Decachords Top Ten Indications of 120 Homeopathic Remedies by john henry clarke

Decachords – TOP TEN INDICATIONS of 120 Homeopathic Remedies

About Book

When first introduced to the materia medica the student is bewildered by the mass of symptoms presented under each drug and he often seeks for a way out of the seeming maze. “Decachords” will provide the earnest student with some necessary clues guiding him to a practical acquaintance with more frequently used remedies. This book is not a materia medica. Indications given are only foundation upon which by further study and experience a fuller knowledge of homoeopathic drugs is to be built.
A number of additional remedies have been included at the end of the book, the indications taking the form of “Pentachords”. These bring the total of drugs dealt with up to one hundred and twenty. The notes are gathered from various sources. Due acknowledgments are made to Sir John Weir and Dr. Wheeler, whose valuable lectures have furnished much of the material. Well-known works by Drs. Allen, Cowperthwaite, Nash and others have also been drawn upon for many keynotes.

About Author:

John Henry Clarke, MD (1853–1931), was a prominent English classical homeopath. He was also, arguably, the most important antisemite in Great Britain. He led The Britons. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies nosodes.

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