Compositae: an insight into the mental reign beyond trauma - homeopathy360

Compositae: an insight into the mental reign beyond trauma

Dr Prastuti Jaiswal


Compositae or daisy or sunflower family is also known as astaraceae. There are about 60 remedies of this family mentioned in our materia medica, some being well proved and some being partially. The following article aims to discuss about the mental plane of the compositae family. The sensation which is injured both at physical as well as mental level, insulted, hurt, fear of being approached, shocked, and hence the reaction of being violent, cruel, insulting, harsh since their perception is being injured & insulted.

KEYWORDS:  Homoeopathy, compositae


Compositae family is one of the biggest family in our materia medica. There are about 60 remedies of this family mentioned in our materia medica. Uniqueness of family is what appears to be a single flower is actually compositae of many small florets. Hence the name of this family is compositae. Different remedies of this family have been employed in various clinical conditions by different schools of medicines since ancient times.

It is a wide spectrum family. It has convulsion group, injury group, gastrointestinal group and fever groups of medicine. It has mental theme which is characteristics of this family groups.

Characteristics mental symptoms of compositae family

  • Sensitive to effects of recent or past trauma
  • Fear of accidents, dead bodies.
  • Aversion to work, dissatisfaction all the time.
  • Nervousness, hysteria in females during menses.
  • Forgetful: Sensation as if forgotten something, suddenly stops while walking. 1

Mental symptoms of different medicines of compositae family

Arnica montana-

Memory wanting. Absent-minded ; with wandering of thoughts.  Inability to perform, continuous active work.  Indifference to work, to everything. Fright ; from unexpected trifles, with starting. Fear of being approached Valuable in mania, delirium tremens, especially with involuntary discharges of a putrid odour, nosebleed of dark blood.2 Shedding of tears and exclamations of rage. Opinionated. Quarrelsome.Combative.3

Bellis perennis-

Deep trauma on physical body or psyche. Bruised sore emotions developed to such an extent that deep recesses have been developed but the patient never reveals it, instead presents a happy face. He considered as a strong person with no sensitivities. Bellis women has fear of anyone showing erotic interest in her, as it will penetrate her defence, they need security.4

Calendula officinalis

Great irritability; easily frightened; hearing acute.-Intense depression.5 Delirious and wild. Anxious and morose during chill. Fretful sleepy, dreamy.6

Erigeron canadensis

Great despondency. 7 Low spirits, with a feeling of great languor. 8


Nervous, excited, loquacious, felt like shouting, good humoured, happy. Taciturn, irritable, violent.  Peevish, feels as if she would like to do something cruel. Desponding. Thinks her brain is softening. No capacity for thinking. Feebleness and dullness.9 Child cross, depressed, very peevish. Feels she would like to do something cruel; no humanity.10


Crying and wishing to die. Delirium. Dread of assassination. Various hallucinations.  Idiocy. Irritable mood. Kleptomania. Loquacity. Complete loss of memory. Frightful visions. Expression foolish.11 Forgets what has happened recently. Idiotic manner, doesn’t care whether she dies nor not.12 Brutality, dullness. Great terror; terrifying hallucination.13

Artemesia vulgaris

Stupor following convulsions.-Somnambulism.-Inclination to steal.-Effects of fright.-Catalepsy induced by bodily exertion or by alluding to the disease.14 Moroseness, tearful. Excitability all day before an attack of epilepsy at night.15

Cina maritima

Delirium and crying out. Talking nonsense. Cannot be quieted by any persuasions ; proof against all caresses. Piteous cries if one attempted to touch or lead him. Lachrymose and complaining (in a child). Anxiety and anguish about heart when walking in open air, as if he had committed a crime. Unconscious and frothing at the mouth.16 Disposition to be offended by trifling jests.17


Absence of mind. When writing or speaking, he omits whole words. Dullness. Confusion of head, with transient painful pressure on eyes, in afternoon.Child cries ; quiet only when carried. Child cries ; quiet only when carried. Oversensitiveness to pain, which seems unbearable and drives to despair. All bad effects following anger. Ill-humoured and irritable, the whole day.18

Lactuca virosa

Disposition melancholy, fretful; seeming to invite sadness, after suffering from grief, Internal anguish and agitation, cross-gained humour, which is aroused by slightest provocation.19 Anguish and internal uneasiness. Sadness with exaggerated fancies. 20

Eupatorium perfoliatum  

Feels at night as if going out of his mind. 21 Feels at night as if he was going out of his mind. Moaning: with the aching pain; during cold stage Anxious countenance. Despondency, with fever. Anxiety, despair, depression. Headache > by conversation.22

Eupatorium purpureum  

Stupid, dull,  dropsy, intermittent.  Confusion with falling to one side. The mind encompassed by various delusions. Talkative ; exclamation; delusions of sight and hearing.  Moaning ; suffering expressed by peculiar cries. Hysterical mood , weeping, sighing and a feeling like home sickness, though occupying her own home and surrounded by her own family.23 Mind is encompassed by various delusion . home – sickness , although in her our house . Great fear of sickness, depressed and sleepy, hysterical, low – spirited state.24 Delusions of sight and hearing, talkative, exclamation25

Parthenium  hysterophorus

Feel dull and stupid, difficult to fix attention;  malaise, apathy, lassitude , indifference.26

Pyrethrum  parthenium

Very excited, talked incessantly for four hours lying in state of stupor, easily roused but quickly relapsing.27

Wyethia helenoids

Nervous, uneasy, apprehensive of calamity – depressed incapacitated for mental work, averse to company, impatient, quarrelsome.28

Senecio aureus

Very irritable, worried, undecided; dissatisfied; depressed, nervous. Low spirits alternating with cheerful mood; sleepless. feeling like homesickness.29

Carduus marianus

Forgets what he has just intended to do. Disposition to become angry. Melancholy with live affections. Joyless; apathetic.30 Sadness with tendency to weep. Fullness in head with disposition to become angry.31

Carduus benedictus

Anxiety, fear, starting at every noise, frequently breaking into cold sweat. Fretful; during fever. Cross humour.32

Gnaphalium polycephalum

Very irritable for two to three days, after the diarrhoea.33

Inula helenium

Excessive anxiety and trembling of the whole body, chattering of teeth from cold, during menstruation.34

Tussilago fragrans

Complaining mood, fault finding; spiteful. Serenity; benevolence; calmness; increased power of mind and expression.35

Discussion and conclusion

Different remedies of this family have been employed in various clinical conditions . As a family ,the compositae has the potential to treat the wide variety of signs, befallments, and symptoms as it consists large number of medicines than any other family in homoeopathic materia medica which have further subdivided into groups having action on the deepest level and almost all the organs of the body including my mind but the mental aspects of these medicines are generally ignored in the clinical practice inspite of some very characteristics mental symptoms mentioned in  various homoeopathic literature.This is a contrary group of remedies that act with a mixture of defensiveness with fear of interference, injury, invasion, and attack as well as aggression, abuse and striking out.

This work is a small attempt  to traverse the unexplored mental reign of this infallible family from various homoeopathic literature that  can be utilised in for better understanding and enhanced clinical practice.

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  1. Patil JD. Group study in homoeopathic materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B.Jain Publishers(P) Ltd. 2007,2008 . p. 71-75
  2. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 2011. vol 1 p. 477-8
  3. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 1572-3
  4. Vithoulkas G. Materia medica viva. Greece. International academy of classical homoeopathy; 1997. vol 4 p.912-5
  5. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 2 p. 367
  6. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol  3 p. 254
  7. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol 4 p. 211
  8. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 5 p. 207
  9. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol 1 p. 557
  10. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 3
  11. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol 1 p. 3
  12. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 7
  13. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 17
  14. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 195
  15. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 154
  16. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol 3 p. 307
  17. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 2 p. 521
  18. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol 3 p. 89-91
  19. 19.  Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain  Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 2 p. 236-237
  20. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol  7  p. 154
  21. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p.727
  22. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol  5 p.229
  23. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol  5 p. 235
  24. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol 1 p.730
  25. Allen TF. The encyclopedia of pure material medica.6th impression. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011. vol  4 p.237
  26. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol 2 p. 727
  27. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol 2 p. 930
  28. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol 3 p. 1569
  29. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol  3 p. 1147
  30. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol  1 p. 419
  31. Henry C. The guiding symptoms of our material medica. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 3 p. 405
  32. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 416
  33. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 1 p. 830
  34. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. vol 2  p. 26
  35. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. Reprint Ed. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1995. Vol  3 p. 1470

About the authors-

  1. Dr Prastuti Jaiswal- Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  2. Dr Satya prakash Singh, Dr Sakshi Bhadana, Dr Surbhi, (PG Scholar)- Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

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