbies, relaxation, meditation, imagery, yoga, and autogenic training. 

20. Primary prevention recommendations: meticulously, practice protection from any undue exposure to physical and chemical agents which may cause cancer. If necessary, request information from your employer, union or environmental agency. 

21. Home and environment:

  1. Protect your home and environment from various cancer risks. 
  2. Tobacco smoke –passive smoking.
  3. Asbestos fiber.
  4. Radon gas. 
  5. Pesticides. 
  6. Household cleaners, solvents and other chemicals.
  7. Electromagnetic fields.

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )