HFMD (HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE) Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD or HFM) is a common...
Category - Practice of Medicine
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder- Dsm...
Autism or the correct diagnostical term – autism spectrum disorder, can be defined as a...
Peptic Ulcer Disease: Symptoms...
Peptic Ulcer Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Homeopathic Therapeutics
KFD – Kyasanur Forest Disease
Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) is a febrile disease associated with haemorrhages caused by an...
Acne Vulgaris and Its Homoeopathic...
ABSTRACT– Acne Vulgaris is a chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit. This...
Cystitis And Homoeopathy
Dr.(mrs) B.S.Suvarna Cystitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder and urethra-a tube...
Thyroid Nodules
Single lumps or nodules in the thyroid are common and can occur at any age , women are likely to...
Rheumatism And Arthritis Homoeopathic...
Arthritis is the most...
Gout??? Flex Your Joints With...
Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism manifested by1. Increased serum uric acid concentration2...
A Nutshell Review On The Therapeutics...
Author: Dr. Ch. KapileshPG Scholar, Department of Organon of MedicineFather Muller Homoeopathic...
Homoeopathic Management Of Shingles...
Author: Dr.Vinuta.Yathiswarappa.GPG Scholar, Department of Organon of MedicineFather Muller...
Gall Stone Cured by Homeopathy
Mrs. xxxx, age 58 years, a school teacher came to my clinic on 17-7-2001 with ultra sonography...
Experiences Of Homoeopathy In...
Dr.B.S.SuvarnaI have been asked write some thing my experiences of homoeopathy in disease of the...
Alzheimer’s Disease And Homoeopathy
Researchers have advised that high daily doses of vitamin E and C taken together reduce the risk...
Homoeopathic Management Of Stye...
Author: Dr.Febin George PG Scholar, Department of Organon of Medicine Father Muller Homoeopathic...
Cardiovascular Diseases And...
Heart and circulation pain : The net work of veins carrying blood around the body is prone to...
Chronic Catarrh And Sinusitis
Dr.B.S.Suvarna The lining of the nose , throat , sinus cavities and...
ABSTARCT. The incidence of Musculoskeletal diseases in clinical practice are very common in now...
Approach of Homoeopathic Management...
ABSTRACT:- – Rheumatoid Arthritis is a very common joint disorder now a days worldwide.It...
Epiphora- Wipe Your Tears With...
Lachrymation or tearing is a function of the lachrymal gland and the accessory lachrymal...