The branch of medical science that deals with tumours and cancer is known as “Oncology”. The word “Oncology” is derived from the Greek word ‘onkos’ meaning mass or tumour.
Malignancy is a common investigatory finding in outpatient departments in the hospitals and private clinics. It is estimated that one in every third person in the world is affected by cancer aka malignancy, and hence becomes the second most common cause of death.
Incidence varies with age, sex and geographical location of the patient. For example, breast cancer is most common among females of the reproductive age group in developed countries. Whereas, the UK has four times as many cases of lung cancer as compared to India.
Aetiology –
The factor that favours growth of cancer-
- Genomic factors- mutation, presence of carcinogenic genes
- Exposure to radiations like X Rays, Gamma rays, UV rays
- Chemical ingestion/ inhalation/ contact
- Biological factors – hormones, diet, chronic irritation, lack of sleep etc
- Pathogens causing carcinogenic growth like HPV
- Stress
Physiology –
Malignancy generally arises due to mutation in DNA of one or more abnormally behaving cells. These mutations cause cells to divide and take up an increased proportion of healthy tissue. The malignant cells invade, causing local (via invasion) or distant (via metastasis) spread.To learn more about malignancy and its treatment, refer to Dr. Farokh J. Master’s masterpiece- a two volume set on Healing Cancer which covers every aspect of cancer, tumours and the approach to its treatment.
Clinical presentation-
Malignant tumour imparts local as well as general manifestations .
Local manifestations includes-
- Haemorrhage from site of cancer
- Presence of lump at site of growth and lymph node enlargement as well
- Pain
- Ulceration as disease advances
- Symptoms due to obstruction of canal or blood vessels by growing tumour
- Changes in skin around affected area
General manifestations includes-
- Weight loss and loss of appetite
- Fatigue, decreased stamina
- Weakened immunity, etc
Treatment plan –
Tumour sampling and imaging is the first step. Tumour imaging is done by endoscopy, bronchoscopy, USG, CT scan, PET scan etc.
Management plan depends on-
- Nature of primary malignancy (site, type, pathology)
- Extent of disease (stage)
- Patient’s general condition and comorbidity
- Available treatment options.
Treatment for cancer can be divided into –
- Curative
- Palliative , with emphasis on quality rather than quantity of life
- Adjuvant – given after primary treatment, when the disease product has been treated (usually through surgery) but treatment is required due to risk of recurrence.
{Reference : – Davidson’s Principle and Practice of Medicine}
Role of homoeopathy-
Cancer falls under the category of chronic diseases according to Hahnemannian classification. Individual susceptibility plays a major role in development of this deranged state and also degree and type of manifestations.
Homoeopathic literature is stacked up with numerous works on cancer and its treatment approaches by stalwarts and masters.
Medicines like Carcinosin, Cadmium , Asteria rubens, Phytolacca Hydrastis, Mercuris sol, Calendula, and so on, work wonderfully in alleviating symptoms of cancer patients.
Wish to know more about dealing with cancer? Do check out Dr Farokh J Master’s “Healing Cancer: A Homoeopathic Approach”