Doctrine of Signature and Homoeopathy by Dr Monimala Pramanick

Doctrine of Signature and Homoeopathy by Dr Monimala Pramanick

“A belief or a set of believes held and taught by a group “that is doctrine. Signature has been derived from two words. ‘at Sign and Nature’ that is signs of nature, Means belief that is signed by nature.

Dioscorides and galen stated that herbs can be used by herbalists to treat the patient. Paracelsus (1493-1541)was the first person who told that nature always presented the healing substances with some

About the author

Dr Monimala pramanick

Dr.Monimala Pramanick ,Associate Professor and HOD ,Jawaharlal Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, Parul University Vadodara. Experience is 6 years and 8 months. Published 3 books in Homoeopathic Pharmacy and 23 articles. Has contribution in D.D Banerjee's Homoeopathic Pharmacy books 3rd and 4th revised edition.