Cardiovascular Diseases And Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Cardiovascular Diseases And Homoeopathy

Heart and circulation pain :
The network of veins carrying blood around the body is prone to inflammation , if circulation is poor , resulting in chilblains , varicose veins and piles , the heart at the center of the system , can also be affected by conditions such as angina and palpitations .

Angina : known medically as angina pectoris , this condition causes pain in the heart muscle , usually as a result of poor circulation in the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood .life style advice is essentially the same as for all heart and arterial problems ; exercise , diet and stress reduction coupled with emotional support

Warning :  Although new thinking suggests that angina may not always lead to heart attack , medical advice is vital to establish that the pain is in fact , angina .

Dietary and nutritional therapies :  Healthy eating advice applies particularly strongly for every condition involving the heart and arteries , eat salads , fish , garlic , red wine , vegetables and fruit . Taking regular supplements of antioxidant nutrients has been shown to have both preventive and recuperative benefits . . The main ones are the vitamins A, C and E ; the minerals selenium , zinc and magnesium ; the amino acid lysine ; , the essential fatty acids EPA ( from fish oils ) GLA ( from star flower and evening primrose oils ) and lecithin .

Palpitations :  palpitations are rapid and / or irregular heart beats , the anxiety they cause can often be more serious than the physical problem itself . Palpitations can have a psychological cause such as worry or panic , although they are just as likely to be the result of an infection or having eaten or drunk some thing – such as tea , coffee , alcohol or certain prescribed drugs – that brings on an attack .

Relaxation techniques :  slow , deep breathing and bio feed back techniques help aid relaxation .

Phlebitis : Inflammation of the veins , usually in the legs , as described as phlebitis , it is linked to varicose veins although it may occur at the site of an injection , although pain full , phlebitis is harmless and normally passes on its own . Effective treatment is simply to raise the leg , for longer – lasting conditions , elasticated stockings and similar supports can help  .

Raynaud’s Disease :  A pain full condition , Raynaud’s disease ( known as such when the symptoms develop with no known cause ) makes the small arteries of the fingers and toes contact suddenly , and the hands and feet to go cold, numb and white , it is associated with exposure to cold and affects mainly young women . Raynaud’s phenomenon shares the same symptoms as the disease , but the cause is known.

Dietary and Nutritional Therapies :  Iron rich foods such as liver , chicken , dark green leafy vegetables , soya beans and black kidney beans can help as multivitamin and mineral supplements containing vitamins C, E and B-complex , along with copper , iron and selenium . Caffeine rich drinks such as coffee and tea constrict blood vessels and reduce iron absorption , so are best avoided . Smoking also impairs circulation by constricting the blood vessels and causing hardening of the arteries .

Bio feed back :  Learning bio feed back techniques enables you to improve circulation by controlling muscular tension . Elevating the leg is the simplest and most effective way of easing pain caused by phlebitis but make sure that the no pressure on the calf . Avoid prolonged rest in which may lead to deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism .

The Mediterranean diet which includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables , fish , garlic and a little red wine is beneficial to the “ cardiovascular system “

Poor circulation : Aches and pains in parts of the body other than the heart are occasionally the result of poor or interrupted circulation . the hands , legs and feet are commonly affected , medical advise is necessary , since interruption may lead to tissue death . poor circulation any where in the body can be helped by diet , taking regular cardiovascular exercise and stress reduction .

Chilblains : Caused by a combination of extreme cold and poor circulation , chilblains appear as reddish-blue swellings that itch and burn . They usually occur on the hands and feet , if you have been exposed to extreme cold , seek medical advise to rule out frost bite , in which tissue loss can occur .

Homoeopathy : for burning , itching and inflamed skin apply rhus tox and graphitis

Cream twice daily . take agaricus-muscaria every 3 hours or carboveg if chilblains feel worse in a warm bed , for split or cracked skin apply tamas ointment and petroleum 3 times daily for 2 weeks .

Naturopathy :  mix the white of an egg and a table spoon of flour with glycerin and honey , work it into a paste and spread it over the affected part ( do not rub ) , cover with a cloth or bandage and leave for 24 hours . Foods rich in vitamin E such as seeds , nuts , whole grains , green leafy vegetables and wheat germ or supplements and the herb Echinacea can also aid recovery .

Dietary and Nutritional Therapies :  Healthy eating advise applies particularly strongly for every condition involving the heart and arteries , along with a “ Mediterranean “ diet onion , ginger , chillipeppers and alfalfa seeds have all been shown to aid circulation if eaten regularly . Taking supplements of antioxidant nutrients also has proven benefits , the main ones are the vitamins A , C and E , the minerals , selenium , zinc and magnesium . The amino acid , lysine , the essential fatty acid ( from fish oils ) and GLA , lecithin .

Varicose Veins : Varicose veins are small pockets of congestion in the blood vessels that contain “ used “ blood returning to the heart and lungs for re oxygenation , varicose veins are caused by poor circulation , the veins show as lumps that can be both painful and itchy and may lead to phlebitis . Women suffer far more than men , with pregnancy being a common cause , other causes are not taking enough exercise standing still for long periods and being over weight .

Dietary and Nutritional Therapies :  Drinking combinations of vegetable juices is claimed to be effective for varicose veins .
Try the Following Blends : carrot , celery and parsley , carrot , celery and spinach ; carrot , spinach and turnip ;carrot, beetroot and cucumber juiced water cress on its own may also help . raw beet apricots , cherries , rosehips , blackberries and buck wheat are also all claimed to be beneficial , taking supplements of vitamins C and E along with rutin and lecithin is advised .

Haemorroids ( piles ) : piles , or haemorroids are a type of varicose veins that forms at the opening of the anus , often as a result of recurring constipation and straining to evacuate , the veins become distended and enlarged and often rupture , causing pain , irritation and bleeding during bowel movements .

Dietary and Nutritional Therapies ; eat a healthy fresh fruit and vegetable diet with plenty of whole foods to provide fiber . drink at least 6-8 glasses of fresh water daily or try diluted fruit juice between meals . Take a large daily spoonful of flax seed ( linseed ) oil , taking supplements of vitamins C and E along with rutin and lecithin is advised . If bleeding is heavy take a good multivitamin tablet with iron .Regular cardiovascular exercise , such as brisk walking or cycling helps overcome poor circulation and so will help avert another you can also try yoga .

Angina :  angina is the name given to the condition resulting from lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle , that causes severe chest pain , usually across the upper part of the body or felt centrally behind the breast bone , the pain comes on suddenly during exercise , very occasionally at rest and can be viewed as similar to ‘ cramp “ in muscles elsewhere . The pain can also be felt in the neck and jaw . It stops once the exercise ceases and rarely lasts for more than a few minutes , severe angina can be very distressing but is not fatal , and is different from a heart attack when the pain lasts longer , occurs when the patient is at rest and is the result of actual death or infection of muscle tissue . Angina is a symptom of poor circulation to the heart muscle . it must be taken seriously for if untreated it can lead to heart attacks Angina occurs because the arteries taking blood to the heart muscle can not supply the amount of blood it requires to function normally . when this occurs , chest pain may be experienced  . The pain does not normally occur at rest ; more often it is felt when there is increased activity by the heart , such as during exercise , or with anemia and obesity , angina can occur in virtually any adult age group , but people over 45 are those most commonly affected . The chest pain is described as a tightness or feeling of constriction and in about half the patients pain will radiate down one or both arms and occasionally to the throat or jaw . The arm pain is often described as a numbness , typically the pain is related to exertion , a heavy meal or excitement , it usually passes off after a few minutes rest , but if it continues , a heart attack may have occurred well over half of angina sufferers have shortage of breath and raised blood pressure , anxiety inflammation of the oesophagus and gall bladder and peptic ulceration can all produce similar pain so it is important to consult your doctor for a diagnosis . Always consult your doctor , if chest pain develops for no obvious reason .

Causes : Angina occurs either because of blockage to the arteries supplying the heart muscle , the coronary artery or because of spasm of these arteries resulting in narrowing of the vessels and thus reduction in blood flow . It can occur as a result of severe anemia when not enough oxygen is delivered to the heart muscle . It occurs in middle aged men more than women and is commoner in those who smoke , blockage of the arteries is the result of “ furring up “ of the tiny vessels from the deposit of atheroma –a fatty substances related to high cholesterol and other lipid ( fatty ) substances in the blood , spasm of the arteries can occur from sudden emotional tension – fear of anger or as the result of long term stress and is thought to be common in those individuals classed as having an “ A “ type personality , these are competitive , aggressive , ambitious , time conscious people , “ fiery “ individuals who very rarely relax and take things easily .

Symptoms :

  1. pain in the chest , jaw , neck and at times radiating down the left arm
  2. the pain is described as “ tight “ heavy , constricting , it is not knife –like or stabbing .
  3. the pain lasts for a few seconds or at most 5-10 minutes .
  4. pain occurs during exercise or after a heavy meal and passes with rest .

Self –Help : It is important that a proper medical examination and diagnosis is made before you embark on a self – help program , but such a program can be of great benefit and be complimentary to any medical treatment .

If you have an attack , stop all activity and lie down to rest , taking slow , regular , diaphragmatic breaths , stop smoking and cut down your alcohol intake . Reduce weight and go on a whole food , caffeine free diet , avoid heavy meals . Learn a relaxation exercise and practice it at least once a day .

Avoid anger – inducing situations and try not to lose your temper . Start a gentle , gradual exercise regularly , avoid sudden intense aerobic exercises ( squash , aerobics, competitive sports ) . Take up yoga , eat an onion or garlic a day to thin the blood of “ sticky “ platelets .

A practitioner will advise a course of weight reduction diet , exercise and relaxation , raw juice fasting and hydrotherapy will help generally but avoid very cold baths or very hot saunas that put undue stress on the heart .

Atherosclerosis :  The arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries occurs as part of the natural process of ageing , as the arteries lose their elasticity and become more rigid and hard . If this is accompanied by the deposit of cholesterol and the fatty substance on the artery walls , it may lead to atherosclerosis which will reduce blood circulation to different parts of the body , leading to angina or strokes , narrowing of the arteries in the legs leads to cramp on walking or ulcers on the legs and eventually gangrene .

Cause :  part of the reason for the development of hardening of the arteries is a natural ageing process , severe atheroma blockage results from abnormal cholesterol and fatty substances being deposited in the blood vessels , this can be an inherited condition but is most commonly caused by a high fatty diet , both smoking and alcohol consumption increase atheroma development  . Cholesterol is a normal and necessary part of the diet essential for the manufacture of hormones and liver salts , proper medical advise on its reduction must be obtained .

Symptoms : there are usually no symptoms of atherosclerosis , except when it impedes circulation and produces the complications .

Preventive and self-Help :  much has been described in the section on angina opposite , but it may be important to follow a strict diet to help reduce your cholesterol , you should also take plenty of exercise , cut out smoking and learn to relax or meditate .

Food To Avoid :  butter , animals fats , lard milk , cream , meat (especially red ) high fat cheese , fried food , white bread , cakes and biscuits , white sugar , salt ,too much alcohol .

Healthy option :  vegetable oil , margarine , semi-skimmed milk , yogurt ,(live ) .soya milk , fish , pulses , chicken , tofu/soya , cottage cheese , curd cheese , grilled and boiled food , whole meal bread , oats , honey or molasses , low sodium salt only one or two glasses a day . Add onion and garlic to diet .

Heart Failure :                                                                                                                   
This is a serious but treatable consequences of a number of different ,complaints some of the direct result of heart disease , others as a consequence of disease else where in the body . When the heart “ fails “ it’s pumping mechanism is disrupted and two major consequences are the reduction in blood flow through the body and the collection of fluid behind the pump ( heart ),because the pumping mechanism is deficient . Heart failure will not only effect the body generally , but may have serious consequences , because it can effect other organs of the body, such as the kidney , brain, lungs and liver .

Causes:   there are numerous causes but the main ones include hypertension: , high blood pressure , the heart has to pump harder  and eventually fails . Heart valve disease: narrowing or faulty valve mechanisms will interfere with blood flow . anemia: the blood will not produce enough oxygen to the heart muscle for it to work efficiently . heart attack will destroy muscle tissue . Severe lung disease (bronchitis / imphysema ): will eventually reduce blood flow to the heart . carditis or cardiomyopathy : disease of heart muscles . Congenital heart disease : usually because of malformation of heart valves or the heart , such as “ hole in the heart “

Symptoms : general symptoms of fatigue , breathlessness , especially on exertion . Rapid palpitations are because the heart beats faster in an attempt to compensate . Fluid accumulation in the ankles or liver

Prevention and Self-Help : it is unwise to proceed without proper medical attention and diagnosis but many of the preventive measures described in the angina and hypertension section will be of value , especially following :

  • Reduce weight – less amount of blood is then required to circulate
  • Cut out smoking
  • Avoid excessive or unnecessary physical activity
  • Sleep in a raised position propped up with pillows
  • Keep your feet raised to help with circulation and reduce swelling at the ankles
  • Reduce your salt intake and avoid excessive fluid intake

Angina :

Angina occurs because arteries taking blood to the heart muscle cannot supply the amount of blood it require to function normally . When this occurs , chest pain may be experienced . The pain does not normally occur at rest , more often it is felt when there is increased activity by the heart , such as during exercise or with anemia and obesity . Angina can occur in virtually any adult age group , but people over 45 are those most commonly affected .

Symptoms and Homoeopathic Medicine :

Extreme anxiety and  fear with palpitations and intense pain in the region of the heart , pain also radiates down the left arm , with numbness occurring in the fingers ———aconitum

Pain radiates to the region of the left elbow —Arnica Montana

Chest feels as if it is constricted by an iron band , a suffocating feeling with a cold sweat ——cactus grandiflorus

Angina pains with associated asthma and muscle cramps —–cuprum metalicum

Pain radiates from the back of the breast bone to the arms , much flatulence and laboured breathing ——dioscorea villosa

Slightest exertion brings on the angina, Palpitation and shortage of breath may also be present —-glonine

Violent cramping pain extending to the armpit and down the arm to the fingers with a numb sensation in the arm —–latrodectus mactans

Angina with pain in the right arm —–lilium tigrinum

Constricting pains around heart ——magnesia phos

Pain extends to the nape of the neck , left shoulder and arm , great anxiety and fear of death ——naja tripudians

Pain is sharp and lancing , angina alternates with voice loss —-oxalic acid

A drink of hot water relieves the pain which is violent and greatly aggravated by motion ——spigelia .  ( Note- dosage and potency as prescribed by the doctor)

Heart Attack : 

The symptoms of a heart attack are a sudden , agonizing , constricting chest pain , which may radiate to the neck , jaw or arms , mainly on the left side . The patient is usually in shock – cold and sweaty with a grey complexion and a shallow , rapid pulse . the pain does not pass with rest .

Sudden severe chest pain for which there is no apparent cause requires urgent diagnosis by a doctor as medical care is best started early . Homoeopathic treatment and first aid procedures should be applied while waiting for medical assistance .

“Digitalis “ made from the foxglove , has been used to treat heart conditions for 2000 years .

Symptoms and Homoeopathic Medicines :

Great anxiety with difficulty in breathing , plus numbness and tingling in the fingers , feels better sitting up——-aconitum

Chest pain after exertion or fatigue , chest feels sore and bruised –arnica montana

Heart feels as if grasped in a fist , lower part of chest feels tied down and there are cries of pain ——cactus grandiflorus .

Weakness and numbness in left arm , skin has a blue tinge , fears the heart will stop if move about ——digitalis

Wakes from sleep feeling smothered and unable to lie flat —–lachesis

Violent pain in chest and left arm , pulse is very rapid , and there is great difficulty in breathing ——-latrodectus mactans

Woken by pain with heart feeling as if it is trapped in a vice , need to bend double to try to ease the pain ——–lilium tigrinum .

Palpitations and irregular pulse , with paroxysms of suffocation and tightness across the upper chest ——-tabacum.
(Note : doctor must be consulted for potency and dosage , medicine )

Stroke :

Caused by a sudden cutting off the blood supply to part of the brain , strokes vary according to the area involved and the amount of damage to the brain tissue . The symptoms can be any thing from loss or diminution of muscle power in the affected part of the body to total coma and eventual death . As well as using homoeopathic treatment , first aid procedures should be carried and while waiting for medical assistance .

Symptoms and Homoeopathic Medicines ; 

  • Anxiety in the early stage of a minor stroke —–aconitum 30 C – one dose as soon as possible after the event , followed in the first few days by arnica Montana 30 C – three times a day for three days .
  • If unconscious –arnica montana 200 C –give one crushed tablet under or on the tongue .
  • If dusky , flushed and collapsed with a slow pulse and dilated pupils –Opium 200C , give one crushed tablet under or on the tongue
  • If known to have high blood pressure –strychninum 200C , take one crushed dose under or on the tongue .

(Medicine, dose , potency should be taken by consulting the doctor only )

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )