CARCINOSINUM : DR SURNIMAL SARKAR Carcinosinum: Without The Remedy Carcinoin, It Would Be Very Difficult To Heal Cancer Patients In Today’s Generation. Most Cases Of Cancers Would Need Carcinosin 1m,10m, 50 M In Ascending Potencies, Even During Acute Conditions. Post Views: 986
Argentum Nit: Clinical Tips by Dr. J... Argentum Nit: Clinical Tips by Dr. J.T. Kent It Has Cured Prolonged And Most Inveterate...
Stalwarts’ Segment: Dr. Laxman... Stalwarts’ Segment: Dr. Laxman Dhawale Born: 21-07-1884 Died: 10-12-1960 He was a self...
Paralysis: Dr. J.T. Kent Paralysis: Dr. J.T. Kent Causticum : Dryness of the mouth and throat; rawness of the throat;...
Medorrhinum: Clinical Tips by Dr. J... The husband’s histories give the cause, and this remedy will cure. Searching tags: ...