ALCOHOL ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is...
Category - Materia Medica
Remedy Relationships – Trios Of...
◆Trio of Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla. ◆Trio of Masturbation and Excessive venery:...
Nosodes And Cure
Homoeopaths have had nosodes at their service since the days of Hahnemann Constantine Hering was...
Constitution Of Bufo Rana
Author: Dr. S.Bidwalkar1 ; Dr. Hemlata Baswal2 1. Professor of Department of Repertory, Dr M.P.K...
Constitution Of Carcinosinum
Author: Dr. S.Bidwalkar1 ; Dr. Hemlata Baswal2 1 Professor of Department of Repertory, Dr M.P.K...
Agnus Castus: Involuntary Proving Of...
A lady , after her confinement had flatulence , urging to pass wind , with little satisfaction ;...