Abstract:Curare also called as arrow poison, was used for around 400 hundred years ago by...
Category - Materia Medica
Filix Mas—Aspidium
(Male Fern) A remedy for worm symptoms, especially with constipation. Tapeworm. Soporific...
Nyctanthes Arbortristis
Common name: Paghala Malli, Sad TreeBilious and obstinate remittent fever; sciatica; rheumatism...
Fluoricum Acidum (Hydrofluoric Acid)
Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Glabella region...
Nux Vomica (Poison Nut)
Is the greatest of polychrests, because the bulk of its symptoms correspond in similarity with...
Determination And Characterization Of...
ABSTRACTNatural products are a source of new chemical diversity and are the choice of today’s...