Authors:Dr. Apurva Dixit(1), Dr. Pravishtha Awasthi(1)*, Dr. Bhupendra Arya(1), Dr. Navita...
Category - Practice of Medicine
Homoeopathic Treatment For “Quit...
It might sound ironical to people who do not smoke , but it is true that every smoker , no...
Emotional Stress In The Aetiology Of...
Gastrointestinal : These diseases included gastritis , duodenal ulcer , gall bladder disease and...
Migraine Headache Cured By Homoeopathy
Migraine is a form of recurrent headache which affects both sexes. It has been estimated that up...
Skin Diseases And Homoeopathy
PYODERMA (bacterial infection of skin) boils , impetigo , contagiosa , carbuncle etc...
A Review On Gout And Homoeopathic...
Authors: Dr. Ashok yadav, HOD Dept. Of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic...
Role Of Homoeopathy In Splenomegaly
SPLENOMEGALY Definition:- • Splenomegaly is defined by increased splenic dimensions and volumes...
Osteoporosis And Homoeopathy
The term “osteoporosis” means “porous bones” and the condition results from loss of bone tissue...
Life Style Changes Boost Diabetes And...
Though diabetes can lead to life threatening disease , it can be managed effectively by proper...
Jealousy And Homoeopathic Medicines
Jealousy is a hydra headed monster , just as soon as one head is cut off , another grows in tits...
Insomnia And Homoeopathy
Sleep disorders are by far the most common disorder known to man .It is surprising that we know...
Cystitis And Homoeopathy
Cystitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder and urethra-a tube leading out of the...
A Review On Allergic Rhinitis And...
This Article will help to you to learn More About Homeopathic Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis...
Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Medicines In...
■ Introduction • The prostate is a crucial part of the male reproductive system. • It is...
A Case Of Verruca Vulgaris Treated...
Authors: Dr. Ashok Yadav1, Dr. Apurva Dixit2, Dr. Kanika Agarwal2, Dr. Bhupendra Arya 2, Dr...
Ageing Gracefully Make Up After Forty
Mature beauty does not have to be complicated . To crate emphasis and soften the harshness of...
Alzheimer’s Disease And Homoeopathy
Researchers have advised that high daily doses of vitamin E and C taken together reduce the risk...
Bad Breath And Homoeopathic Treatment
When it has been present for some time without clearing spontaneously , bad breath is usually...
A Case Report Of Pemphigus Treated...
Authors: Dr. Virendra chauhan, Professor, Dept. Of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K...
Tinea Corporis And Homoeopathic...
Authors: Dr. Ashok Yadav, HOD Dept. Of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic...