Dr Aditya Pareek’s recent B Jain publication was formally launched by Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi Adityanath and National President of the BJP, Mr J P Nadda. This gesture by CM Yogi, a patron of AYUSH streams and Mr Nadda, former national Health Minister is a patronage to Homeopathic system at large.
Dr Aditya Pareek’s book titled “Clinical Miasmatic Prescribing” was launched in March. However, the official unveiling ceremony was delayed due the 2nd Covid wave in the country.
However, it was during their visit to Agra that the dignitaries did the formal unveiling. Other dignitaries present on the occasion were: Shri Swatantra Dev Singh, State BJP President, Shri B L Santosh, State General Secretary, Shri G S Dharmesh, Minister of State, Shri Navin Jain, Mayor of Agra. Senior Homeopathic Physician Dr R S Pareek was also present.
The book covers applied aspects of Hahnemann’s miasmatic theory including clinical cases.
For More Info About Book: https://www.bjainbooks.com/inr/clinical-miasmastic-prescribing-fundamental-principles-practical-application.html