ABSTRACT Compositae is the largest family of flowering plants with more than 1600 genera and...
Category - Articles
Compositae Family and Its Medicines
Abstract: Compositae family also known as asteracece or daisy or sunflower family. The word...
Artemisia vulgaris – A member of...
Abstract- Compositae family is one of the biggest family in homoeopathic world . It contains...
Therapeutic approach of Nasal Polyps
Abstract Nasal polyps (NP) are benign lesions that can develop in the nasal cavity or in the...
Utility of Compositae Family in...
Abstract: Homoeopathy is one of the leading systems of alternative medicines in the world and is...
Homoeopathic Management Of Anxiety...
Homoeopathic Management Of Anxiety And Fear – A Case Study Authors- Dr Vibha Kumari...