Diabetes And Homoeopathic Management - homeopathy360

Diabetes And Homoeopathic Management

Dr B S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India

What is diabetes ?
Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high because the body can not use in property. It is a condition affecting the endocrine system ( your glands and the harmones that they produce  where by the pancreas stops producing insulin or produces too little ; or where the cells in your body are resistant to the hormone the sugar (glucose ) in your body and allows the sugar (sugar ) in your blood and allows blood to be used for immediate energy needs or it is stored away to be used latter on blood sugar comes mailnly from carbohydrates in the food you eat , these are broken down in your digestive system and then transported around your body to be used as fuel for the energy we  need in every day life

Unless you have enough insulin the sugar in your body can not be used efficiently , hence causing your blood sugar levels to rise

If left untreated high blood sugar levels can cause long term health problems being diagnosed with diabetes will give you the opportunity to make the necessary changes to your life style , there fore enabling you to avoid some of the risks associated with diabetes , there are main types of diabetes type1 and type2 but pregnant woman sometimes develop a 3rd type of diabetes has different causes so they are treated differently causes as the causes are closely related the symptoms are also very similar

You may experience they following symptoms
1. dehydration and excessive thirst

2. a need to frequently go to toilet

3. excessive tiredness

4. weight loss

5. itching in the genital area or frequent episodes

6. wounds may be very slow to heal

7. recurrent infections ( such as boils )

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin , producing cells in the pancreas are damaged , thus the pancreas eventually stops producing any insulin at all

It usually affects young people , although it can occur at any age and can develop very quickly over a short space of time , it is controlled with insulin injections the amount of insulin you need a balanced against the levels of sugar in your blood

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin producing cells in the pancreas are damaged thus the pancreas eventually stops producing any insulin at all

It usually affects young people , although it can occur at ant age and can develop very quickly over a short space of time it is controlled with insulin injections , the amount of insulin you need is balanced against the levels of sugar in your blood

Type2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when :

The cells in your body are resistant to the effects of insulin
Your diabetes does not produce enough insulin or a combination of the two
It develops slowly and gradually over a long peroid of time , so the symptoms may not be noticed and the condition often goes undiagnosed

Type2 diabetes is usually found in middle aged or elderly people is usually found in middle aged or elderly people but it is increasingly being diagnosed in early adulthood and some times in child hood it generally  runs in families and is particularly prevalent in certain ethnic group , almost one in five people of south Asian descent is likely to get type 2 diabetes

It can be sometimes be treated with diet and exercise . if that is not enough to control it , you will be given tablets or you may need to move on to insulin injections

Managing diabetes

1. exercising regularly will help to use up the sugar in your blood

2. you can make healthy food choices too

3. talk them about any changes you should make to your diet and ask about the sort of exercise that is best for you, in addition you will probably be given medical treatment

4. if you have type2 diabetes you may be given tablets which either , make your cells more sensitive to the insulin you naturally produce or stimulate your pancreas to produce more insulin if you have type2 diabetes and tablets are not enough your doctor may recommend insulin , however your diabetes is treated you need to know how much sugar in your blood and what affects your levels , you may be asked to test you blood sugar levels regularly or test at the same times each day and look for patterns in your results

Your health care professionals will explain when you should test your blood sugar levels and will help you understand what the patterns mean , you should be taught how you can use this information to help to smooth out your blood sugar levels

Healthy eating and diabetes

Food –how it affects the glucose in your blood

The experts say that a healthy diet for some one with diabetes is the same as a healthy diet  for some one with diabetes is the same as a healthy diet for any one else , plenty of vegetables and starchy carbohydrates , moderate amounts of fruit and minimum intake of fats , sugars and salt , but when you have diabetes , its important to understand how the foods you eat affect your blood glucose , so where does the glucose in your blood come from ? 1. digesting the carbohydrates you eat carbohydrates you eat

2. starchy carbohydrates found in whole meal bread or pasta , for example are broken down into sugar , sugars and absorbed slowly , this slow absorption keeps blood sugar levels smoother 3, carbohydrate in sugary ( such as cakes or sweets) are absorbed quickly , making your blood glucose levels rise more rapidly

Producing sugar inside your body

Your blood can also produce a sugar ( called glycosin) internally from a special store in the liver , glycogen is your blood glucose falls . if your blood glucose falls too low , your liver immediately starts breaking down your liver immediately starts breaking down your glycogen stores to make sugar

Where does the sugar go ? sugar is your body,s main fuel , your muscles and brain need it , just like a car needs petrol , your blood carries sugar around your body to where it is needed

To get the sugar out of your blood and into your tissues you need insulin

Insulin will either

1. move the glucose from your blood into your muscles and brain for energy

2. store it under your skin and around your organs as fat

When you take tablets to treat type2 diabetes , you must eat regularly to match the effect of your tablets

The tablets you take help the insulin in your body work more efficiently

What else should you eat in  a healthy diet ?in addition to carbohydrate you need to eat

1. fruit and vegetables – try to spread your intake of fruit out over the day to avoid any sudden rises in your blood glucose levels

2. meat , fish and protein alternatives –eat a variety of proteins and choose low fat options where you can for instance

1. lean ham in preference to pork pics
2. chicken without skin
3. pulses ( lentil sand beans )

3. milk and dairy foods – dairy products such as yoghurt and milk contain calcium needed for healthy bones and teeth adults should look for the low fat versions

1. do not cut fats completely , but do keep your intake to a minimum .
2. use herbs for extra flavor rather than salt .
3. cut down on sugar where you can , you might try some of the intense sweeteners instead

What should you avoid ?

  1. Too much salt , as it can lead to an increase in blood pressure
  2. Too much saturated fat is linked to;
  3. increased cholesterol levels , which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease
  4. weight gain: Being over weight creates its own health risks , but makes a difference to your finds it particularly difficult to move glucose out of your blood and into fatty tissue so the more weight you carry , the more insulin you may need to inject
  5. Of course , the opposite is true too , if you lose weight , you should need less insulin , that is way weight , you should need less insulin , that is why blood glcose testing is so important when you are in a diet

Exercise is good for every one when you have diabetes , regular exercise is recommended by health care professionals for a number of reasons
1. tones your muscles and muscles are more sensitive to insulin than fat
2. uses up energy and lowers blood sugar ( glucose )
3. helps you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight
4. helps to reduce stress
5. can increase you lung capacity into your blood stream

When you take tablets and treat type 2 diabetes you must eat regularly to match the effect of your tablets .the tablets you take help the insulin in your body work more effectively

What else should eat in a healthy diet?

In addition to carbohydrates you need to eat ;
Fruit and vegetables –try to spread your intake of fruit cut over the day to avoid any sudden rises in your blood glucose levels
In addition to carbohydrates you need to eat
Meat fish and protein alternatives –eat a variety of proteins and choose low fat

1. fruit and vegetables – try to spread your intake of fruit out over the day to avoid any sudden rises in your blood glucose levels
2. meat fish protein alternatives –eat a variety of proteins and choose low fat options where you can for instance
3. lean ham in preference to pork pics
4. chicken with out the skin and milk contain calcium , needed for healthy bones and teeth .
5. adults should look for the low fat versions
6. small amounts of fats , sugars and salt

1. don’t cut fats completely , but do keep your intake to a minimum
2. use herbs for extra flavor rather than salt 3. Cut down on sugar where you can , you might try some of the intense sweeteners instead:

Helps to reduce your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure , which in turn lowers your risk of heart disease

Improves the circulation of blood around your body which reduces the risk of arterial disease this is the medical term for problems involving blood vessels

Arterial disease can result in angina , heart attacks and strokes

Exercise helps release endorphins , hormones that help you feel good


  1. It is generally recommended that you should exercise for thirty minutes five times a week , some authorities say that you can spread those thirty minutes out over the course of a day
  2. Start slowly with just 5 minutes at a time , if you need to and build up gradually to 30 minutes out over the course of a body
  3. Work with your heart care professional to devise an exercise programme specially for you
  4. Are there any times when I should not exercise ?
  5. Exercise can make your levels go up even further if your blood sugar levels are already high and you do not have enough insulin or your tablets
  6. Your body moves its sugar levels from your liver into your blood stream to give you more energy , but you don,t have enough insulin to move it into your muscles where it can be used

Exercise and illness –a bad mix

  1. Your blood sugar levels will rise to fight off infections , so all your insulin will be needed
  2. Do not exercise if your blood sugar level is greater than 15.0 mml or if you have ketones
  3. Find the activities is beneficial , its best to choose activities that meet your goals and are safe for you to do
  4. If you seldom exercise , ask your health care professional what sort of intensity and frequency of physical activity fot you . if you have heart , eye or blood pressure problems , you must seek medical advice
  5. Before starting a new exercise program
  6. To prevent injury you warm up with gentle stretching  before and after exercise
  7. Take good care of your feet
  8. Always wear socks and make sure that your foot wear well
  9. Be very aware of any developing blisters –and take care of them properly
  10. Be care full you have diabetic foot problems , running and tread mill work are not suitable excercises for this condition , swimming or ccycling are much kinder to the feet
  11. Be care full if you want to lift heavy weight sudden lifting can increase your blood pressure

Wear your diabetes 1D tag in case you have a type or an accidental injury while you are exercising , it will help the medical team to know that you are taking tablets or insulin
Keeping hypus at bay

In general , when you have diabetes , physical activity is likely to make your blood sugar levels go down ,this is not just true for people using insulin but for all people with diabetes

So to avoid levels falling too low before and after excercising

  1. Always take a small snack before you start excercising
  2. Before you begin , test to make sure your blood sugar levels are not too low
  3. Have glucose tablets , a surgery drink or a snack at hand while you ecercise , in case you feel hypo
  4. Test again after exercise , and ask your self ;-

How low are my levels ?
Do I need a snack ?
Should I have had a bigger snack before I started ?
Watch out for delayed hypos
If you have undertaken vigorous exercise , keep an eye on your levels over the next 36 hours as you may need to make some longer –term adjustments to your diet to avoid going hypo later


If you ask most doctors about hypoglycemia , you are likely to be told that it is rare , except in diabetes who have taken too much insulin

However many homoeopaths recognize a condition that they call reactive hypoglycemia in which the symptoms are similar but less severe , the symptoms are similar the symptoms are suddenly and may appear before breakfast, after missing a meal , two to five hours after eating or during exercise


  1. Weakness , faintness , fast heart beat , cold sweat and dizziness
  2. Mental disturbance , anxiety , panic irritability and mood swings
  3. Hunger , but also nausea
  4. Migraines and headaches
  5. Walking hungry , raiding kitchen for food at night
  6. Reactive hypoglycemia requires a constitutional
  7. Prescription from a homoepathic doctor , but help youself
  8. Eating wholegrain products in preferances to white flour , rice pasta etc
  9. Eating wholegrain products in preferances to white flore , rice pasta etc
  10. 3 eating small meals frequently
  11. Cutting out tea , coffee and alcohol
  12. Avoiding sugar , chocolate
  13. Chaning your life style take plenty of rest regular exercise and try to reduce stress
  14. If these measures and try to reduce stress
  15. If these measures have not helped after 4 weeks with your dotor
  16. When sugar is found in urine , it is termed diabetes patient becomes weak and weaker , losses flesh , is emaciated waking is said to be the best treatment for diabetes . I have known many cases who linved long up to the age of 80-85 thogh , they contacted clarity diabete in middle age by taking recource to walking for 8-12 miles daily preferably in early morning hours . lemon , papaya , mooli(radish), Bengan (brinjal) karela and jammon or sad to be efficacious in controlling diabetes .


Syzgium  jambolanum –Q

Symptoms- most useful, no other remedies causes in so marked a degree the diminution , and disappearance of  sugar in urine .

Natrum sulph and Natrum phos

Symptoms – specific remedies for diabetes. Both should be taken one in morning and the other in the night continuosly for some days. Remedy of the liver , specific action case aggravation in damp weather .

Lactic acid

Symptoms – when there I s pain in joint also .

Secale cor – when there is much thirst burning in palms and soles thirst prickles and –paresthesia , longing for cold.

Uranium nitricum – specific in diabetes of varying  genesis .

Lycopodium remedy of the liver , specific action in case of aggravation in damp weather

Acid phos –thirst sexual impotence , psychic depression

Arsenic album – un quenchable thirst progressive exhaustion .

Phaseolus nanus –sugar in urine , irregular cardiac action.

Plumbum iodide – when uric acid increases .

Argentum metallium – when there is swelling on feet .

Terebenthinae -when there is burning in urine albumin also passes with sugar .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
E-MAIL: bssuvarna@rediffmail.com