Competition Inviting Short Film/ Movie/Static Poster/Slide On Myth Busting Facts About Homoeopathy By CCRH - homeopathy360

Competition Inviting Short Film/ Movie/Static Poster/Slide On Myth Busting Facts About Homoeopathy By CCRH

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi invites Homoeopathic Students/Faculty/Medical Officers/Research Officers/Private practitioners across India to participate in Short film/ Poster Competition on theme “MYTH-BUSTING FACTS ABOUT HOMOEOPATHY”.
Objective of the competition
The main objective of this competition is to create awareness among the public about the various misconceptions (myths) related to Homoeopathy and to dispel them with factual information through creative concepts.
1. Poster /Static slide
2. Short Film/Video (duration maximum two minutes)
Who can Participate
Students/Faculty/Medical Officers/Research Officers/Private practitioners from Homoeopathic background across India.
Submission of Entries
The last date for submission of entries is 30th April 2020 by 5 PM.
Date of declaring result – 15th May 2020
Where to submit?
Entries may be submitted on email id-
Terms and Conditions
1. The work should be original and should not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any person/ organization.
2. Multiple entries by a person in either category are not permissible. / Only single entry in each category by a person is permissible, however he/she may apply under different categories.
3. By submitting your entry(ies), you accept that you are the copyright owner of the work and that you agree to our terms and conditions.
4. The duration of the short film should not be more than 2 minutes. Moving slides clearly conveying the relevant messages or pictures in movie format with appropriate background music/ sounds.
5. Participants are required to submit their entries in English/Hindi language only but council will like to promote them in the regional languages after proper translation.
6. Entry will be considered on the basis of creativity, innovativeness, message being conveyed, facts behind the message and appeal of a design. It is desirable that minimum text matter may be used. Entries will be evaluated by expert panel and their decision will be final.
7. The content of the poster/ short film must not be controversial, derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, or disparaging, or contain any content that is inappropriate, indecent, discriminatory in any way, or one that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person, or otherwise does not comply with the theme and spirit of the Contest.
8. All personal information such as Name, affiliation (name of the institute/ organisation/ college/ name of clinic/ dispensary, etc.), Father’s/Husband’s Name, Date of Birth, Address, Email-id, picture of photo identity, and Phone Number should be provided in the e-mail box. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered.
9. Participant may also participate in the contest as a team with maximum two persons;.
10. In case of team participation, the participants will get individual certificate and the prize money will be equally divided into the members of the team.
11. Once submitted, entries cannot be withdrawn or modified.
12. CCRH will not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, are late or incomplete or have not been transmitted due to any technical reason.
13. The winners will be notified through website of CCRH in due course of time depending on number of entries. Other than winners if entries are found to be suitable for promotion, these will also be uploaded on website of CCRH.
14. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw the contest at any time.
15. Organizers’ decision of the contest shall be final and binding and no correspondence will be entertained regarding the same.
16. After the submission of entries, the winners/ shortlisted entries for promotion will not claim any intellectual property right or any copyright on the content provided to the council.
17. The entries may be used by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi for promotional and display purposes and also for health awareness purpose with due acknowledgement.
18. For future promotion council will have rights to make changes deemed fit to improve the same.
19. Canvassing/ spreading/circulating the submitted entries on electronic media/ social platform before declaring the results by CCRH will be a disqualification of the entries.
Prizes will be awarded separately in each of the 02 Categories.
For Static posters/ Slides –
Rs. 10000/- 1st prize ( maximum two prizes)
Rs. 5,000/- 2nd prize ( maximum Three)
Rs. 2,500/- 3rd Prize ( maximum five)
For Short Movie/Film –
Rs. 20,000/- 1st Prize ( maximum two prizes)
Rs 10,000/- 2nd prize (maximum three)
Rs 5000/- 3rd prize (maximum five )
Apart from this, a certificate will also be awarded to the selected candidates.

To view the complete brochure, click here.

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Team Homeopathy360