The husband’s histories give the cause, and this remedy will cure. Searching tags: ...
Category - Quotes
Caladium: Clinical Tips by Today
Caladium: Clinical Tips by Today Mosquito and insect bites burn and itch intensely. ...
LM Potency: Clinical Tips by Pierre...
LM Potency: Clinical Tips by Pierre Schmidt Coined the name 50 millesimal scale. Instructed to...
Today Clinical Tips: Cactus
Fever paroxysm returns at 11am and 11pm. Searching tags: #Cactus, #paroxysm, #Disease...
Long Illness: Clinical Tips by Dr...
Long Illness: Clinical Tips by Dr. Balgopal Raju Any child with an unexplained pallor, pyrexia...
Opium: Clinical Tips by Dr Hering
Opium: Clinical Tips by Dr Hering Renders the intestines so sluggish that the most active...
Cancer: Clinical Tips by Dr. S. Sen
Cancer: Clinical Tips by Dr. S. Sen The persistence of intense jaundice in an old man for over 5...
Recurring Lumbago: Clinical Tips by...
Recurring Lumbago: Clinical Tips by Dr. Charles Seward A history of recurring lumbago, sciatica...
Cadmium: Clinical Tips by Dr. A.H...
Cadmium: Clinical Tips by Dr. A.H. Grimmer The more experience I have with the use of Cadmium...
Benzoic Acid: Clinical Tips by Dr...
Benzoic Acid: Clinical Tips by Dr. Turrel Ganglions were dispersed by Benzoic acid given...
Thyroid: Clinical Tips by Dr. R.B. Das
Thyroid: Clinical Tips by Dr. R.B. Das The use of Thyroidin. in 30 or 200 dilution will not only...
Asafoetida: Clinical Tips by Dr. J.T...
Asafoetida: Clinical Tips by Dr. J.T. Kent Asthmatic attacks at least once a day all her life...
Migraine: Clinical Tips by Dr. D.M...
In many psoric cases, the bowel nosodes are of great use and I think they are frequently...
Muscular Fatigue: Clinical Tips by Dr...
Arnica should be administered whenever there is muscular fatigue from whatever cause. Its power...
Pigeon Chest: Clinical Tips by Dr. E...
Pigeon Chest: Clinical Tips by Dr. E.B. Nash Phosphorus is the only remedy which never fails to...
Labour-Pains: Clinical Tips by Dr...
No remedy can at all be compared with Gelsemium Q, 1 to 5 drops, every 30 minutes, to produce...
Borax: Clinical Tips by Dr. D. M...
Borax: Clinical Tips by Dr. D. M. Borland Borax acts in the majority of cases of air sickness...
Keynotes: Clinical Tips by Dr. M.L...
If keynotes are taken as final and the general do not conform, then will come the failures...
Small Dose: Clinical Tips by Dr...
Small Dose: Clinical Tips by Dr. Hahnemann If it be necessary in the case of a very sensitive...
Epigastric Pain: Clinical Tips by Dr...
Epigastric Pain: Clinical Tips by Dr. Charles Seward Tuberculosis of the spine is the most...