Nationality: French – English
Languages: French, English, German
Born: 2 July 1974
2017– | Faculty member at the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM), University of Bern • Conducting research and writing scientific papers with Prof Stephan Baumgartner • Amongst other projects, a three-part review of all physico-chemical investigations of homeopathy |
2017-2019 | Executive director and Principal Investigator, Water Research Lab, Heidelberg • Creation of the WRL lab as a German non-profit structure (Stiftung für Wasserforschung) dedicated to investigating the physico-chemical mode of action of homeopathic preparations • Recruitment of dedicated team (Dr Everine van de Kraats and Msc students from Heidelberg University) • Ran a number of experiments (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Conductivity in particular), one publication in progress • Due to lack of funding, the project had to be discontinued at 31st Dec 2019 |
2007– | Founding Director and Chairman of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) • Creation of HRI – a foundation dedicated to homeopathy research (www.hri-research.org). • Chairman of the Board: Oversight of legal aspects, finances, strategy, communications and research program, negotiations with other organisation, relations with main donors. • Executive Director: Team management, recruitment, control of daily operations, implementation of strategic and communications strategies. • Editing and publishing lay scientific articles about homeopathy research (~30 articles ‘New Scientist’ level) written by leaders in the field. • Organisation of bi-annual ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy’ international conferences, dedicated to homeopathy research (4 to date: Barcelona, Rome, Malta, and London with 350 participants). |
2010-2013 | Head of Mathematical Modelling unit – Cancer Research UK, London • Consultant in Mathematics and Biophysics for the 600 researchers of the Cancer Research Institute in London, ranked 5th institute worldwide for molecular biology. • Collaboration with leading researchers in molecular biology. • Co-supervision of a doctoral student dealing with modelling of cellular structures. • Co-supervision of 2 post-docs within the framework of collaborations dealing with the modelling of biochemical processes. • Large number of interactions within the institute – interdisciplinarity. • Organiser of a series of seminars (~20) for the institute on topics at the boundary between biology, physics and mathematics with leading external presenters. • Organiser of a series of seminars (~10) fostering in-house knowledge of image analysis of biological images. • Initiator and promoter of a new solution of long-term storage (OMERO) for large quantities of data produced by the latest generation of microscopes. |
2004-2010 | Post-doctoral researcher – Cancer Research UK • Collaborations with leading research groups in molecular biology. • Multidisciplinary projects in biophysics. • Image analysis for automatic extraction of quantitative data from biological images. • Development of the theory and implementation of models of reaction/diffusion of proteins. |
2003-2007 | Diploma from the Centre for Homeopathic Education, London, 4 years part-time training Bachelor level training in homeopathy clinical theory and practice |
1999–2003 | Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction between water and proteins. |
1996–1997 | Research in Quantum Biophysics, Bristol, UK. Theoretical investigation of the Quantum Mechanics of living systems. |
1995–1996 | Diploma of Advanced Studies in Mathematics in Theoretical Physics (Part III), Cambridge, UK Specialisation in quantum field theory and general relativity. Thesis on ‘hidden variable’ theories in Quantum Mechanics. |
1992–1995 | B.Sc. in Physics (First Class Honours), Imperial College, UK. |
1992 | Baccalauréat, section S, ‘Mention Bien’, Paris, France. |
2004: EMBO long-term post-doctoral research fellowship (2 years)
2004: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (3 years)
2007: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (1 year)
2008: CRUK post-doctoral research fellowship (1 year)
• Tournier, A. L., Smith, J. C. 2002. Time-resolved computational protein biochemistry: solvent effects on interactions, conformational transitions and equilibrium fluctuations. Faraday Dis, 122, 243-51.
• Tournier, A. L., Xu, J., Smith, J. C. 2003. Solvent Caging of internal motions in myoglobin at low temperatures. PhysChemComm, 6(2), 6-8.
• Tournier, A. L., Xu, J., Smith, J. C. 2003. Translational Hydration Water Dynamics Drives the Protein Glass Transition. Biophys J, 85, 1871-5.
• Tournier, A. L., Smith, J. C. 2003. Principal Components of the Protein Dynamical Transition. Phys Rev Lett, 91, 208106.
• Becker, T., Fischer, S., Noe, F., Tournier, A. L., Ullmann, M. G., and Smith, J. C. 2003. Protein Dynamics: Glass transition and mechanical function. Adv Sol State Phys, 43, 677-94.
• Smith, J. C., Cournia, Z., Taly, A., Tournier, A. L., Mihailescu, D., and Ullmann, M. G. 2003. Conformational transitions in proteins and membranes. In NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry: Volume 133, ’Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and Simulations’, 485-502.
• Smith, J. C., Merzel, M., Bondar, A-B., Tournier, A. L., and Fischer, S. 2004. Structure, Dynamics and Reactions of Protein Hydration Water. Phil Trans Roy Soc B, 359(1448),1181-9.
• Tournier, A. L., Réat, V., Dunn, R., Daniel, R., Smith, J. C., and Finney, J. 2005. Temperature and timescale dependence of protein dynamics in methanol : water mixtures. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 7, 1388-93.
• Tournier, A. L., Fitzjohn P. W., Bates, P. A. 2006. Probability-based model of protein-protein interactions on biological timescales. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 1:25.
• Król, M., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., 2007 Flexible relaxation of rigid-body docking solutions, Proteins 68:1:159-69.
• Król, M., Chaleil, R., Tournier, A., Bates, P. 2007 Implicit flexibility in protein docking: Cross-docking and local refinement Proteins 69(4): 750-757
• Schmierer, B., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., Hill, C. S., 2008 Mathematical Modelling Identifies Smad Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling as a dynamics sign-sensing system. Proc Nat Acad Sci 105(18): 6608-13.
• Offman M.N, Tournier A.L, Bates P.A. 2008 Alternating evolutionary pressure in a genetic algorithm facilitates protein model selection. BMC Struct Biol. Aug 1;8:34.
• Król, M., Tournier, A. L., Bates, P. A., 2009 In-silico docking :predicting protein-protein interactions, in Structure-Function Relation in Proteins, pp:1-43
• Mao Y, Tournier AL, Bates PA, Gale JE, Tapon N, Thompson BJ. Planar polarization of the atypical myosin Dachs orients cell divisions in Drosophila. Genes Dev. 2011 Jan 15;25(2):131-6.
• Mao Y, Tournier AL, HoppeA, KesterL, Thompson BJ, Tapon N. Differential proliferation rates generate patterns of mechanical tension that orient tissue growth, EMBO J. 2013 Oct 30; 32(21):2790-803.
• Tozluoğlu M., Tournier AL, Jenkins R, Hooper S, Bates PA Sahai E.Matrix geometry determines optimal cancer migration strategy and modulates response to interventions. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Jul; 15(7):751-62
• Quirk T, Schneider R, Tournier AL, Sherr J. Do pathogenetic trials produce consistent and recognisable symptom pictures? Results from a Pilot Pathogenetic Trial Study, Homeopathy. 2014 Apr; 103(2):108-12
• Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Lüdtke R, Albrecht H. CORE-Hom: a powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy. Homeopathy. 2014 Oct; 103(4):219-23
• Heller D, Hoppe A, Restrepo S, Gatti L, Tournier AL, Tapon N, Basler K, Mao Y. EpiTools: An Open-Source Image Analysis Toolkit for Quantifying Epithelial Growth Dynamics. Dev Cell. 2016 Jan 11; 36(1):103-16
• Tournier A, Roberts E R, Viksveen P, Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review of published case reports and case series – comment by Tournier et al, Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Apr; 67(4): 388–389.
• Sherr J, Quirk T, Tournier AL. Do Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trials generate recognisable and reproducible symptom pictures?: Results from a pilot pathogenetic trial of Ozone 30c. Homeopathy. 2014 Apr;103(2):108-12
• Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Lüdtke R, Albrecht H. CORE-Hom: a powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy. Homeopathy. 2014 Oct;103(4):219-23
• De Beukelaer E, Renoux H, Nicolai T, Tournier A. Veterinary homeopathy: a defence. Vet Rec. 2017 Oct 28;181(17):456-457
• Klein SD, Würtenberger S, Wolf U, Baumgartner S, Tournier A. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 1. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 May; 24(5):409-421
• Tournier, A., Klein S., Würtenberger S, Wolf U and Baumgartner S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 2. J Altern Complement Med 2019, 25(9): 890-901.
• Tournier, A. Is Homeopathy Really that Implausible. 2019 in “Transdisciplinarity and Translationality in High Dilution Research.” Leoni Bonamin, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Tournier, A., Würtenberger S, Klein S and Baumgartner S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 3. J Altern Complement Med 2021 27(1): 45–57.
• Tournier, A. L. & Fok, Y. Y. Y. Preliminary analysis of the Clificol COVID-19 support project. International Journal of High Dilution Research 20, 6-7 (2021).
• Tournier, A. L., Fok, Y. Y. Y. & van Haselen, R. A fresh look at the concept of Genus Epidemicus: findings from the Clificol Project. International Journal of High Dilution Research 21, 02-02 (2022).
• Tournier, A. L., Fok, Y. Y. Y. & van Haselen, R. Update from the Clificol Project: Omicron in Hong-Kong and worldwide overview of the pandemic. International Journal of High Dilution Research 21, 27-27 (2022).
• Weiermayer, P. et al. How is evidence-based medicine defined? Homeopathy—a therapeutic option in medical practice! HNO 70, 72-74 (2022).
• Nagai, M. Y. D. D. O. et al. Highly Diluted Glyphosate Mitigates Its Effects on Artemia salina: Physicochemical Implications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023).
• Roberts, E. R., Eizayaga, J. E., Van Der Werf, E. T. & Tournier, A. L. HRI Online 2022: Leading International Experts Illustrate the Positive Impact of Increased Collaboration in Homeopathy Research. Homeopathy 112, 65-69 (2023).
• Schulz, V. M. et al. Systematic review of conceptual criticisms of homeopathy. Heliyon 9 (2023).
• Tournier, A., Fok, Y., Van Haselen, R. & To, A. Searching for the Genus Epidemicus in Chinese Patients: Findings from the Clificol COVID-19 Clinical Case Registry. Homeopathy 112, 30-39 (2023).
• Roberts, E. R., Mosley, A. J. & Tournier, A. L. Insights from a Decade of ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy. Homeopathy 113, 1-3 (2024).