AURANGABAD, MAY 14TH: 22nd All India Homeopathic Scientific Seminar (AIHS) was organized on 14th and 15th May 2022 at Rukmini Auditorium, CIDCO, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. This Seminar was organized jointly by, Maharashtra branch of Homeopathic Medical Association of India and Association of Management of Private Homeopathic Medical Colleges of Maharashtra.
The Seminar’s Theme was “Conquering Challenges: Homoeopathic Way”.
With 41 speakers delivering their lectures in the seminar and participation of 1500 representatives made the event a successful one.
The event also saw the launch of the book Healing Women with Homeopathy authored by Dr Kavita Chandak and published by B Jain Publishers.

Dr. Kavita Chandak, a homeopathic doctor working in Nagpur, India, went through the trouble of breaking taboos on conventional medicine and opened up the field for a healing method that is unfortunately known to only a few medical opinion leaders. The fact that she does not do this with the fanaticism of homeopaths who are uncritically convinced of his method, but always looks for scientific approaches that lead to amazing findings, is respectable.
The book covers the most important and widespread gynaecological disorders starting from menarche over dysmenorrhea to menopause reflects issues from which women suffer frequently. Sterility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast issues, constipation and urinary problems are described thoroughly. Equal importance is paid to physical and mental plane with description of the materia medica of several homeopathic remedies with special emphasis on gynaecology. Furthermore, several case reports guide the readers into the technique of successful homeopathic prescribing.
A meticulous work to look out for!