Presently, we have no accepted scientific theory of how homeopathic dilutions might work...
Category - Clinical
Establishing the Efficacy of...
Introduction In 2000 AD, there were 31.7 million Indians having Diabetes. By 2025 AD India would...
Sweet Dreams
Case of Autism of 11 year old boy Stephen seemed quiet. A bit too quiet for an 11 year old boy...
Autism and Homeopathy
The world is in the grip of an epidemic. Autism Spectrum Disorders (A.S.D.s), have increased ten...
Common E.N.T. Problems in My Practice
Most common problems that I have encountered in my practice are: Allergic vasomotor...
Homeopathic Remedies used in...
EarAconite. In the maddening pain of Otitis, dark redness of parts, stinging, lancinating or...