A bad act ; as it had committed or not done his duty , great sadness — Cyclamen-Eu A...
Category - Repertory
OOREP: An Open Online Repertory Of...
OOREP is an acronym for open online repertory for homeopathy. It features many of the classical...
Important Rubrics From Different...
Authors: Dr. Gaurav Nagar, Prof. Dept. Of Materia Medica (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical...
Important Rubrics From Different...
Authors: Dr. Gaurav Nagar, Prof. Dept. Of Materia Medica (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical...
Role Of Antipsoric Medicines In...
ABSTRACT: This article emphasis the various clinical skin conditions with its aetiology and...
Kent’s Repertory, Delusional...
Kent’s repertory, Delusional disorders and Homoeopathic medicines Abstract: This article is an...