DAN HORVATH, IACH DIHOM, RSHOM(NA), CCH- (Practitioner Program Coordinator for North America)



(Practitioner Program Coordinator for North America)

Dan Horvath, IACH DIHom, RSHom(NA), CCH is responsible for introducing the IACH curriculum to North America. His passion for homeopathy and over 35 years of experience are an enormous asset to this program. He has been studying homeopathy since 1979 and follows the teachings of Hahnemann, Vithoulkas and Kent. Previously, he was the Director of Studies for the George Vithoulkas Program at the American Medical College of Homeopathy at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Dan Horvath is nationally certified in classical homeopathy and is a graduate of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. His homeopathic family practice, Arizona Homeopathy is located in Phoenix. Dan Horvath is also a distinguished registered member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), and National Center for Homeopathy (NCH).

About the author


The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) is an educational institution which presents academic Courses in homeopathy for the effective clinical practise of Classical Homeopathy.

The aim of the IACH is the professional education of Medical Doctors, Medical students and health practitioners in order to become effective Classical Homeopaths, according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.