Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea is pleased to announce the Eighteenth Summer School for 2017, which is now a part of the establishment.
The “Summer School” will take place in Great Baddow, in Chelmsford. London is approximately 30 miles away, and the seaside 25 miles, both are accessible by train from Chelmsford.
- To develop your Materia Medica.
- To grasp the Medicine Picture through a few Key-Expressions (e.g. retention for Nat. Mur; Anchor for Pulsatilla; Principle for Kali Carb; Unfulfilled for Tuberculinum) and Miasmatics of Medicines (Rapid miasmatic diagnosis and remedy diagnosis through appearance, gesture, posture and behaviours).
- To compare related medicines instantly.
- To be a confident prescriber with time tested, century old scientific approach of combining Miasms, Totality & Essence with sound knowledge in Materia Medica; Practical Reinforcement of Classical Hahnemannian-Kentian Approach: Consistent & Repeatedly verified, even in the Drug Dependent Cases, see how it works! (Guarantees confidence in Materia Medica as the medicines are presented through personification, pictures of faces, gestures etc and extensive comparison with related medicines)
- Observe Rapid & Permanent relief of curable Pathology: Live Cases in the Teaching Clinic of U.K and Video footage of Indian Medical Centres: Fast results even in Drug Dependant Cases.
- Re-visit the action of century old lesser known Organopathic medicines like Helonius, Indigo, Tanacetum, Verbena in Depression; Amyl Nit., Epiphegus, Melilotus, Onosmodium, Usnea for Migraine. (a) To discuss the Organopathic lesser known medicines for common acute & chronic ailments e.g. Asthma, Arthritis, Cough & Cold, Constipation, Depression, Eczema, Hypertension, UTI etc. (b) To discuss the effective classical methodology to deal with drug dependant patients from Subrata’s extensive clinical experience in the U.K & India with illustration of successful cases and demonstration of the rapid action of the Organopathics. (c) To demonstrate methods of weaning off conventional chemicals in accordance with aphorism §91 of Organon and thereby giving confidence to the patient that (i) yes, I can control the dosage and may take fewer chemicals; (ii) there are alternatives to manage my condition and (iii) homoeopathy is working for me!
The “Modern Classical Prescribing” an article by Dr. Banerjea in our website (details at: has been specifically designed to use homoeopathic medicines in drug dependant cases and wean off gradually the conventional chemicals without any complications or side effects. Dr. Banerjea has extensively used either deep acting anti-miasmatic medicines or lesser known organopathic medicines to open such cases and when the totality is more clear, prescribe a polychrest or constitutional medicine.
So please prepare the patient for receiving the polychrest (PPPP)!
In aphorism §91 of Organon, Hahnemann clearly mentions about prescribing for natural disease and not for conjoint disease (where the drug induced artificial chronic disease is super-imposed on natural disease and patient cannot give us a clear picture e.g. modalities, sensation or characters of pain etc.).
This practical approach for present drug dependant world is aimed to give you and your patient the confidence that homoeopathy is working within 1st or 2nd follow-up. Also through gradual weaning off the conventional medication, patient becomes free from side effects of chemicals and develop trust on you and your prescribing!
By the end of this intensive programme, participants will have:
A thorough comprehension of some of the subtle and finer points required in clinical practice; Confidence in their grasp of the essence of remedies; Knowledge of the application of the Organon in Clinical practice; Confidence in Effective Case Taking and clinical insight in the dissection of cases.
Extensive lecture notes for all topics will be provided.
The programme aims to close the gap between theory and practice and guarantees the use of miasmatic knowledge and confident use of Materia Medica and Clinical aspects of Organon in everyday practice.
This is a programme suitable for U.K and overseas students and homoeopaths for an intensive exposure of Clinical & Practical Homoeopathy and Comparative Materia Medica.
(A) LIVE VIDEO-TRANSMISSION OF PATIENTS FROM INDIA MEDICAL CENTRE: Live cases of diverse pathologies will be transmitted in real time to our U.K. Class room. Subrata will discuss the cases in detail including Clinical & Comparative Materia Medica. Throughout the day we will see at least 20 cases including follow-up of improved cases.
(B) WHY SIMPLE HOMOEPATHY WINS-LIVE CASES OF STRUGGLE & SUCCESSESS: IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION AND CASE ANALYSIS OF SOME ADVANCED PATHOLOGICAL CASES & HOW HOMOEOPATHY IS WORKING: Subrata will analyse some selected cases from his U.K. Consulting Room who will be present in the Class. In-depth discussion of how to identify blocks in the case, best case methodology to follow. We will do a thorough Miasmatic dissection of each case, using Clinical and Comparative Materia Medica, will discuss the reasons for the final choice of remedy, why the given potency was selected with hints on scope of centesimal and LM scales. Subrata will also focus on aspects to look for the future and how to change the plan of treatment, if necessary. Clinical tips to use when a case is at a standstill to try and move forward again.
(C) SIMPLE HOMOEOPATHY WORKS – CLASSICAL & PRACTICAL PRESCRIBING: Using actual video footage from Subrata’s Indian Medical Centres, we will look at a variety of cases. In order to maximize your learning, outline case details will be sent to you four weeks beforehand so you can analyse each case miasmatically and consider what you would prescribe! During class, Subrata will demonstrate the key points to look for using the Classical, simple, time-tested century-old approach, covering Miasm and Totality of symptoms with emphasis of expanding your knowledge of Materia Medica. By comparing the possible remedies in each case and their differentiations, including your suggestions, you will learn the subtle nuances and differences which will help to enhance your own remedy selection when confronted with that inevitable final list of remedies!
(D) CONFUSED? SEE SIMPLE SUCCESSFUL HOMOEOPATHY LIVE CASE DISCUSSION AT ALLEN TEACHING CLINIC: An opportunity to observe live cases, discussion of the medicine given, Comparative Materia Medica of related medicines, potency, repetition and “Wait & Watch” technique after the prescription. How to handle “Drug Dependant” Complex cases of Western World. Most of us make a good first prescription but spoil the case by too fast a repetition or change of prescription! These TWO days aims to close the gap between theory and practice and guarantee the use of Miasmatic knowledge and confidently use Materia Medica and Organon in everyday practice.
(E) TRIUMPH OF TIME-TESTED CLASSICAL & PRACTICAL HOMOEOPATHY PRACTICE CASES: Using video footage from Subrata’s Indian Medical Centres, we will look at a variety of cases. Case details will be sent to you four weeks before Summer School for you to practice your Miasmatic Analysis and come up with Three suggested medicines!
This method ensures you to get the best learning from the day because you test yourself. During class we will use video footage before/after treatment, go through Miasm and Comparative Materia Medica. Learn subtle nuances and remedy differences to enable you to make a clear remedy selection.
(F) HOW SIMPLE HOMOEOPATHY WORKS – IN DEPTH DISCUSSION AND CASE ANALYSIS OF ALLEN TEACHING CLINIC CASES: Subrata will analyse some selected cases which you have seen in the live Teaching Clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday. In-depth discussion of how to identify blocks in the case, best case methodology to follow, etc. Subrata will also focus on aspects to look for the future and how to change the plan of treatment, if necessary. Clinical tips to use when a case is at a standstill & to try and move forward again.
17th June, 2017 (Saturday) to 24th June, 2017 (Saturday)
(Comprising 7 days tuition; Thursday off).
Include the tuition and extensive accompanying notes for 7 full days (10 AM to 5.00 PM- U.K Time) intensive, clinic orientated teaching. £660.00 (approx. US$ 800/Euro 700. We use the current transaction rate of the day of payment; please use: Partial participation @ £ 99 Per Day. To facilitate learning, groups are small and places are therefore limited. Deposit of £200.00 (non-refundable) please. Cheques made payable to “Allen College of Homoeopathy” or you can do BACS transfer (please ask for details).
Inter-active Video-linked Programme, transmitted directly from the class room including live cases of Clinics: Is intended for international and long distance U.K participants.
Allen College employ a professional interactive streaming video link which provides excellent quality visual and audio connection. Students are able to interact with each other and the lecturer via this link. Each session is recorded and will be available for a 12 weeks after the class.
Unlimited viewing of each recorded sessions for 12 weeks (3 months) after the class. If weekdays are difficult, you can be a Video linked participant and have unlimited viewings of each recorded sessions. All classroom participants will also have the recordings for unlimited viewings for 12 weeks after class.
Various Bed and Breakfast facilities and hotels are available in Chelmsford. Details will be sent upon registration.
Please apply to:
“Summer School 2017”, Allen College of Homoeopathy, “Sapiens”, 382, Baddow Road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9RA. Tel: 44 (0) 1245 505859.
To confirm your place, please send your advance deposit (by cheque or do a Bank Transfer) along with your application.
If you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm Welcome to Allen College, the home of Classical & Practical Homoeopathy.
Thanking you,
Long Live Hahnemann,
Long Live Homoeopathy,
Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea, B.H.M.S., F.S.Hom., F.H.M.A.
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