Correlation Between Exercise and Longevity, best exercises for health and longevity

Correlation Between Exercise and Longevity

Epidemiologists are scientists are who examine how we live how long we live and what kills us. There is now a large body of excellent research that examines the effects of regular exercise on longevity and chronic disease ,as you consider these studies it’s well to keep in mind that the three leading causes of death in America , in order of incidence are heart attacks , cancer , and strokes .
Conquering Depression And Anxiety Through Exercise

  1. Only vigorous aerobic exercise extends life .
  2. The more active the men/women , the longer they were likely to live
  3. The increased longevity was largely the result of fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease .
  4. to have a protective effect , exercise must be a life long component of our way of living .
  5. The older we are , the more we have to gain; men in their seventies who burn two thousand calories a week in vigorous activity cut their heart attack risk by 50 % almost twice the risk reduction of younger active men
  6. Vigorous physical activity partially compensated for the high mortality risks of those who smoked or were significantly over weight . The mortality risk that resulted from being sedentary was the same as smoking a pack a day or weighing 20% more than a healthy weight .
  7. Exercise begins to reduce mortality risk at five hundred calories (expended in vigorous exercise per week) and the protective effects tend to level off at about fifteen
    Hundred calories a week , with men who burned at least that amount having a 25 % lower death rate than those who burned
    • It helps maintain a healthy body weight
    • It helps maintain healthy amounts of overall body fat
    • It helps maintain low levels of fat in and around the abdomen
    • It helps maintain the biological system that regulates blood sugar levels
    • Its control of some tumor factors
    • It helps suppress prostate glands (hormone like substances in greater quantities by tumor cells )
    • It improves immune function including increased levels of natural killer cells
    • It reduces symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression (which may improve immune function and overall physiological functioning )
    • It increases levels of free radical scavengers to assist the body in preventing DNA damage .
    Exercise And Osteo Arthritis
    At last years fifty –plus health conference , arthritis expert Kate Lorig , director of the patient education research center at the Stnford University school of medicine , presented a paper on her area of expertise ; physical activity and arthritis , after she finished her formal presentation , the first question from the audience was what is the most dangerous exercise for people with arthritis ? with out missing a beat , she responded “No Exercise” . Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the cartilage that cushions our joints , some times progressing to the point where bones are rubbing against one another , the pain that results and the fear of doing more pain than is necessary , proper exercise will increase flexibility and muscle strength , which in turn will lessen the load placed on the afflicted joints and reduce the pain .
    Homoeopathy –is the ideal medicine to accompany us on our life’s path . It is nature’s way of providing man with every thing he needs in order to be healthy , by helping him overcome each of the obstacles in his way , what is more , homoeopathic remedies are practically cost effective and without side effects , although “Hahnemann” (founder of homoeopathy) emphasized the need for tireless enthusiasm and absence of prejudice on the part of the practitioner .

About Author:

Dr.(mrs) B.S.SUVARNA ,B.A, D.I.HOM ( LOND ), M.I.H,  Ph.D.(ITALY)

HOMOEO PHYSICIAN .  (Gold Medalist )

(associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal )






PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC), +91-8262-221316 (RESID )


About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )