Abstract – In the present senario women often suffers from different kind of menstrual...
Category - Course Material
Selenium Instead Of Interferon
A Person came to my clinic . He is a drug addict and in his 30’s he has a family a beautiful six...
Prostrate Gland And Homoeopathy
The prostrate enlarges as a man approaches middle age and will continue to enlarge for the rest...
Symptomatic Management Of Ovarian...
SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT: what symptoms occur when ovarian cancer progresses ? What happens if...
Women’s Health Problems And...
A women’s weakest area often seems to be connected with her reproductive system and it’s...
Lycopodium And Git Complaints
Authored By: Dr. Bhupendra Arya1 , Dr. Garima Choudhary1, Dr Sachin2 , Dr. Iitika...