Dr Samuel Hahnemann: The Genius Master Mind - homeopathy360

Dr Samuel Hahnemann: The Genius Master Mind

No man is born great . Greatness is conferred on him by others in recognition of his good acts .Good action is preceded by good thinking . Good thinking generally comes motivates to know more to unfold the truth to hold fast to it unto death , to make others know of the truth . Others may time &again verify the same . Once they confirm they should , try to develop the same , try to make it more perfect , mankind has developed like this and will go ahead for the higher purpose of its existence . Christian Frederic Samuel Hahnemann was a talented boy . He was admitted in the town school on 20-07-1767 at the age of 12 years he was authorized to impart rudiments of the Greek language to the other students of his schools . His father after giving primary education sent him as an apprentice to a grocery store in Leipsic So that the young boy can earn as early as possible.  Magister Muller the head of the town school , the great teachers some other teachers heard of the episode. They urged the father to allow Hahnemann to return to the school with out usual fees .At 16 years of age Hahnemann joined princess school in which the same teacher of ancient language was the rector . Hahnemann natural leanings towards medical science was first exposed during his school leaving ceremony of princess school when he delivered te latin oration titled “The wonderful construction human hand “. He said none of you most honorable and learned auditors can doubt that the existence of god may be known , understood from the mechanisms of his universe , and yet I think I may today assert that it is above all else in the construction of human body that the wonderful beneficence of the supreme being is most radiantly shown forth . On 10-4- 1779 at the age of 24 years Hahnemann got his degree  “Dr. of Medicine “from Erlongen university . Later being dissatisfied with the then medical system , he left practicing medicine and used to earn his &his family livelihood by translation , original writings etc on chemistry , medical science , hygiene etc, from 1790-96 , he discovered homoeopathy , while translating Cullen’s meteria medica . Homoeopathy as one of the principles of treatment was known to the Ayurvedic rishis of India , topped by charaka (estimated about 4000 to 2000 years BC ). Some times after the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377BC), universally regarded as the father of scientific medicine worked nearly the same principle . Paracelsus (1490-1541 AD)had a similar opinion . He publicly burnt the works of Galen (131-200 AD) holding that complete break the past was essential to progress . Their contributions could not survive .

Reasons being :

1.None of them could find out and establish a definite natural law exclusively for actual cure

2.None of them could work out and establish a definite working method for applying this principle in the field of therapeutics .

It was only Hahnemann who for the first time establish medicine on the firm basis of facts perceived by human senses including the sixth sense mentioned by him as “other senses “ completely free from all form of abstract ideas and “transcendental speculations “.

The main hindrance to apply the principle  “similia similibus curentur “ was the severe adverse effect after administration of the drugs in crude form on similia basis , as it was purported to create a stronger and similar disease manifestation . In most cases a destructive aggravation stood on the way of its application .

The over dose of medicine even in crude form in few cases prescribed correctly on similia basis caused severe aggravation  . Hahnemann started thinking how the material substance could be minimized yet maintaining its therapeutic efficacy . the process of simple dilution proved futile .

After doing series of repeated diligent experiments and observations he succeeded in inventing the process of trituration and succussion , the very special process of homoeo drug preparation of various strengths .

Hahnemann could do away with the principle obstacle by the invention of his very simple but amazingly efficacious method viz. enormous reduction of the dose of medicine by the process of potentisation . By this process the material drug substance could be reduced almost to nil and the therapeutic energy liberated to maximum , while in this state , the drugs maintained their individual specificity .

Thus by this process highly toxic or inert substances could be most safely and most beneficially be used for therapeutic purpose , this phenomenon was repeatedly verified throughout his life time in 99 drug provings from its crude state to potentised state and their applications on patients .

With out this process of potentisation Hahnemann’s entire contribution to medicine would have remained a theory only with little or no practical application as in the cases of ancient thinkers .

Thus we see , homoeopathy as established as a system of medicine has totally revolutionized the traditional system of medicine built up through thousands of

years of postulations & experience . Homoeopathy as introduced is not a mere addition to medicine , a reformation in concept of medicine but a thorough revolution , after demolition of the fundamental approach, ideas theories and practice . Revolution has also been made by Hahnemann in the concept of health , diseases cure and the evolution of disease from its fundamental cause (miasm)as also cure of disease and its reversion step by step till the return of the normal health to establish this system of medicine he had to do continuous experimentation and observation , publish the results and infer the principles etc, . The difficulties faced during its practical application were continually analysed and head way shown depending on its basic principles etc, the system was completely established even by giving prophylaxis and curatives in the then relying epidemics , that was one of the greatest contribution of Hahnnemann .

We all know Hahnemann’s long journey was through rough weather . Dr. Mahendra Singh wrote the boy who prospered in spite of poverty , the student who earned his living by teaching the man who wandered through 24 towns , 2 countries , proved more than 90 medicines wrote 12 volumes 70 original essays , translated 24 volumes published more than 50,000 printed pages and who was so poor that he had to wash his clothes with potatoes , could afford to buy only one loaf per day for the whole family , the man who was the object of pride of the profession &then violent antagonism , who was applauded , vilified &again glorified . who never got freedom from poverty and wants , privations and persecutions , criticism &ridicule , faced his end with calmness of a prophet with the words  “I have not lived in vain “. After Hahnemann our school has developed many a fearless investigators , a few notable teachers &quite a number of good practitioners but only in Hahnemann is brilliantly combined a brilliant scholar , a famous physician , a multi linguist , the scholar , the discoverer , greatest experimenter , fearless investigator , meticulous observer , the accurate interpreter ,the internationally reputed chemist the great translator , hygienist , one of the most industrious man , a great philosopher one of the first philosopher , one of the first reformer of mental diseases and last of all the great revolutionist in the long history of medicine . All the above attributes were so brilliantly combined that enabled homoeopathy to stand today so firmly , in these times of medical nihilism . Towards the end of his life Hahnemann wrote  “I rejoice at the benefit homoeopathy “ has already conferred on humanity &look forward with intense pleasure to the most distant time when through I shall no loner be here

Below a future generation of mankind will do , justice to this gift of a gracious god &will thankfully avail themselves of the blessed means he has provided for the alleviation of their bodily and mental sufferings. But alas ! we the future homoeopaths , are we going to achieve the result ? today in this great occasion we are sorry to reiterate that in this revolutionary system counter forces of mixopathy , mongrelism , mixture with other pathies are rampant , perhaps more than true homoeopathy . They represent both institutionally trained and non institutionally trained practitioners , easy way to earn money , fame and name caring fig for the principles etc, (for which Hahnemann fought up to his lost day ) and want of proper practical training in homoeopathy are the main cause . The best way to celebrate this great day will be to take oath so that we can individually develop at least 10 homoeopaths in our life time who will abide by the laws of homoeopathy and practice accordingly . In turn we will request these pupils to develop at least 10 such homoeopaths in their life time individually so that in future true homoeopathy flourishes to deliver the result of somumbonum i.e, the highest good ever possible for civilization so cherished our master & repeatedly verified and found as fact . We will conclude by the writings of one of his greatest follower who tried to perfect the system unto his last days ,Dr.J,T.Kent , he tried to make others understand how great was Hahnemann in comparison with his fellow beings and he said we have climbed a foot hill , soon we see a mountain beyond but with faintest trace of human foot prints . We follow on through the mountain side steep & thorny , led by light of truth . Son the toilers grow weary &their numbers becomes smaller . In the distant past there was a multitude . The few toil up the steeps rocky mountain side , steeper more rocky as they press onwards . The distance bring to view the heavens dotted with nebulus sky & space beyond there is to be seen another mountain far away and much higher , which is yet to be climbed upon through which the clear sky , above the clouds behold the “Immortal Hahnemann “. The system at present practically undergoing renaissance in our country . not only it enjoys official recognition by the central and state governments but also the faith and confidence of millions of people who consider it to be the only dependable method of therapeutics in nearly all sorts of diseases whether acute or chronic .

There is none in this hemisphere who achieved success , fame and greatness without facing hardship , opposition or even humiliation at one stage or the other in life .

Dr. Christian Fredrick Samuel Hahnemann birth day anniversary is being every

Year celebrated by the admirers , lovers and practitioners of homoeopathy all over the world , too suffered serious set backs and persecutions before this gifted scholar talented scientist and medical prophet could successfully confer on the ailing humanity the most economical system of medicine that cures the sick speedily , safely and above all permanently . The popularity and patronage thus extended to the system can continue perpetually provided the practicing physicians religiously follow the established working doctrines laid down by the immortal master and apply then more scrupulously and accurately viz, The use of single , simple pure drugs , refined and deprived of their injurious properties and enhanced in curative power by the pharmaco-dynamical process of mechanical comminution , trituration solution and dilution according to scale in minimum or infinitesimal doses administered by the mouth , the remedy having been selected by comparison of the symptoms of the sick with the symptoms of drugs produced by tests in healthy human subjects under the principle of symptom similarity as enunciated in the maxims “similia similibus curentur ,simplex simile minimum “. This is only feasible by attaining a through knowledge and understanding of material medica and true interpretation of the teachings enshrined in organon , the so called Bible of Homoeopathy . The selection of remedies on flimsy grounds too frequent repetition or too early change of prescription without waiting for the completion of action the previous dose , unwarranted use of palliatives , simultaneous or alternate use of more than one medicine (combinations and mixtures )and that often in crude form /doses on the other hand is a detrimental departure from the simple and pure , Hahnemann practice bound to bring on early downfall of the glorious and noble art of healing for which the master dedicated his whole life . Let this never happen in our hands , let all of us therefore take a sincere pledge on this auspicious day to follow the three cordinal principles .

The trinity (the law of similar , single remedy and minimum dose ) and this will then be a real homage to Hahnemann .

Hahnemann museum in Koethen

Koethen is a small town in eastern Germany , well known as Sebastian Bach’s birth place and during the DDR regime as an area of heavy industry . At the beginning of the 19th century it became home to Samuel Hahnemann , the founder of homoeopathy . It was in this town that he first got permission from the governor to

dispense his homoeopathic remedies himself .He became the first consulting physician of Prince Ferdinand of Anhalt-Koethen .

The exhibition “homoeopathy in Koethen “is situated one of the rooms of the castle of Anhalt/Koethen , and it offers an important insight into the life and work of Samuel Hahnemann . The collection covers a vast range of items , containing very valuable exhibits about the history of homoeopathy , it relates mainly to items from the homoeopathic library , concerning Hahnemann’s work , when he practiced there including the first edition of his book “The chronic diseases “.

This contains some original signatures of his daughter Charlotte , who died in Koethen in 1863 . Another important exhibit is the first edition of the Reine Arzneimittelehre (material medica pura ), where hahnemann includes on various pages a number of additional corrections ,statements and further suggestions for the second improved edition of his book inthis document one can see how he used every space on the page in his book in this document one can see how he used every space on the page in his book . In this document one can see how he used every space on the page in his typical small handwriting often corrected even in the process of writing further exhibits include many different editions of the organon , among others one in French from the year 1832 , the papers on defense against cholera ,plus the edition of the kleine medizinische Schriften by Hahnemann.

Where Hahnemann includes on various pages a number of additional corrections , statements and further suggestions for the second improved edition of his book. In this document one can see how he used every space on the page in his typical small hand writing , often corrected even in the process of writing . Further exhibits include many different editions of the organon , among others one in French from the year 1832 , the papers on the defense against cholera plus the edition of the Kleine Medizinische schriften by hahnemann’s friend Emst Stapf , published in 1829 on the occasion of Hahnemann’s 50th medical anniversary , other items of interest are homoeopathic remedies from the time of Hahnemann as well as mother tinctures and basic substances for the production of homoeopathic remedies . W e find for example  “china bark “from which Hahnemann made his first proving  on himself .

Further exhibits such as Hahnemann’s bed from the biedermeier period , alabaster writing tools and a collection of documents concerning homoeopathy stored by the lords of anhalt give a lasting impression of this period .

     Photographs of Hahnemann and a portrait of the prince of Koethen , some old views of the town going back to the 19th century , plus other items concerning the work of this famous homoeopath in Koethen conclude the exhibition .

The museum has alwas made great efforts to complete its collection of exhibits concerning homoeopathy in the time of Hahnemann often however new items offered at auction could not be acquired due to a lack of financial means .the museum would be very grateful for further suggestions to enlarge this exhibition . Any original autographs or personal possessions of Hahnemann would be gladly received . 1835, Hahnemann had virtually retired from practice . His beloved wife , Johanna for nearly fifty years had died five years earlier and he now spent his days writing , sitting in his garden and receiving on the occasional visitor . This period proved to be only the prelude to the final chapter in his life . His new life began with a visit to Kothen by a young Parisienne named Melanie ‘D’Hervilly . ostensibly she had come to receive homoeopathic treatment from the celebrated Dr.Samuel Hahnemann , but after staying in the town for a few months their engagement was announced . They were married quietly in the front room of Hahnemann’s home in January 1835 . To the anguish of Hahnemann’s unmarried daughters , Charlotte and Louise , who still lived with their father , the newly married couple –she at the age of about 30 and he at 80 years left for a new life in Paris .

Only three months before on his 80th birth day Hahnemann was elected as an honorary member of the North American Academy of homoeopathy in Allen town , Pennsylvania the first college of homoeopathy to be established in the United states by Dr.Constantine Herring . With in two years of moving to Paris , Hahnemann driven by melanie’s personality and social ambitions set up practice in a spacious mansion at 1,Rue de Milan , his remarkable success with his treatment coupled with the promotion of his work by Melanie ,acting in a public relations role , soon made his practice the most celebrated through out France , then Europe and then the rest of the world . people from all walks of life flocked to his door ,rich and poor alike and none were turned away .

By the early 1840’s the bastions of allopathic opposition had fallen and homoeopathy was inexorably moving forward establishing itself in country after country and growing in its popularity

After a short illness Samuel Hahnemann’s long life came peacefully to its close in the early hours of 2nd july 1843 , in his 89th year , attended only by his wife ,Melanie

daughter A malie and his grand son Leopold suss . Hahnemann,he was buried in a public grave in Montmartre cemetery in Paris in 1898, his remains were exhumed and amidst much pomp and ceremony , he was reburied in the PereLachaise cemetery two years later through the generosity of the homoeopathy physicians of the united states a fourteen feet high granite monument was placed over his grave . Samuel Hahnemann had endured personal tragedy and had fought against the implacable persecution of the bigoted , prejudiced and reactionary medical establishments for most of his life . he lived to see his fight for medicalreform and his gentle compassionate approach to medicine firmly established at the same time his dogmatic and inflexible attitude in his later years ,left a legacy of conflict for future generation .

Life of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in “brief”

Born on 10th april 1755 in the town of Meissen in Saxony (eastern Germany ) the son of Christian and Johhanna Hahnemann , he was named Christian Friedrich Samuel . He had a disciplined boyhood guided by his father , who expected high moral standards , a brilliant student at the high school in Meissen , he entered the university of Leipzig in 1775 to study medicine . soon disenchanted with contemporary medicine ,he turned to the study of chemistry and after two years he left the university . After staying in Vienna and Transylvania , where he furthered his study of languages (he now spoke German,latin,Greek , English French and Spanish fluently ) .He decided to complete his medical studies at the university of Erlangen in Bavaria . Erlangen undoubtedly attracted him since it was one of the reformed , free thinking universities of his time . Where there was a critical reawakening socially , politically , spiritually and intellectually in contrast to the old narrow orthodox , approach of the older universities the awakening of this critical spirit matched ..Samuel Hahnemann’s mood and caracter ,he was awarded the degree of doctor of medicine on 10th august 1779 . he began his career as a practicing physician in Hettstedt a small ,copper mining town at the foot of the Hartz Mountains . The squalid living conditions of the miners and their families and his inability to provide effective and humane medical treatment to these poor people fueled his frustration and despair medical practice at that time was based on purging the disease from the body blood-letting or venesection was nothing short of a mania . The medical text books urged repeated ,copious venesections  “until the patient faint’s and even such conditions as whooping cough or pregnancy fell victim to the knife alternatively dozens of blood sucking leeches purgation followed including stomach rending emetics ,violent laxatives and enemas .finally if the patient has not succumbed from the treatment . Massive doses of poisonous remedies were administered small wonder that Hahnemann believed that more people died of their treatment ,rather than their diseases . 9 months later Hahnemann left for Dessau ,he wrote at this time “In Hettstedt it is impossible to develop either mentally or physically”.  Following the social custom in germany in the late 18th century .Hahnemann was a regular visitor to the local pharmacy . It was here that he followed his interest in chemistry and met the step daughter of the apothecary Johanna Kuchler , a pretty 17 year old girl whom he was to marry a , a year later Hahnemann did not stay long in Dessau and soon moved to the small rural town of Gommern . Although he enjoyed his family life with Johanna and their first born daughter ,Henriette ,once again he was frustrated in medical calling

The country people preferred folk remedy rather than a young doctor who was a stronger to them .It was in Gommern that Hahnemann began to trnslate books to supplement his meager income . He also wrote his first medical essay published in Leipzig in 1784 “entitled directions for curing old diseases .” This essay clearly showed his disenchantment .

 Hahnemann’s three Miasms Having developed theory of homoeopathy , Hahnemann went on to identify the 3 basic miasms responsible for chronic disease, looking at these  three miasms today . we can see that they correspond very closely to the 3 dimensions of love, as well as to Freud’s 3 stages of psycho sexual development . Hahnemann attributed the first miasma , psora, to scabbies or “the itch “. It represents lack destitution cold and hunger ,but also the sufferings of the I and Freud’s oral stage . the second miasma psychosis , was attributed to gonorrhea and represents excess , power and lack of control as well as the “we” and the anal stage of Frued . the 3rd miasm , syphilis , represents destruction, jealousy,  murder , and  Freud’s Oedipus complex , plus progression to the” one “-third dimension of love . a person’s psychological development is influenced by these 3 forces from the moment of his or her conception . When the gametes of the father fuse with those of the mother , riht up until the end of life .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
E-MAIL: bssuvarna@rediffmail.com