I was treating a lady 38 yrs old from last 2 years. For these complaints. She was having a phase...
Category - Clinical
One Complete Symptom
As we all know, the totality of a case remains the basis for repertorisation and serves the...
Rubrics for Occupation as maintaining...
Rubrics of CLARKE’S REPERTORY related to profession or occupation. Now the beauty of this...
Summer Diseases: Useful Rubrics
Abscesses, suppurations Summer, agg. in : Bacillus 10 Asthma, < in summer : Syph ASTHMA...
Bach Flower Remedy – Cherry Plum
Let us today understand the Bach Flower Remedy CHERRY PLUM As discussed in our last...
Diphtheria – Homoeopathic Management
Abstract Diphtheria is an acute bacterial infection that usually affects nose, tonsils, throat...