ABSTRACT: The high and only mission of a homoeopathic physician is to restore the sick to health.1 Homoeopathic treatment aims to enhance and stimulate body’s immune system and self-regulatory mechanisms. Constitutional refers to treating a person as a whole physically, mentally and emotionally including past and present symptoms. Constitutional treatment is very effective and is efficient in treating many kinds of diseases and long term illness. Constitutional similimum prescribed by the detailed case taking brings out satisfactory results to both patient and physician in the case of psoriasis.
Psoriasis, Constitutional similimum, Nux vomica.
The Essential feature of an autoimmune disease is that tissue injury is caused by the immunological reaction of the organism against its own tissue.2 Psoriasis is one of the disease that comes under this category. Psoriasis is a multi-factorial genetic disease that requires both polygenic and environmental factors for its clinical expression. It is based on T- cell-mediated immune pathogenesis.3 It is characterized by thick elevated scaling erythematous plaques associated with marked increase in the rate of epidermal turnover. Polygenic inheritance, Environmental influences, Stress and infections, influence the onset and course of the disease. It can be pustular or generalized.4
A Case Study
Following is a case of long standing psoriasis which has improved dramatically after Constitutional homoeopathic treatment.
A Case of Psoriasis
Patient Mr .X came with the complaints of eruptions all over the body since 9 years. The complaints first started anal region then head, followed by back and hands and last on face. Itching is intense without any burning sensation. Bleeds on itching. 3 years back the patches have occurred in abdomen. The patches are scaly and hard to touch. He feels as if insects are crawling over the patch. The prominent modality itching < bathing generally.
Mental generals exhibited by the patient that he gets angered easily, wants everything to be done independently and properly, prominently does not like being looked at when the patches increased in face.
Physical Generals included desire for highly seasoned food.
Totality of Symptoms
- Aggravation being looked at
- Fastidious
- Angered easily
- Desires for highly seasoned food
- Crawling sensation in skin
- Itching scratching amelioration
- Bathing aggravation
Case Analysis and Remedy selection: Maximum symptoms were covered by Nux vomica and also mind symptoms are more prominent.
After Repertorisation, remedies like Sulphur, Nux vomica, Arsenicum album, Sepia officinalis, and Phosphorus were the first 4 remedies of choice, after including the physical general and mental general into consideration Nux vomica was selected as the similimum to the case at the present state of the patient. Thus Nux vomica 200, single dose was given and patient was said to come after 2 weeks.
Reason for treatment
- Conventional treatment taken for many years
- Susceptibility being moderate
- History of suppression (Ointments)
- Vitality good
Based on Constitution & conventional treatment NUX VOMICA was administered. Nux vomica 200 was selected in accordance with the above-mentioned reasons.
The doses were given on 13.8.2018 according to the intensity.
Follow up
Nux vomica 200 was increased to 1M after 2 weeks and the patches in the face started to reduce and the patient hinted that when medicines were taken it healed from centre to periphery which was opposite when ointment was applied in conventional treatment.
The patches disappearedfrom above downwards.
13.08.2018 | Patient in his first visit | First prescription | Rx |
according to the symptoms was | Nux vomica 200/1 | ||
prescribed the similar remedy. | dose | ||
27.08.2018 | Complaints remains same | No change | Rx After prescribing |
Nux vomica 1M/1 | |||
dose | |||
11.09.2018 | Patches in face reducing. | Amelioration (From | Rx |
Complaints of crawling of | upper part of body) | Sac Lac/ 1month | |
insects sensation in patches. | |||
Patches in left cheek and | |||
abdomen reduced. | |||
13.10.2018 | Itching and patches reduced in | Standstill | Rx |
upper part of body. Patches in | Nux vomica 1M/1 | ||
back still persist. | dose | ||
16.11.2018 | Patches in back reduced. Itching | Amelioration | Rx |
feels beter. Note: Patient hinted | Sac lac/1month | ||
that when medicines were taken | |||
it healed from centre to | |||
periphery which was opposite | |||
when ointment was applied in | |||
conventional treatment | |||
Discussion and Conclusion:
Psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, when approached constitutionally following principles of Organon of medicinestated by our master Dr Samuel Hahnemann gives us satisfactory results and lead us to the path of recovery.
The correlation with Hering’s law made the prognosis of the case good.
- The Patches disappeared from above downwards
- From centre to periphery.
Remedy Name | Nux- | Sulph | Sep | Phos | Ars | Rhus- | Chin | Calc | Kali- | Staph | Ant- | Bry |
v | t | c | c | |||||||||
Totality | 12 | 15 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
Symptoms Covered | 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Kingdom | ||||||||||||
[Kent ] [Mind]Fastidious: | 2 | 2 |
[Kent ] [Mind]Looked | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||||||
at,cannot bear to be: | |||||||||||||
[Kent ] | |||||||||||||
[Mind]Anger,irascibility(see | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||
irritability,quarrelsome): | |||||||||||||
[Kent ] | |||||||||||||
[Stomach]Desires:Highly | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||
seasoned food: | |||||||||||||
[Kent ] | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | |
[Skin]Itching:Crawling: | |||||||||||||
[Kent ] | |||||||||||||
[Skin]Itching:Scratching | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
:Amel: | |||||||||||||
[Kent ] | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | |||
[Generalities]Bathing:Agg: | |||||||||||||
Hahnemann, Samuel, Organon of medicine, 6thedition, Aphorism 2;(1921)
Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine, 18thedition, 318:2719; (2012)
Das, Krishna K.V, Textbook of medicine , 5thEdition 208:1361
Panda U.N, Millenium edition, Textbook of medicine, 16:783; (2000)

About the Author:
Dr P.J. Suresh, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
Sri Sai Ram Homoeopathy Medical College and Research Centre, West Tambaram, Chennai – 44.