What is Menopause?
- Menopause is the permanent cessation of Menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity.
- Menopause is a part of women’s natural ageing process when her ovaries produce lower level of estrogen and progesterone and when she is no longer able to become pregnant.
- There are 4 phases of menopause as follows-
- Pre-Menopause: It is the time prior to menopause
- Peri Menopause: CLIMACTERIC- period characterized by physiological changes associated with the end of reproduction capacity and terminating with completion of menopause.
- Menopausal phase: It is the end of menstruation. The age of menopause ranges between 45 – 55 years average being 50 years.
- Post Menopause: It is defined formally as the time after which a women has experienced 12 consecutive month of amenorrhea without period .
Since the motor activity of the entire digestive tract is diminished after menopause, the intestine tends to be sluggish resulting in Gastrointestinal complaints like constipation, flatulence, hyperacidity, nausea, etc.
Homoeopathy work upon the similia principle, medicine prescribed on the basis of totality of symptoms henceforth homoeopathic medicines helps to get rid of menopausal complaints without causing any harm.
Here are some homoeopathic remedies for GIT complaints of menopausal women:
- Sanguinaria Canadensis:
- It’s an infallible remedy for climacteric disorders especially when Lachesis and sulphur fails to relieve.
- Patient has aversion to butter and craving for spicy things along with unquenchable thirst.
- Female complaints of burning in abdomen, vomiting and nausea with salivation,there is sinking, faint and all gone feeling in abdomen, vomiting of bile.
- Diarrhoea is bilious, liquid with gushing stool. There is a feeling as of hot water pouring from breast to abdomen followed by diarrhoea.
- Diarrhoea is accompanied by acidic watery stools burning in abdomen and stomach.
- In chronic sanguinaria patient stomach will be disordered for week, spitting up bile, much flatulence, sour hot eructation, then all at once, this will disappear and diarrhoea which fairly floods him, comes on suddenly, bilious liquid gushing stool
- There is loss of appetite with great weakness of digestion.
- As soon as patient will have her meal, she will start feeling empty with difficulty in breathing,nausea, water brash and lassitude almost to fainting with cold sweat to 12pm even after little food.
- If patient goes without food, bilious headache starts.
- Complaints of constipation especially in menopausal women where stool are hard, in lumps.
- Some females also complain of haemorrhoids.
- Natrium Carbonicum:
- Natrium carb is one of the leading remedies fir GIT complaints of menopausal women, when patient complaints of stools like orange pulp.
- Even slightest error in diet aggravates the GIT complaints
- Old dyspeptics always belching, have sour stomach.
- There is sudden call for stool which escapes with haste and noise.
- Patient has great aversion to milk as it causes diarrhoea
- There is great weakness in digestion with peevishness and hypochondrial humour after a meal or least departure from regimen.
- Female complaints of colic with constipation around stomach, there is distension of stomach and epigastrium.
- There is accumulation of flatus which changes places with painful movements in abdomen.
- There is urgency to evacuate followed by scanty in insufficient evacuation which is hard and difficult
- There is intense itching and tingling around anus
- Gastric pains are relieved after eating.
- Lachesis Mutus:
- Lachesis is the impeccable remedy for climacteric ailments.
- A remedy made from snake venom is great for haemorrhagic tendency.
- In post-menopausal females, there is severe constipation due to in activity of rectum, stool lies in a rectum without urging there is sensation of constriction of sphincter.
- Lachesis can be thought of when a lady has complaint of piles with scanty menses of climaxes.
- Many complaints are connected with menopause at climacteric.
- Lachesis is a great enemy of all constrictions, Pit of stomach is sore to touch, even touch of clothes.
- There is sensation of little hammers in rectum
- There is urging or rather pressing down in rectum but it is worse when he attempts a stool. It feels as if anus were closed.
- Haemorrhage from bowel like charred straw, black particles.
- There is frequent emission of flatus
- There is stitching pain in rectum even while snugging or laughing.
Menopause is an inevitable phase of life but with the help of Homoeopathy and improving the lifestyle menopausal period can be passed with ease.
The increasing prevalence of post-menopausal symptoms owing to the shift towards a sedentary lifestyle.
According to WHO, in 2021, women aged 50 and over accounted for 26% of all women and girls globally.
Apart from my study there are other homoeopathic remedies like Pulsatilla, Sepia, Ignatia, Calcareacarbonicum etc which can help with menopausal symptoms.
As reference to Aphorism number 221-230 from 6th edition of Organon of medicine, Auxiliary line of treatment is essential to ease the menopausal symptoms.
Auxiliary line of treatment includes:
1.Yoga and meditation
2. Following proper diet and regimen
3. Adequate intake of water
4. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep
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About Author
- Dr Oshin Ranadive
BHMS (intern)
Dr R.S.Gunjal Institute Maharashtra Homoeopathic Foundation’s
Homoeopathic medical college,Sangamner, Ahmednagar
- Dr Anum Zaheer
(Gold medallist)
Homoeopathy heals