Category - Organon of Medicine
Every science has its own MODUS OPERANDI, that makes it unique.
Homoeopathy is a perfectly simple system of medicine, remaining always fixed in its principles as in its practice. As Homoeopathy works on the philosophy of ‘SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR”, that means, “Let Like Be Cured By Like”. Homeopathy can be defined as a rational therapeutic system with the aim of curing the sufferings of a person by the administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved on healthy human beings that possess the power of producing similar sufferings. Stuart close, the author of the book “The Genius Of Homeopathy” defines “Homeopathy or Homoeotherapy is, the department of science in general medicine which has for its principal objects the observation and the study of the action of remedial agents in health and disease and treatment and cure of the disease by medication, according to a fixed law or a general principle”.
Dr hahnemann scripted 6 editions of Organon and gave a valuable gift to Homoeopathy.
Even before releasing ORGANON OF MEDICINE, in 1810, in public, Dr. Hahnemann had evidenced his research outcomes and their conclusions in “Essay on a New Principle”, in 1796, and the “ Medicine of Experience”, in 1805, both of which can be designated as precursors of the Organon.
ORGANON OF MEDICINE is a guide book to operate the dynamic science, i.e, Homoeopathy.
Hahnemann remains one of the four epochal figures in the history of the practice of medicine. Hippocrates, the Observer, introduced the art of clinical observation as the necessary basis for pathological diagnosis. Galen, the Disseminator, spread with powerful authority the teachings of Hippocrates over the medical world. Paracelsus, the Assailer, introduced chemical as well as physical analysis into the practice of medicine. Hahnemann, the Experimenter, discovered the symptomatic source of both pathologic and therapeutic diagnosis and thereby made the practice of medicine scientific.
Inspired by the philosophy and uniqueness of the HOMOEOPATHY, many students of Dr. Hahnemann, Allopaths converted to homoeopath, and other great stalwarts brought their major contribution in explaining and simplifying the science and art of healing.
Anatomy – ques paper- shift to Question Paper BHMS
Physiology- articles
Pathology- question paper- shift to Question Paper BHMS
Pom – question ppr- shift to Question Paper BHMS
Fmt – articles
Surgery- question ppr- shift to Question Paper BHMS
Gynae- articles- shift to articles
Psm- articles- shift to articles
Research – articles- shift to articles
Miasmatic Prescribing in Homeopathy
Miasmatic Prescribing is the much enlarged edition of the book Miasmatic Diagnosis which is a...
Theory of Miasm by Wasim Afzal
Power of single dose/ Remedy by Dr...
Lecture by Dr Jasmine Shah on the...
PREACH Delhi Seminar 16 April 2017...
Prescribing at Dynamic Level –...
Louis Klein Miams and Nosodes Book...
Douglas Falkner – Master...
Douglas Falkner – Master Homeopaths as Modern Day Shamans from RVML Community Resource...
Diagnosis & Homoeopathy
George Vithoulkas on the Miasms
Homeopathy for Depression and Anxiety
Lecture by Dr. Parinaz Humranwala on...
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), pt 5 of...
From ‘Hahnemanns Medizin, vom Wesen der Homöopathie’ (Hahnemann’s Medicine...
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), pt 4 of...
From ‘Hahnemanns Medizin, vom Wesen der Homöopathie’ (Hahnemann’s Medicine...
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), pt 3 of...
From ‘Hahnemanns Medizin, vom Wesen der Homöopathie’ (Hahnemann’s Medicine...
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), pt 2 of...
From ‘Hahnemanns Medizin, vom Wesen der Homöopathie’ (Hahnemann’s Medicine...
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), pt 1 of...
From ‘Hahnemanns Medizin, vom Wesen der Homöopathie’ (Hahnemann’s Medicine...
Homeopathy – From Samuel...
A brief history of Samuel Hahnemann and the theory of homeopathy. Also included: descriptions of...